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Bitter Tasting Medicine? Here’s What You Can Do. Children are not the only ones troubled by bitter medicine.

Bitter Tasting Medicine? Here’s What You Can Do

Some adults face the same dilemma too. Why Sign Up for Auto Rx Refills? Nearly half of American adults are prescribed with medication for chronic diseases.

Why Sign Up for Auto Rx Refills?

Unfortunately, many people do not adhere to their medication regimens for a variety of reasons, from forgetfulness to financial concerns. Tip 101: How to Read Drug Labels. If you find it hard to make sense of the information on your prescription drug labels, you are not alone.

Tip 101: How to Read Drug Labels

However, failure to understand these labels may lead to medication errors, such as taking the wrong dose or the wrong medication. Want to better understand those drug labels? Orlando Pharmacy, as a leading retail pharmacy in Orlando, lists some common information found in drug labels and what they mean. Active Ingredient and Purpose.This section lists all of the ingredients that make the medication work, and what its purpose is. It also informs you what the active ingredient does and how much of it is contained in each dose.

Conclusion. Dangerous Food-Drug Interactions You Should Avoid. The foods you eat can interfere with the medications that you take.

Dangerous Food-Drug Interactions You Should Avoid

You may not recognize it, but you should know that otherwise healthy foods can have dangerous consequences when mixed with certain medications. At Orlando Pharmacy, a reputable pharmacy in Orlando, Florida, we have listed some of the most dangerous food-drug interactions that you need to be aware of. Vitamin K + Warfarin Warfarin is a blood-thinning medication that helps prevent and treat blood clots. Eating certain foods, particularly those rich in vitamin K, can reduce warfarin’s effectiveness. The highest concentrations of vitamin K are found in green leafy vegetables, including spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, turnip greens, and Brussels sprouts.

Conclusion. You Only Need One Pharmacy and Here’s Why. This may seem like a marketing ploy, but in truth, there are health reasons behind it.

You Only Need One Pharmacy and Here’s Why

Four Myths on Women’s Health. Folklore, age-old beliefs, and myths already disproven by science still seem to prevail in the modern world.

Four Myths on Women’s Health

Unconventional beliefs are still being acted on by many women today. This leads us to question — to what extent do women know about their health and the myths that come along with it? So, our team at Orlando Pharmacy has compiled these four myths on women’s health: Myth #1 Red Days are Safe DaysAs much as we’d want to feel safe during these days, that’s just not the case. We can still get pregnant even during our period. We hope this article has been helpful. What Medicines and Supplies to Stock at Home. Emergency preparedness in our homes includes making sure that your medicine cabinet is well-stocked.

What Medicines and Supplies to Stock at Home

Not only that, but you also need to ensure that your medicines haven’t expired yet. For this, you need to conduct a regular check of your first-aid cabinet to verify if all your stocks are usable in case of an emergency. But, what should you fill your first-aid kit with? As a Retail Pharmacy in Orlando, we recommend the following over-the-counter medicines and supplies to keep at home: Pain Relievers (Acetaminophen)Anybody at home can be in pain from headaches, stomach aches, or other body pains. Keeping Yourself Safe When Taking OTC Drugs.

For minor ailments, many people buy over-the-counter drugs right away from a Pharmacy in Orlando, Florida.

Keeping Yourself Safe When Taking OTC Drugs

OTC drugs are those medications you can buy without having to show a doctor’s prescription. This does not mean that you can just take them however you like. Remember, these are medications that contain various ingredients. Each ingredient can have a different effect on you. So, keep yourself safe when taking OTC drugs through the following tips: Hacks: Ensuring Medication Management at Home. How do you manage your medications at home?

Hacks: Ensuring Medication Management at Home

When we were younger, this may not seem to be a very hard feat. After all, we only take medicines when we get sick. What You Need to Know About Food-Drug Interaction. The way your medicine works is affected by what you eat and drink.

What You Need to Know About Food-Drug Interaction

This is commonly known as food-drug interaction. If you are buying meds at a pharmacy in Orlando, Florida, it is important to ask what kind of changes happen after you eat and drink certain foods to avoid diluting the effects of your medicine or even causing harm to your body. When you ingest food, caffeine, or alcohol, expect the following food-drug interaction: The medicine is prevented from working the way it should be.The side effects of the drug will become better or worse.A new side effect will appear.

Other Facts Affecting How Medicines Work It isn’t just food, alcohol, and caffeine that affect the way your medicine works. How Can You Address Possible Prescription Addiction? The aspect of getting addicted to regular prescriptions can have wide dimensions. This can be common to our elderly loved ones who are taking long-term medicines. The dimensions include different reasons why they have been hooked to improper use of their medicines. What to Research on When Looking for a Pharmacy. There are several important things we need to consider before partnering with a retail pharmacy, or any kind of establishment for that matter.

Most of these will have to do with our needs. Orlando Pharmacy is a well-respected Pharmacy in Orlando, Florida that provides prescription medications, vitamins, over-the-counter drugs, and many other quality products that could aid us with our health issues at home. To top it off, we also offer helpful information on diseases and conditions and the symptoms that come with them. If you have a list of prospect pharmacies you’re looking to work with, narrow it down by researching on the following factors. 3 Reasons Why You Should Include Vitamins in Your Diet. Vitamins are something that we see and hear about on a daily basis, but are they truly beneficial to our lifestyles? There are many different kinds of vitamins out there and they offer different benefits. 3 Tips for Effective Weight Loss. Losing weight is a battle that most of us have experienced.

Even though we all have our own reasons to lose weight, we all go through the same journey. Losing weight is something that can be a challenge for many people, and no matter what they try, it feels like nothing is working. However, weight loss does not have to be difficult. What You Need to Know About Generic Medications. When you are visiting your local retail pharmacy in Orlando, Florida, you will be presented with two options. You can purchase brand name drugs or you can get generic medications. The most obvious difference between the two products would be the price. Generic drugs are far more affordable compared to their brand name counterparts but does this mean they are any less safe or effective to use?

3 Tips for Saving Money on Your Medications. It is no secret that medications and medical supplies can cost a fortune, especially when you are treating a long-term condition. 5 Helpful Tips in Proper Diabetes Care. Although many take it for granted—as it doesn’t necessarily take a life as painfully and quickly as cancer—diabetes is actually a serious disease, which can even be life-threatening if proper care and measures are not taken. Diabetes is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin—a hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood—is damaged or impaired. This results in the abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates, and an alarming increase of glucose in the blood. Because of this, a number of diseases may rise, including kidney and heart diseases, and blindness.

Keep Yourself Healthy in 4 Steps. One should never compromise when it comes to health and well-being. When you take measures in taking care of your body and mind, you are not just preventing yourself from getting sick, you are also paving the way towards a happier and fulfilled life. Achieving and maintaining good health and wellness requires discipline, and of course, the right food, supplements, medication, and medical supplies to aid you to a more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle.

Being healthy and taking care of your body is all about your mindset. 5 Basic Medical Supplies Your Home Should Have. Accidents happen everywhere. Make Your Hair Healthier with These Tips. Strong and shiny hair is more achievable when you… Keep your hair protected. Your hair strands may be tough now, but a number of elements can make them vulnerable to damage. Be sure to shield your hair from excessive exposure to the sun, heat, pollution, dirt, etc. with the use of an umbrella, scarf, or hat regularly.

Always Talk to Your Pharmacist. For those who are regularly taking medications, it’s not unusual to be confused or have questions about your prescriptions or physician’s instructions. Most of those with health challenges can also be preoccupied with thoughts about their condition, as well as other matters in life outside of their health. Diseases and Conditions - Orlando Pharmacy - Orlando, Florida. Live a Healthy Lifestyle! If you plan to embark on a journey to health and wellness, then there’s no better time to start than today. Pharmacy - Orlando Pharmacy - Orlando, Florida.

Orlando Pharmacy is among the most trusted Retail Pharmacies in Orlando Florida. Serving the Orlando community for over 60 years, we are in the business of building relationships. 4 Solid Reasons Why Your Personal Hygiene Matters. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene? A lot of people are not so keen on keeping good hygiene. Some might even say it’s time-consuming and a lot of effort. But what they don’t realize is that keeping your body clean and fresh actually comes with a lot of benefits!

Seemingly Innocent Habits That Actually Ruin Your Eyesight. Are you reading this article because you have been experiencing a bit of eye strain lately? Skim down the short list of habits below to see if you’re guilty of any of them: Staring too long at your smartphone. Ah, there’s a reason this is at the top of the list. Finding the Best Pharmacy for You. What Can You Do to Save Money on Your Medications? A One-Stop Shop for Your Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Needs. Six Things Women Who Smell Amazing Always Do. What You Need to Know About Keto Diet. Tips for Taking Your Medicines Safely. 5 Rules in Managing Your Senior’s Medications. Easy Tips for Creating the Best First Aid Kit. Is Depression an Illness? 6 Things You Can Do to Maintain Healthy Skin. Sinusitis: 6 Ways to Relieve Yourself from the Pain and Discomfort. Tips for Maintaining a Healthier Lifestyle.

Need to Lose Weight: Effective Weight Loss Tips. Quick Tips That Can Prevent Hair Damage. Is It Good to Take Multivitamins? The Different Kinds of Medications that We Have. What Not to Eat while Taking Antibiotics. Wound Care: It’s Pharmaceutical Management. Tips for Saving Money at the Pharmacy.