SPACE - Travelogue. Oral Site. SARMA. Cairography 2: Emergency Edition edited by Cairography Collective (January 2021) With the second edition of Cairography, Sarma and HaRaKa continue their collaboration, ten years into post-revolutionary Egypt.
Cairography 2: Emergency Edition (2020) comes after a year of losses, between a deadly pandemic and a series of political catastrophes. The publication aims at provoking new dialogues through theoretical texts, interviews and artistic works between the Arabic speaking region and western practitioners. The collection was edited by Cairography Collective (Adham Hafez, Ismail Fayed and Myriam Van Imschoot), copyedited by Adam Kucharski and media-disseminated by Cindy Sibilisky in both English and Arabic.
Cairography was initiated by HaRaKa and developed in collaboration with and through the support of Sarma. Conversations in Vermont by Lisa Nelson, Steve Paxton, Myriam Van Imschoot and Tom Engels (November 2020) Conversations in Vermont (2020) can be accessed here. Upcoming screenings: Constant - Cuisine Interne Keuken. SPIN. VTi: Who's Who / Index. Amicale de production - LE JEU DE L'OIE. PSi Manifesto Lexicon.
HIROSHIMA. Konventzero.com. Laboratorio de artes en vivo. Azkuna Zentroa - Home. HOME - Sismògraf Olot - Sismògraf. Festival de dansa a Olot. La Générale d'Imaginaire. Plaine Images. Public meeting/debate - Création & Créativité : du geste gracieux à la rentabilité du geste - 05/06/2015. BEPART » The Public Imagination Movement » Page 1. Invisibilia - Tecnologie per la documentazione dell'arte contemporanea. Trafó. Kitchen Budapest ◻ Hi, we are KIBU! Művelődési Szint [MÜSZI] Sinarts English. Le Tripostal / Lille. Créer un compte Créez votre compte et recevez toute l’actualité qui vous ressemble.
Le Tripostal est un lieu dédié aux expositions d'art contemporain à Lille. C'est depuis "Lille 2004 Capitale Européenne de la Culture" que le Tri Postal est devenu un espace d’accueil et de programmation. Ajouter à mes favoris Mes favoris Votre actualité a bien été ajoutée à votre fil d'infos. Votre actualité a bien été retirée de votre fil d'infos. Créez votre compte et enregistrez les articles qui vous intéressent. Construit dans les années 50 pour trier le courrier de la Métropole puis reconverti en lieu culturel à l’occasion de « Lille 2004, Capitale Européenne de la Culture », le Tripostal est devenu un espace majeur de la création contemporaine. Sans être un centre d’art ou un musée c’est un lieu d’art et de vie, situé en cœur de ville, entre les gares Lille Flandres et Lille Europe. Pour connaître l'actualité de lille3000, rendez-vous sur www.lille3000.eu à télécharger Infos pratiques Adresse Voir le plan.
Public meeting/debate - Culture & Laïcité - 10/06/2016. Mengi. History Mengi was opened in December 11th, 2013.
The venue was designed by Elísabet Jónsdóttir, designer and Hrafnhildur Jónsdóttir, architect. Mengi has hosted hundreds of events with artists from all around the world. Artists that have performed at Mengi include Skúli Sverrisson, Ólöf Arnalds, Jim Black, Chris Speed, Sóley, múm, Arve Henriksen, Aisha Orashbayeva, Fred Frith, Tim Hecker, John Hollenbeck, Hildur Guðnadóttir, Stilluppsteypa, Úlfur Eldjárn, Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Bill Frisell, Lee Koonitz, S.L.Á.T.U.R., Katie Buckley, Halldór Eldjárn, amiina, Hilmar Jensson, Úlfur Hansson, Kira Kira, dj. flugvél og geimskip, Óskar Guðjónsson, Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, Indriði Arnar Ingólfsson, Berglind María Tómasdóttir, TInna Þorsteinsdóttir, Kriðpleir, Gyða Valtýsdóttir, Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir, Kjartan Sveinsson, John Hollenbeck, Ilan Volkov, Roscoe Mitchell, Sidsel Endressen, Bára Gísladóttir, Mugison and more.
Verk Produksjoner. Margrét Sara GUDJONSDOTTIR. Brokentalkers. Kviss bumm bang. Icelandic dance company. Iceland Dance Company (IDC) is the national dance company of Iceland.
Established in 1973, IDC is an independent public institution responsible for developing, creating and nurturing contemporary dance and choreography in Iceland. Iceland Dance Company is a progressive contemporary dance company constantly building a repertoire of choreography by many of Europe’s leading choreographers, e.g. Jón Gnarr, the comedian who became mayor. There are a few ways to get famous in Iceland, says Jón Gnarr, most of which revolve around the whimsical Icelandic character, personified to the rest of the world by Björk.
To be Icelandic, he says, is to be “flexible” to sudden changes of fortune (it’s probably a weather thing). Culture centre and theatre in West Iceland. Sardegna Teatro. CHIUSURA ESTIVA - dal 13 al 29 agosto BIGLIETTERIA INFOPOINT070/2796620info@sardegnateatro.it INGRESSO VIALE TRENTO 9 lunedi/venerdi 10.00 - 13.00 | 16.00 - 19.00 sabato e domenica nei giorni di spettacolo 17.00 - 20.00 La strategia di promozione verso il pubblico è sostenuta da una politica dei prezzi conveniente e innovativa che trasforma il tradizionale sistema di abbonamento agli spettacoli abbandonando l’idea della Stagione a titoli fissi e sperimentando delle formule CARD scalabili.