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HOISEL - UOL Blog. The art of Matt Dixon - 3D Artworks by Soa Lee. Soa Lee is a 3D artist based in Yongin, Korea (South).
She uses 3D Studio Max to create beautiful CG portraits and digital female characters that are lifelike and stunningly detailed. View the website. Philippe Pasqua. The Art of Todd Lockwood ©2007 - Home. Unbelievable Oil Paintings by Fulvio di Piazza. Fulvio Di Piazza was born in 1969 in Siracusa, Italy.
He studied at Urbino Art Academy and currently lives in Palermo, Italy. In 2008, Di Piazza participated in the Quadriennale exhibition in Rome. In 2011, his work was included in an exhibition curated by Vittorio Sgarbi at the Italian Pavilion of the 54th Venice Biennale.
Andreas Rocha Portfolio. MELANIE DELON » ILLUSTRATOR. Khang Le. Fab ciraolo. Les environnements spectaculaires en digital painting de Fan Ming. Aaahhh ils sont forts ces Chinois quand même !
Quand ils ne nous mettent pas une claque en rachetant nos villes ou en bâtissant des constructions pharaoniques, c’est en art digital qu’ils nous font mal. Découvrez les digital paintings d’environnements de Fan Ming. Fan Ming est concept artist et illustrateur, basé à Shanghai en Chine. Fan se spécialise clairement dans la création d’environnements de fantasy et de science-fiction pour les industries du film et des jeux vidéos. « Épique » serait probablement l’adjectif le plus approprié pour décrire ses créations. Les échelles et la profondeur sont toujours énormes, spectaculaires !
Staszek Marek. Mario Wibisono Artworks. Fine arts blog » Very beautiful drawings. Hyperrealistische Stadtlandschaften: Nathan Walsh - Nachteil zu Fotos ist die lange Entwicklungsdauer []
Vor gut zweieinhalb Jahren hatte ich bereits ein paar Arbeiten von Nathan Walsh in meiner zweiten Ansammlung hyperrealistischer Arbeiten.
Jetzt wird es aber dann doch mal Zeit, dem britischen Künstler einen eigenen Beitrag zu widmen. Er war nämlich durchaus fleißig die letzten Jahre und einige neue unglaublich detaillierte Gemälde sind entstanden.
KAROL BĄK - MALARSTWO. HR Giger - The Official Website. Derek Riggs Portfolio. Illustrator. THE ART OF ALEXANDER PREUSS. The Art of Alex Gross. Tim Shumate. Solitude - 2010/2011 - A work in progress on Behance. Joefentonart.
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Solitude by Joe Fenton - Denis Zilber Art. Yann MINH official WebSite.HOME PAGE.
Ilya Nazarov - Concept Artist - Portfolio. Gavinkeech. Alex Grey. Waelad Akadan. Luke Brown ( SPECTRALEYES )
Natalie Shau. Julie Bell & Boris Vallejo. Boris Vallejo Gallery. Utherworlds. Kait. — The Creative Works and Ramblings of N.C. Winters. Boris Vallejo - Featured ArtsForge Gallery. The Art of Philip Straub. J.Scott Campbell. Frank Frazetta Home. Unofficial Frank Frazetta Fantasy Art Gallery. Artwork by Visionary Artist Mark Henson. [ = Béatrice Jusrendot & Benoit Bulcke, artistes peintres, plasticiens décorateurs. ]
JasonChanArt.Com. Index - The art of Steven Stahlberg. Crazy Awesome Paintings by Vladimir Kush.
Here is a collection of the incredible paintings of Vladimir Kush.
Vladimir has been creating these surrealistic paintings since the late 80’s. I’m extremely impressed by his work, and you should be as well! Related Plywood Paintings by Robert Romanowic Plywood Paintings by Robert Romanowic, very unique and awesome! February 8, 2011 In "Inspiration" Amazing Contemporary Paintings by Christine Krainock Christine Krainock creates original, abstract oil painting & acrylic knife painting. December 12, 2011 In "Fine Art" Ellison Design student based in CA who was one of the co-founder of AIA and
L'Univers de Luis Royo.
Beautiful Digital Illustration Art by I Chen Lin – I.D. 43. I Chen Lin is a multi tasking illustrator who has shown his potentialities for many times.
His works speaks for him. In painting style he blend cartoon and realistic style and let the work bring an eastern color, present mysterious and colorful effect. Check out some of his beautiful work. Advertisement Joel Dos Reis Viegas. Daniel - Digital Art by Daniel Lieske. D U S S O. Terry Rodgers. The Official Website. Fantasy and SciFi Artworks. Artists to check out sort. Most Popular Artists. The most popular artist searches last month: a not-to-be-taken-too-seriously measurement of which famous artists have the greatest "mindshare" in our collective culture.
Moving up: Edgar Degas (#22 to #12), Titian (#28 to #18), and realist painter Janet Fish (appearing for the first time on the list at #29). Moving down: Joan Miro (#13 to #19), Wassily Kandinsky (#11 to #24) and Paul Gauguin (#21 down to #32). How we measure popularity: In order to eliminate any kind of selection bias due to search engine ranking, external links, etc., we only count internal links from our own search box and our artist listings.
Illustration Art Gallery (IAG)
The World Artist Directory - Accomplished Artists Worldwide. Banksy. Metanamorph. G A L L E R Y. A u d r e y * k a w a s a k i. Banksy 'The Palestinian Job'
We couldn't work out if Banksy's taging of the Segregation Wall Palestine was 'Cheap publicity from other peoples misery' or 'Publicity for Palestinian misery'? So here is a review from the Intifada. Well-known UK graffiti artist Banksy hacks the Wall Nigel Parry, The Electronic Intifada, 2 September 2005 The Wall around Qalqiliya. A twenty-five foot high concrete cage cuts residents off from their agricultural land, necessary for their survival, and prevents you from traveling even 5 minutes out of the City.
A single gate, open at the whims of the occupying army, controls 100,000 residents.
Evgeny kiselev / digital artist. Vests collection New vests collection from Moscow based fashion-designer Ena Oreshkina with my printed artworks on fabric. Logitech Some patterns for Logitech Inc. Martini Soda Flirt box. The Works of Colin Thompson « Ms. Jolly Blogger. I happened to find this post hidden in my computer files, and I realize that I should have posted about Colin Thompson a looooong time ago.
Colin Thompson is an awesome children’s book author. I first discovered his work quite some time ago, while searching for new reading material at the now extinct Borders (awwww! Borders!) At the time, Thompson was a “Featured Author” and his collection was on display in the store. Intrigued, I moseyed over to the display and casually flipped through one of the books.
Irina Vinnik Portfolio. Fantasy and Concept Artwork by Ed Binkley.
Artworks / Kris Kuksi. Lori Earley. Hydro74 - Piety within Progression. The Art Of DANIELA UHLIG - Artworks, Illustration, Tatoos and more...
MAIN : Marion Bolognesi - StumbleUpon.