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Global. TEDGlobal 2012 on the TED Blog Monday June 25 Tuesday June 26 Wednesday June 27 Thursday June 28 Friday June 29 When it comes to time, there is the past, the present and the future. View article » An epidemic hidden in plain view Mararet Heffernan begins her TEDGlobal talk by telling us a story: In Oxford in ... Amy Cuddy must be proud: Clay Shirky walks on stage and promptly strikes a power pose. Where some people saw a social network too far, Daria Musk saw an opportunity. Architecture writer Andrew Blum has always focused on the physical landscape: our cities, our buildings, the places in which we ... More coverage on the TED Blog » Entanglement ( personas / metaconstructs ) Entpm_metaconstructs_substrates_sky-ground-water.jpg (Image JPEG, 1280x800 pixels) Introduction to Metamaps by I M on Prezi. ENTANGLEMENT_PERSONAS-METACONSTRUCTS_GEN001.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Polytopia - Our Mind Habitat in the Infoverse by I M on Prezi. Entanglement ( personas / metaconstructs ) - gavinkeech's Portfolio.

ENTPM. Projects - Polytopia. Gavinkeech personal cargo. Phases are cycling through the increase of momentum brought on by interplay sequenced through recognition. exhausting parameters to their stretched states allow the decay values to become discovered. upon discovery, arrival of presence, flows to the environments ground. intensity of emotion, feelings entwined with realisation that the possibilities can arise more probable than initially conditioned, through emergence of understanding what is required, do vectors resonate inputs, to flow freely, in their own accord towards the electromagnetic* (resonance)+ core. state / mode as an interface ( points & flows with vectors ) personas / metaconstructs = state / mode identity / experience filter = timelines dimension / environment = interface process / mechanism = actions knowledge / repository = database timelines ( personas ) are extrapolations (verb)actions ( entanglement ) are amplifications (verb)interface ( metaconstructs ) are communications (verb) hyperphysics x_axis = time’s affinity.

Gavinkeech. A Telesynaesthetic Approach to Infocology Representation by I M on Prezi. The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers. Public Intelligence Blog. Think Global / Act Local & Communicate Digitally / Connect Analogue - A 360 Degree View of Thinque's Solutions. Recently, we have had the privilege and fortune of connecting globally and locally with multinational organisations in a diverse range of markets.

Technology combined with future-minded human connectedness and connection is making this possible. Recent projects we have been working on have included a national 'Thought Leadership and Social Media Marketing' roadshow for one of the world's leading financial services organisations, scenario planning with Australia's leading bank, a 'leadership styles' program with an American pharmaceutical company, employer branding advice for one of the world's thought leading HR companies, executive coaching with pharmaceutical leaders, and an international innovation roadshow with an American-Japanese printing and digital solutions provider.

Given the depth, breadth and global nature of these programs, we thought it apt to visually demonstrate some of the services and solutions that we offer at Thinque. Global Leadership Civilization HandBook.pdf. The proposed utopia. We are increasingly fractious, anxious and agitated citizens of Spaceship Earth. We seem to know that the perfect storm of major change is upon us, and that we are living on borrowed time when it comes to economics, energy and our collective environment.

Increasingly we realize that in order to satisfy our immediate desires we are borrowing our prosperity and our current quality of life from the futures of our children and grand-children. Individually, people feel frustrated. They've had enough of being told half-truths by the mass media and of seeing the rich global elite lording it over them in place of their elected representatives. But collectively, the future is unfolding more and perhaps too slowly. Pay Attention ! We are all going to be living in an Information Society in which the convergence of all the various networks and mechanisms of communicatin will become a public place in which a veritable tsunami of dreams, lies, and unvalidated informations. September 15, 2010. Global Leadership Civilization. American Society for Cybernetics - Index. Gavinkeech: Polytopia Project Map GEN010. This iteration/generation of the Polytopia Project map (derived from notthisbody's conversation mapping +) was designed by utilising the raw information distributed to me in Australia, as it emerged in Italy, during the lead up to the Polytopia Presentation to be handed out (printed) at the TransVision 2010 conference. notthisbody, wildcat, spaceweaver and starwalker over the course of the weekend (back in the day), sent live voice recordings and ongoing 'generational conversation maps' of their discussions which consisted of distilled analysis of core values for what the Polytopia Project encompasses.

Working along side them over the couple of days and integrating the highly distilled, yet raw information from their live analysis of terms, fundamental values of what the polytopia project stands for, was a great experience and one i was stoked to be involved with. The Polytopia Project map gen010 can be downloaded here … (PDF) (JPG) Our mind habitat in the infoverse JPEG, 1086x768 pixels) :: HYPERCOSMIX :: Polytopia project. Gaia. Enola Gaia (Dr. Randall Whitaker) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Cybernetic_flowcycle_symbiosis.pdf. The Journal of Conscious Evolution.