Secteur quaternaire. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dans le prolongement des travaux de Colin Clark et d'Alfred Sauvy, certains auteurs ont enrichi la typologie traditionnelle des trois secteurs économiques (secteur primaire, secteur secondaire, secteur tertiaire) en affirmant l'existence d'un quatrième secteur : le secteur quaternaire. Pour ce concept — relativement récent — différents auteurs proposent des définitions qui ne se recoupent pas totalement.
D'autres encore définissent le secteur quaternaire plus par les processus de production mis en œuvre que par ses produits ; ces nouvelles façons de produire annoncent l'avènement d'une « économie quaternaire». Le secteur quaternaire comme résultat d'une scission du secteur tertiaire[modifier | modifier le code] Étant donné l'importance du secteur tertiaire dans les pays développés et de l'hétérogénéité de ce secteur plusieurs auteurs ont proposé d'en isoler une partie, en tant que « secteur quaternaire »
. ↑ Nelson N. Portail de l’économie. Home - Quaternary sector of the economy. The quaternary sector of the economy is a way to describe a knowledge-based part of the economy which typically includes services such as information generation and sharing, information technology, consultation, education, research and development, financial planning, and other knowledge-based services.[1][2] The term has been used to describe media, culture, and government.[3] "Quaternary sector" is a further delineation of the three-sector hypothesis of industry in the sense that the quarternary sector refers to a part of the third or tertiary sector along with the quinary economic sector. It has been argued that intellectual services is distinct enough to warrant a separate sector and not be considered merely as a part of the tertiary sector.
This sector evolves in well developed countries and requires a highly educated workforce.[3] According to some definitions, the quaternary sector includes other pure services, such as the entertainment industry. References[edit] The Emerging Fourth Sector - The Three Traditional Sectors Businesses create and distribute goods and services that enhance our quality of life, promote growth, and generate prosperity. They spur innovation, reward entrepreneurial effort, provide a return on investment and constantly improve their performance responding to market feedbacks.
They draw on the skills, effort and ingenuity of individual workers, and share with them the economic value created by the enterprise. Non-profit organizations give us ways to celebrate, build and protect the many human values that give rise to healthy, thriving communities. Governmental organizations protect and expand the principles of democratic freedom for both individuals and communities, protecting the public interest while at the same time ensuring a level playing field of opportunity and a common framework of laws and their enforcement at a scale that matches the scale of human activity.
The Blurring of Sectoral Boundaries Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Everything Open and Free. New Rules for the New Economy. 1) Embrace the Swarm. As power flows away from the center, the competitive advantage belongs to those who learn how to embrace decentralized points of control. 2) Increasing Returns. As the number of connections between people and things add up, the consequences of those connections multiply out even faster, so that initial successes aren't self-limiting, but self-feeding. 3) Plentitude, Not Scarcity. As manufacturing techniques perfect the art of making copies plentiful, value is carried by abundance, rather than scarcity, inverting traditional business propositions. 4) Follow the Free. 5) Feed the Web First. 6) Let Go at the Top. 7) From Places to Spaces. 8) No Harmony, All Flux. 9) Relationship Tech. 10) Opportunities Before Efficiencies. ...disequilibrium, fragmentation, uncertainty, churn, and relativism, the anchors of meaning and value are in short supply.
Because values and meaning are scarce today, technology will make our decisions for us. The future of technology is networks. Let's make everything free. Next Economy @fer_ananda. Money 4 Causes... Instaurer une gouvernance écologique avec l’holacratie. Rapport de force, pulsions de l’ego, quête de pouvoir, autocratie : voici ce qui domine dans la majorité des groupes (entreprises, associations) de notre société. Pourtant, des modes de gouvernance existent proposant une alternative à cette façon d'être et de faire. Qu'est-ce que l'holacratie ? L'holacratie qui provient des mots grecs « holos » désignant « une entité qui est à la fois un tout et une partie d’un tout » et de « kratos » signifiant « pouvoir ». Il s’agit donc de donner le pouvoir de gouvernance à l’organisation elle-même plutôt qu’aux egos de ses membres.
En effet, l’holacratie est un système de gouvernance qui s’appuie sur des principes innovants et opérationnels pour permettre de faire émerger l’essence, la capacité d’innovation et le potentiel collectif de l’organisation en la libérant des peurs et des ambitions individuelles. Quel impact sur le territoire ? Instaurer l'holacratie dans une organisation permet de : Comment instaurer l'holacratie en organisation ? 1. 3. Revenu Citoyen. Trois articles concernant le "Revenu Citoyen" (ou Revenu Minimum de Dignité) Un revenu de base dans l’actuelle situation de crise économique La crise économique frappe d’une façon plus grave que tout ce qu’on pouvait penser il y a seulement quelques mois. Actuellement toutes les personnes disposant d’un minimum d’information partagent l’opinion que nous sommes face à une situation de crise sans précédent depuis le crack de 1929. Or, il y a un peu plus d’une année, beaucoup de monde considérait que nous nous trouvions dans une situation économique mauvaise, mais de courte durée.
Il s’agissait, selon cette façon de voir les choses, d’une crise semblable à celles qui ont eu lieu depuis la moitié du siècle passé. Les conséquences sociales de cette crise économique s’avèrent graves. Même s’il est impossible d’assurer, à la moitié de l’année 2009, que nous sommes aux débuts o à l’équateur (sûrement pas à la fin) de la crise, un certain nombre de ses conséquences sont déjà catastrophiques. The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet. “Brilliant” — Ray Kurzweil “This book contains a plan – probably the only plan – to save the world.” — Steven Pinker Climate change.
Finite fossil fuels. Fresh water depletion. Rising commodity prices. Ocean acidification. Overpopulation. We’re beset by an array of natural resource and environmental challenges. Yet, if we act, these problems are addressable. In this remarkable book, Ramez Naam charts a course to supercharge innovation – by changing the rules of our economy – that can lead the whole world to greater wealth and human well-being, even as we dodge looming resource crunches and environmental disasters and reduce our impact on the planet. Post Growth Institute | From Bigger, Towards Better. The Limits of the Earth — Part 1: Problems. (Credit: NASA) This is part one of a two-part series on the limits of human economic growth on planet Earth.
Part one details some of the environmental and natural resource challenges we’re up against. Part two, on the ultimate size of the resource pool and solutions to our problems, will be published tomorrow and linked here. Both parts are based on Ramez Naam’s new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet The world is facing incredibly serious natural resource and environmental challenges: Climate change, fresh water depletion, ocean over-fishing, deforestation, air and water pollution, the struggle to feed a planet of billions. All of these challenges are exacerbated by ever rising demand — over the next 40 years estimates are that demand for fresh water will rise 50%, demand for food will rise 70%, and demand for energy will nearly double — all in the same period that we need to tackle climate change, depletion of rivers and aquifers, and deforestation. The Limits of the Earth — Part 2: Expanding the Limits. (Credit: NASA) This is part two of a two-part series on the limits of human economic growth on planet Earth.
Part one details some of the environmental and natural resource challenges we’re up against. Part two, here, looks at the ultimate size of the resource pool and solutions to our problems. Both parts are based on Ramez Naam’s new book, The Infinite Resource: The Power of Ideas on a Finite Planet The Solution: Growing the Pie As part one of this series showed, we are up against incredible challenges: feeding a world with a rapidly growing appetite, the continuing loss of the world’s precious forests, the ongoing collapse of fish species in the oceans, the rapid depletion of our fresh water resources, and the over-arching threat of climate change, which makes all others far worse. Ending growth isn’t a realistic option. There’s only one acceptable way out of our current predicament.
Food No resource has driven more discussion of impending limits to growth than food. What of fertilizer? Move Commons. Alter Currency. Open Collaboration - The Next Economic Paradigm. I’ve dedicated a lot of research over the last few years to understanding the deep trends that will define the next economy. As I’ve written elsewhere, the global economy goes through a creative-destructive cycle every 50 years. And now we’re in the midst of a collapsing paradigm that is soon to be replaced by something new. In this article, I will explain what the new paradigm is and how it will impact every sector of society — including business, government, education, and basic research. The old economic paradigm was a service economy built on the digital communications revolution that began in the early 1970′s.
It is winding down now as financial capital has decoupled from productive capital and the global speculative bubble has burst. This systemic shutdown requires a new paradigm for economic production, one that has been incubating in the minds of lead innovators for several years now and is just beginning to get recognized as the next model for the burgeoning new economy. Book of the Day: The Emerging Ownership Revolution. “ownership design is the most foundational” (David Korten) * Book: Majorie Kelly. Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution. Journeys to a Generative Economy. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2012 Here is the summary from the publisher: “As long as businesses are set up to focus exclusively on maximizing financial income for the few, our economy will be locked into endless growth and widening inequality. To understand these emerging alternatives, Kelly reports from across the globe, visiting a community-owned wind facility in Massachusetts, a lobster cooperative in Maine, a multibillion-dollar employee-owned department-store chain in London, a foundation-owned pharmaceutical in Denmark, a farmer-owned dairy in Wisconsin, and other places where a hopeful new economy is being built.
As financial and ecological crises multiply and linger in our time, many people remain grim adherents of the TINA school of thought: There Is No Alternative to capitalism as we know it. Discussions of Economics and Public Policy. Latest Essay - The "slow work" movementEmployment could be made more meaningful, creative and less wasteful if economic "efficiency" was not the only measure.
I advocate going back to small enterprises where makers have a direct relationship with their customers. Too Many People, Too Little WorkModern techniques have made it possible for all the necessities of life to be fulfilled with only a fraction of the available labor pool. What to do with all the "excess" labor is not addressed in conventional economics. Must Corporations Maximize Profit? The Purpose of EducationShould education be aimed at teaching a core set of "truths" or should it be developing skills for life long self learning?
Can the US/EU be Self-Sufficient? Ricardo and MoralityTrade is based upon the idea of comparative advantage, but in practice the stronger party gets the bigger benefit. Development MoralityEconomic theories of trade are irrelevant. •Moral Hazard Poor financial behavior has revived discussions of risk. Microsoft Word - 20130918_Propositions-eco-circu_Cniid-AT-RAC-APE-FL.doc - 20130918_propositions-eco-circu_cniid-at-rac-ape-fl.pdf. Planning for a Steady State (No Growth) Society. It has been a core doctrine of the Industrial Age that businesses need to grow continually. There are no prominent politicians or economists challenging this axiom. In industrialized societies the concentration of capital leads to unequal distribution of wealth. In most societies there is strong pressure by the wealthy class to limit taxation of wealth, so income is taxed instead. The only recent counter-example was the use of inheritance tax in Britain during much of the 20th Century to redistribute the hereditary wealth of the land owning class.
In previous periods of Western history, and in much of the third world, a different model has existed. With the introduction of mechanized agriculture it became possible to produce an excess of food and this allowed the population to increase as well. As the societies changed in response to these factors the underlying philosophy of life changed as well. Until the 20th Century much of the world was unaffected by the western social ideas. Economy: The New Paradigm. A New Paradigm in Economic Thinking | Principled Societies Project. Soak the Rich. This exchange is from a conversation in Paris between David Graeber and Thomas Piketty, discoursing on the deep shit we’re all in and what we might do about climbing out.
It was held at the École Normale Supérieure; moderated by Joseph Confavreux and Jade Lindgaard; edited by Edwy Plenel; first published by the French magazine Mediapart last October; and translated from the French for The Baffler by Donald Nicholson-Smith. Moderators: You both appear to think that the prevailing economic and financial system has run its course, and cannot endure much longer in its present form. I would like to ask each of you to explain why. Thomas Piketty: I am not sure that we are on the eve of a collapse of the system, at least not from a purely economic viewpoint. A lot depends on political reactions and on the ability of the elites to persuade the rest of the population that the present situation is acceptable. But, in itself, this does not mean an economic collapse will occur. Piketty: Yes. La dette est une arme de diversion massive. Stop interrogation.
Existerait-il donc un ordre moral qui ne nous laisserait pas d’autre choix que de priver un enfant de manger sous prétexte d’une ‘crise de la dette’ et d’un déficit budgétaire à combler ? Quelle dette cet enfant a-t-il donc envers qui ? Et si celle-ci existe, peut-il seulement la payer ? Que nenni, braves gens : une dette qui ne peut mathématiquement pas être remboursée n’en est pas une. Tout le système ne tient que sur de fausses croyances selon lesquelles les règles établies sont morales, acceptables. Mais la dette n’est pas un devoir moral de rembourser autrui. La dette est ce qui permet au système actuel de fonctionner, comme moyen d’échange. Tout ceci est au mieux absurde, au pire criminel. Car non seulement la dette oppresse le peuple, le dépouille et l’asservit, mais de plus, elle agit comme un arme de diversion. Rangez vos calculettes Au point où nous en sommes, le calcul le plus important qu’il convient de faire est le suivant : STOP ou ENCORE ?
Stéfan. Économie de don. Gift economy. Single World currency. The Zero Marginal Cost Society. Post Capitalism (plus 5 layers of Corporate Transformation)