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Tae kwon do

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Tae Kwon Do Forms. Click on the links to the left to explore the several different sets of Tae Kwon Do and Korean forms in use today.

Tae Kwon Do Forms

Through out these pages you can view sample videos of the various form sets used in Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do, learn about the various histories and meanings of the forms and see pictorial diagrams. For those wanting immediate gratification, the video clips for each form set are listed below for immediate access. * ITF Tuls courtesy of visit some for expansive info on ITF Tae Kwon-Do. Forms or "Hyungs" in Korean, are a series of defending and attacking movements performed against imaginary opponents in a set pattern. Taekwondo ITF Form 1 (Chon-Ji) Video Instructions for Taekwondo ITF Pattern 1 (Chon-Ji) Written Instructions for Taekwondo ITF Pattern 1 (Chon-Ji) * Since some ITF schools seem to have slightly different instructions for Chon-Ji, I have included alternative versions of this Taekwondo pattern.

Taekwondo ITF Form 1 (Chon-Ji)

The main difference seems to be different names for the same stances (i.e. back stance versus L-stance). Do-San Tutorial. Intermediate Form: Won Hyo. Won Hyo Tul and basic movements for grading to 5th kup.