Les Nouveaux commanditaires. Democracy's ideal would be that no one is just the spectator or reject of a story they don't feel part of any longer, and instead everyone is able to become a fully-fledged player, as a citizen.
Such an ideal poses a daily fundamental question: how can one create a common world with individuals who have become free and equal, with different conceptions et convictions ? The aim of the Nouveaux Commanditaires protocol is to take on this challenge by opening a new chapter in the history of art. Over two centuries after the democratic revolutions, citizens still remain the great absentee from the art scene even though this is the terrain where they could freely exert, test and solve their fundamental cultural needs.
It is also there that one creates and experiments, for their benefit, new types of relations to oneself and to others, to time and to the environment. François Hers. Valérie Pihet - SPEAP - Program of experimentation in arts and politics. This text is written from my experience of SPEAP – Program of experimentation in arts and politics – as I co-founded it with Bruno Latour in 2010 and as I ran it until 2014.1 We decided to create this program to face up to the necessity of imagining new articulations between arts, social sciences and politics, while raising the question of what it means to do art, science or politics and what are or should be their respective and collective roles within society.
This necessity was felt vividly by us while we were working on the exhibition Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy,2 and were confronted with the difficulty of making artists and researchers collaborate, especially on political issues. In a format of experimentation, the purpose of the exhibition was to share and test the common problem of the crisis of representation through the simultaneous exploration of the political, the scientific, and the artistic based on questions such as ‘Are we well-represented?’ Figure 1. Association Betula Lenta - Chorégraphe : Maxence Rey. B-PROJECT. Pierre Redon & Marche Sonore. Quartier Rouge. Cette nouvelle création de Pierre Redon bénéficie du soutien du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication par l’intermédiaire de la DRAC Limousin dans le cadre d’une commande publique de la Communauté de Communes Creuse Grand sud.
Il est également soutenu par le Plan Loire grandeur nature (programme FEDER Loire), par la Région Limousin et la Région Poitou-Charentes. Après une phase d’étude (2012), il est actuellement en phase de réalisation et sera inaugurée en avril/mai 2016. Le Projet de Marches Sonores s’inscrit dans la continuité de la pratique et des recherches artistiques menées par Pierre Redon sur les questions de territoire, d’écologie et d’environnement. Troisième volet d’une série de Marches Sonores sur le thème de l’eau, par le biais d’une réalisation in situ utilisant les supports radiophonique et éditorial, propose une œuvre dans l’espace public comme lecture et expérience sensible d’un territoire à l’échelle de plusieurs régions. Le contexte De la source à la mer.