Your Ancestors Didn’t Sleep Like You - SlumberWise. Ok, maybe your grandparents probably slept like you. And your great, great-grandparents. But once you go back before the 1800s, sleep starts to look a lot different. Your ancestors slept in a way that modern sleepers would find bizarre – they slept twice. And so can you. The History The existence of our sleeping twice per night was first uncovered by Roger Ekirch, professor of History at Virginia Tech. His research found that we didn’t always sleep in one eight hour chunk. References are scattered throughout literature, court documents, personal papers, and the ephemera of the past. “It’s not just the number of references – it is the way they refer to it, as if it was common knowledge,” Ekirch says. An English doctor wrote, for example, that the ideal time for study and contemplation was between “first sleep” and “second sleep.” Ekirch’s book At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past is replete with such examples.
But just what did people do with these extra twilight hours? Until about 1990. 1. Does Sugar Keep You Up at Night? - SlumberWise. In a recent article about Chamomile tea and sleep, I received an interesting comment about sugar. In response to my claim that decaf tea could still keep you up if it’s full of sugar, commenter Jeremy said that sugar doesn’t keep you up at all. Jeremy is right. I fell victim to one of the most persistent and pervasive myths that surround both food and sleep: that sugar gives you energy, makes you hyper, or keeps you up. Not true. Sugar adds calories to your tea, but does not have a significant effect on energy levels or sleep. In fact, sugar might even help sleep, rather than hinder. From Your Spoon to Your Blood Let’s start at the beginning. Glucose is indeed the energy molecule – and it’s available in an easily accessible form in sugar.
These starchy foods might even have an even more pronounced effect on blood glucose levels than sugar itself. Sugar Science Trumps Sugar Myth Perhaps the most common misunderstanding has to do with kids and sugar. Nope. Can Sugar Help You Sleep? Sweet Dreams. Do I Have Insomnia? - SlumberWise. Can’t sleep, even when you want to? Then yes. Insomnia isn’t a single disorder, but more of a description of symptoms. Sometimes insomnia is part of another condition, or has a common cause with another condition. Sometimes insomnia is a stand-alone affliction. The consequences of the lack of sleep vary and escalate, depending on duration. They include irritability, fatigue, exhaustion, mental fatigue, and not being able to perform during the day.
Types of Insomnia Insomnia can take many different forms – it can mean difficulty falling asleep, problems staying asleep, or sleep that does not refresh. Transient is the shortest affliction of insomnia, lasting any period for less than one week. People suffering from acute insomnia are unable to sleep for more than a week, but less than a month. Chronic insomnia is long-term, lasting for more than a month. Sleep-onset insomnia describes the condition of not being able to fall asleep at night.
Causes Some potential causes of insomnia include: How to Quit Shampoo Without Becoming Disgusting. Are you cheap? Lazy? Vaguely and perhaps unjustifiably paranoid about slathering your body with chemicals on a daily basis? Then perhaps you'd like to join the “no-poo movement”? It is more than just a hair-care revolution—it’s also the perfect way to trick others into using the term “poo”! But from here on out I’m just going to call it quitting shampoo, because it doesn’t actually involve laxatives, and it’s less a “movement” than a “beauty tip.”
Why would you want to quit shampoo? Well, there are plenty of people who will tell you that the chemicals in shampoo like methylisothiazolinone and diethanolamine can give you terrifying health problems like nerve damage and Alzheimer’s disease. So, let’s review: quitting shampoo will clear up your complexion and make your hair look awesome, plus it will save you time and money. Here’s how you do it: Step 1: Switch from shampoo to baking soda and vinegar -Next, make the “conditioner.” -Now it’s time to implement your new hair-washing routine. The Bully Too Close to Home. “Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.” –Brene Brown During the two years of my overly distracted life, I communicated more to a screen than to the people in my family. My schedule was so tightly packed that I constantly found myself saying, “We don’t have time for that.”
And because there wasn’t a minute to spare, that meant no time to relax, be silly, or marvel at interesting wonders along our path. I was so focused on my “agenda” that I lost sight of what really mattered. Calling all the shots was a mean voice in my head. Sadly, there was one person in particular who bore the brunt of my discontent: my first-born daughter. She could not make mess without me shaking my head in disappointment. She could not forget her homework, her jacket, or her lunchbox without me making a big deal about it. Maskcara. The Imperfect Wife. I was scared to walk down the aisle, but it wasn't because I was worried about stumbling over my dress.
I was worried about being a wife. I was scared to walk down the aisle, but it wasn't because I was worried about stumbling over my dress or fainting forward into the minister. Well, I was a little worried about those things, but mostly, I was worried about being a wife. My then-fiancé and now husband, Derek, and I had read the books on marriage and had asked each other the 10, 15 and 50 questions to ask before getting married. But my future role as a wife looked daunting to me, and Proverbs 31 seemed to make it worse. Women have long looked to Proverbs 31:10-31 for guidance, but it read to me like a list of attributes I could never have — a list of qualities I didn't have even as a single woman. "I'm more sarcastic than charming, Lord," I prayed. If you're on the eve of marriage and battling these same thoughts, know that it's OK to be a little afraid of your new role. Requiring Christ. Life hacks. How To Spot A Liar. The Regimen - Official Page.
Life Tricks. Shotokan Karate - 24 FIGHTING CHICKENS. One of the biggest lessons that I learned while living in Japan was how to train in such a way that I was isolating one motion from another. I wasn’t able to recognize that we were even doing it at first, but as the first few weeks went by, I began to see a major difference in the way Mr. Katayama teaches Karate in Nagoya, Japan and the way that I had practiced it back in the United States.
The difference is that Mr. Katayama understands how to teach his students to isolate one movement from another. My training in basic techniques had always been the “Watch this,” kind followed by, “Now let’s step up and down the floor practicing that while I correct your positioning at the end of each movement.” But that isn’t true. The Theory The basic idea behind isolation training is to perform portions of the technique from positions and with temporary, artificial rules that allow you to practice making a particular motion without using the rest of your body. How To Do Isolation Training 1. 2. 3. How to Speed Up, Clean Up, and Revive Your Mac. Yoga For Back Pain (Video): 7 Yoga Poses For Low Back. Is your low back excessively tight?
Do you have chronic pain in your lower back? If you answered “Yes” to these questions, you’re not alone. Americans spend over $50B per each year on back pain and as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives. Many steps can be taken to help decrease low back pain and tightness, which range from maintaining proper posture to using a mattress with the correct stiffness. Of all the steps you can take, one of the most effective may be incorporating Yoga poses into your exercise regimen.
In fact, most doctors recommend a stretching routine because it can help relieve pressure on the lower back. The following 7 Yoga poses from Celebrity Yoga instructor Kristin McGee can help increase range of motion in your joints, decrease tension in your lower back, while also reducing pain. NOTE: Please consult with your doctor before attempting any new exercises, or exercise regimen Yoga for Back Pain Pose #1: Boat Pose. How To Wash & Whiten Yellowed Pillows. At first I hesitated doing this post because it teeters precariously close to over-sharing…but the more research I did, and the more I asked around, I realized that pillows that become yellow over time is a pretty common thing! Download the How to Wash & Whiten Yellowed Pillows PDF guide for easy reference.
One of the most common reasons why pillows can turn yellow is sweat. Even when you’re sleeping your body continues to sweat to keep your body at a comfortable temperature. Depending on the type of fabric your pillowcase is made from, sweat can seep through the fabric. As the sweat dries, it can leave a yellow stain on the pillow. In the past when the yellowing got really bad, I would simply toss the pillow and buy a new one. After I read Martha’s suggestion I decided to take it to heart and set out on a mission to systematically wash all the pillows in the house, and since I was going to the trouble…I decided to address the YELLOWING issue at the same time. DRYING your pillows: 25 Body Hacks to Supercharge Yourself.
A body hack is a usable technique that can make an improvement to improve a person's life, health or mental state. These techniques are generally learned through real-life experience and are not necessarily medically recognized. Body hacks may work for some people and not for others and the only way to find out is to give them a try. Here are 24 body hacks we probably would be willing to try and one that we definitely wouldn't. Reset Your Body Clock Shift workers and travelers may be able to fast and successfully manipulate their body clocks. The SCN may be controlled through eating habits. Dr. Saper's research found that when animals were deprived of food, their body clocks adjusted to a new pattern so they could be awake when food became available. Sleep Less Developing a polyphasic sleep schedule means sleep is distributed in regularly scheduled blocks around the clock, with the sum of all periods of sleep being less than a regular night's sleep.
Become an Early Riser Get Better Sleep. 41 Camping Hacks That Are Borderline Genius. Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement - How to Empty and Clean Out Your Washer’s Drain Pump Filter | Home Savvy. Do you have a front load clothes washing machine? Have you every wondered what happens to that spare change you occasionally forget to take out of your pockets before washing your jeans? If so, this is the tutorial for you. Most front load washers have a drain pump filter which we should check and cleaning out regularly. This is the place where all your pocket goodies end up if they are not in the barrel when a load finishes. I clean out my drain pump filter monthly as advised by my washer manual. To know where to start and find out if this is a tutorial you will need, first check your washer’s instruction/info manual.
If you do not have it handy, I recommend getting your washer’s model number and looking the manual up online. Read your manual to know if your machine has such a filter and how to clean it. Failure to clean the filter may cause: Clothes to still be wet after the final spin of a wash Excessive vibration Longer than usual cycle times Unusual pauses in the washing cycle 1. 2. 3. Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit. I am a procrastinator. I always have been. It’s a character flaw, and I admit it. I’ve tried all sorts of things to beat the habit — Getting Things Done, e-mail reminders, dozens of list systems — but the only thing that seems to work is to: Do it now.
This is blindingly obvious, I know, but many people lose sight of this fundamental skill. Bank Name Minimum to Earn APY Details Barclays (FDIC Insured) Synchrony Bank (FDIC Insured) Ally Bank (FDIC Insured) Set aside blocks of time to do things. Compare your actions with your personal values. Beating procrastination isn’t rocket science, but it is psychology. Procrastinators can change their behavior — but doing so consumes a lot of psychic energy. Can you tell I’ve been struggling with procrastination lately? GRS is committed to helping our readers save and achieve their financial goals.
This article is about Self-Improvement Basics Psychology Self-Improvement The Best of Get Rich Slowly.