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Kisskissbankbank : collectez des fonds pour réaliser vos projets. Crowdfunding. Politicians do it.
Charities too. And now for-profit entrepreneurs are tapping the Internet to get small amounts of money from lots and lots of supporters. One part social networking and one part capital accumulation, crowdfunding websites seek to harness the enthusiasm--and pocket money--of virtual strangers, promising them a cut of the returns. Like a homespun IPO, helps hoi polloi bankroll upstart fashion designers. British documentary filmmaker Franny Armstrong raised more than £450,000 ($815,000) to finance--and work full time on--The Age of Stupid, which she hopes will premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January. Subscribe Now Get TIME the way you want it One Week Digital Pass — $4.99 Monthly Pay-As-You-Go DIGITAL ACCESS — $2.99 One Year ALL ACCESS — Just $30!
PleaseFund.Us, A Crowdfunding Platform For All Your Ideas. FansNextdoor + Crowdfunding créatif. RocketHub. Collaborative Fund.
Kickstarter. Kickstarter Project Tracking Swiss Army Knife of Awesome. Top 40 Platforms for Crowdfunding Social Change. Touscoprod. The Next Big Thing in Crowdfunding? Kickstarting People. AkaStarter. My Major Company - devenez producteur. le premier studio de cinéma sur internet. Crowdfunding Platform for Science Research Grants. Donnez vie aux bonnes idées. Découvrez et soutenez des projets enthousiasmants.
Pick & Boost - Financement Participatif. Tipeee - Le tip participatif au service des créateurs du web. Crowdfunding / Crowdfunding. Please request to get permission to edit this page.
I approve people who appear legitimate so it helps to add a message with your request. Due to overwhelming amount of requests and spam, I am not activating any editors so instead please just send a brief description and URL of the crowdfunding project that you would like listed here. That is the main reason why people want edit access (as opposed to enhancing the article). Thanks. Contact Michael Sullivan - sulleleven on gmail or @sull on Twitter. This content was written in 2006 and originally added to Wikipedia by Michael Sullivan.
Crowdfunding, inspired by crowdsourcing, describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together, usually via the Internet, in order to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Overview. 13 Crowdfunding Websites to Fund Your Business. 9 crowdfunding websites to help you change the world. - Webdistortion. For many people, the thought of taking significant financial risk holds them back from jumping head-long into launching the idea that has been stuck in the recesses of their head.
This collection of sites are designed to take the risk out of that creativity and innovation, allowing even the little guy to do something amazing. Who needs venture capital funding to get their idea off the ground? If you’ve been holding back because of it, you might just find there’s help out there, fueled by the community, and managed by some of these fantastic sites, which can help you fund your idea, business startup or music project. KickStarter. A Guide to Crowdfunding Success. Brandon Mendelson is the project coordinator for A Million High Fives, the largest electronic supply and volunteer drive in America.
You can follow @BJMendelson for details. It seems as though everyone is crowdfunding or backing a crowdfunded project. Tim Ferriss, author of the popular "4 Hour Work Week", backs Litliberation, which he claims "out fundraised Stephen Colbert by a 3:1 margin", and you can't go an hour on Twitter without hearing about the latest Twitter fundraising initiative. But until now, there has not been a clear guide on how to get started, and so here's what you need to know before diving into a crowdfunding program (and how to succeed.)
Crowd Funding Monitor. For each of these, and many other questions, readers of the Crowdfunding: Key to the Future of Finance?
2013 will be able to absorb in a page or two the significant indications expert analysts (not some algorithm) have gleaned from thousands of pages of reading, anchored in a unique statistical analysis of how patterns of coverage change through time.
22 Crowdfunding Sites (and How To Choose Yours!)
Crowdfunding used to be pretty simple.
Artists, inventors, and filmmakers posted their ideas, and funders chipped in a few bucks to make something happen. Kickstarter, the site that triggered the crowdfunding movement, was the cornerstone. In three years, the site has helped launch more than 95,000 projects. Today, there are scores of crowdfunding sites. Indiegogo, Bolstr, Fundable--the list goes on.
But all sites are not created equal.
Alvarum France - Accueil. - Group Fund Anything. Crowd funding. Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet.[1] One early-stage equity expert described it as “the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience, or SPPICE.”[2] The crowdfunding model is fueled by three types of actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea and/or project to be funded; individuals or groups who support the idea; and a moderating organization (the "platform") that brings the parties together to launch the idea.[3] In 2013, the crowdfunding industry grew to be over $5.1 billion worldwide.[4] History[edit] Types[edit]
Production communautaire. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
La production communautaire, ou « production participative », est une méthode de production de contenu par un très grand nombre de personnes[1]. La mise en commun des apports individuels est facilitée par le développement des réseaux sociaux et des communautés sur internet. L’internaute contributeur peut en échange trouver une contrepartie ou un service ou d’une forme particulière d'investissement, le projet fonctionnant alors comme le ferait une coopérative ou une société de coproduction, qui reverse une participation aux bénéfices futurs.
Le financement de la production communautaire peut être assuré par un financement collaboratif.
Crowdfunding. Intermediary Platforms Research & Development platforms Innocentive – open innovation problem solvingIdeaConnection – idea marketplace and problem – IP market placePRESANS (beta) – connect and solve R&D problemsHypios – online problem solvingInnoget – research intermediary platformOne Billion Minds – online (social) challengesNineSigma – technology problem solvingIdeaken – collaborative – Community of innovators & creators.
Crowd Funding Forum.