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Sales and Marketing Tips

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Bridging the Loyalty Gap between Your Brand and Millennials – AITS CAI's Accelerating IT Success. Millennials, composed of individuals born between 1982 and 1993, are well-known for a lot of things that differentiate them from Baby Boomers and Generation X.

Bridging the Loyalty Gap between Your Brand and Millennials – AITS CAI's Accelerating IT Success

For one, their connection with one another, as well as with the world around them, is highly prominent because of the technological advancements they grew up in, particularly with social media. The Power of Millennials As a business owner, you should know that Millennials currently make up a significant piece of spenders globally. In fact, a study by the Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research revealed that Millennials had a spending power of $2.45 trillion worldwide in 2015. Aside from this, they also greatly influence the latest trends and play a big part in the industry, as their experiences—whether good or bad on a product or service—can be easily posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other platforms they are in.

Establishing Relationships with Millennials. 5 Benefits of Having a Loyalty Program. A Checklist for Gaining Happy and Loyal Customers - Blog. 4 Qualities of a Successful Customer Rewards Program. 5 Reasons You Should Start a Rewards Program. Customer loyalty: 8 ways to build long-lasting relationships with your small business customers. By Apple Pineda Knowing that customers sustain a company’s life, attaining their satisfaction and catering to their needs is imperative in any small business.

Customer loyalty: 8 ways to build long-lasting relationships with your small business customers

While tapping into new markets and acquiring new customers is essential, organizations should emphasize retaining existing ones and creating loyal customers who will ensure stable business operations. According to American IT research and advisory firm, Gartner, 20% of a company’s current customers generate 80% of the profits. Moreover, cultivating customer loyalty creates an army of strong promoters along the way, which can outshine the best marketing efforts. Also, customer retention efforts are cheaper than acquiring new customers. If you want loyalty, you have to give it. Getting customers is manageable. Understand your customer’s goals The products and services your business provides are only meaningful in the context of customers’ objectives. Understand and communicate your value from the perspective of the customer. 10 Low-Cost Perks to Keep Your Sales Team Motivated.

6 Reasons You Should Implement Customer Loyalty Programs. The ability to access exclusive prices and receive loyalty discounts influence a customer purchasing behavior.

6 Reasons You Should Implement Customer Loyalty Programs

There are different types of rewards and recognition programs that businesses can offer their consumers, but the challenge lies in how effective and efficient the loyalty program is in helping the business grow, as well as making the brand known. A good loyalty program has the power to transform a business into a customer-centric profit machine.

Customer loyalty programs should be part of your marketing strategy because of the innate level of customer service they provide, and the insight into customer purchasing patterns. Here are 6 reasons you should focus on fully establishing your loyalty programs. How to Give out Rewards to a Sales Team Across 7,107 Islands. 8 Business Tips from the Top Customer Loyalty Program Trends of 2016. How to Keep Your Sales Team Motivated - Blog. How to Build a Rewards Program to Boost Sales. A Checklist for Gaining Happy and Loyal Customers. How to Build an Enviable Sales Team. 3 Attributes That Make Salespeople Likeable. At some point in our lives, a salesperson has approached us to sell something.

3 Attributes That Make Salespeople Likeable

Often times, we don’t buy from these people because of different reasons. Some are too persistent, nosy, and sometimes inconsiderate. We feel that they’re shoving their products down our throats without even caring if it’s something that we would like. We may or may not realize it, but the secret to sales is quite simple: people buy from people they like.

This is an important attribute that a lot salespeople fail to understand. Listener From time to time, I encounter salespeople who can blow anyone away with their communication skills. By choosing to listen, the salesperson is opening an avenue to establish a relationship with a potential client. Understanding Jumping off from the previous point, understanding is a skill that comes hand-in-hand with listening. Transparent As the saying goes, the truth will set you free. There are a lot of other attributes that make salespeople likeable.