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Content Not Found. Wild Medicine: Herbal Healing - Plant Talk. Posted inGardening Tips onSeptember 3 2013, by Sonia Uyterhoeven.

Wild Medicine: Herbal Healing - Plant Talk

Hole Mole: Hot Pepper Great for Fresh or Dried Use – Cultivate to Plate. The ‘Hole Mole’ variety of hot pepper is a Pasilla hybrid that produces long peppers with about a level 700 on the Scoville Scale.

Hole Mole: Hot Pepper Great for Fresh or Dried Use – Cultivate to Plate

Growing Hole Mole Peppers If starting by seed, fill each cell with sterile seed starting soil and lay the seeds on top. Cover with a light covering of the soil and lightly sprinkle with water to make the soil moist and keep it moist during germination – however you don’t want the soil soaking or left to dry out. Keep in a warm spot until the seeds sprout. Wait until the temperature is warm outside before transplanting or the fruit won’t set properly. Raised Garden Beds (and More!) From Reclaimed Wood : 8 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables. This is the part where you turn old crappy fence boards or rafters into usable lumber.

Raised Garden Beds (and More!) From Reclaimed Wood : 8 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

You'll also be salvaging a lot of perfectly good (if a bit rusty) nails. Make sure you wear eye and ear protection for this! Impact sounds from repeatedly hammering wood are particularly bad for your ears, and every time you try to pry a rusty nail out of a board you run the risk of breaking the head off and getting an eye full of steel.

Companion planting

Green house designs. Start No Dig. A large part of no dig’s success is to do with the relative absence of weeds.

Start No Dig

You save so much time, and are free to be more creative, with less of the constant need to weed. Incidentally I love wild areas and buzzing wildlife, but am not a fan of weeds in the veg patch or flower borders. They can easily go from just a few, to swamping all other growth, especially new sowings and plantings. No dig makes it possible to enjoy a clean garden with mixed plantings, beautiful and productive, full of wildlife too – especially in the soil. Vegetable Planting Guide For Zone 8 - Tips On Growing Vegetables In Zone 8. Gardeners living in zone 8 enjoy hot summers and long growing seasons.

Vegetable Planting Guide For Zone 8 - Tips On Growing Vegetables In Zone 8

Spring and autumn in zone 8 are cool. Growing vegetables in zone 8 is pretty easy if you get those seeds started at the right time. Do you eat your fig leaves? Here's 5 ways to prepare them. - Our Permaculture Life. My fig tree (Ficus carica) is sprouting an abundance of soft large tender leaves at the moment.

Do you eat your fig leaves? Here's 5 ways to prepare them. - Our Permaculture Life

It’ll be a while till there are any figs ready, and to be honest, in this climate (subtropical), the amount of figs I can harvest is quite small. I have placed the fig tree in my landscape design to be close to the chicken house. Lemon verbena and honey granita. The lemon verbena plant that I planted last year and almost lost to a summer storm, is now firmly established and positively thriving.

Lemon verbena and honey granita

Whenever I pass it I can't resist rubbing a leaf, because it smells so wonderful. Transferring that wonderful lemony scent to taste is quite easy - simply steeping it in some boiling water for about 10 to 15 minutes does the trick. This granita is infused with the aroma of lemon verbena, soured with a little lemon juice, and sweetened with a delicate acacia honey. Any light colored honey will work here instead. FS089E.pdf. The tricky matter of when to harvest garlic. TIMING IS EVERYTHING, THEY SAY, AND WITH GARLIC HARVEST that’s especially true.

the tricky matter of when to harvest garlic

Organic fertilizer and pest control

Frühlingskabine Micro-Farm. We are finally, finally getting our “Herb and ‘Shroom Garden” going.

Frühlingskabine Micro-Farm

And when I say finally, I mean FINALLY. 101 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You. I like to use natural top soil to start my garden seedlings in.

101 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You

I usually don't use potting soil because it generally does not produce the results I want. I usually fill a large, deep baking pan I have with top soil and bake it for thirty minutes at 350 degrees.

How to grow.....

Overwintering Stevia Plants. It’s getting cold here in the —time to bring in the stevia plants before our first hard freeze. As far north as USDA plant hardiness zone 8, stevia plants can usually survive winter in the field. The tops might die back, but the roots can survive as long as the ground does not freeze. Mulch can help prevent frozen ground. Move lemon grass to warm quarters for winter. Vern Nelson/Special to The Oregonian Many readers tell me they love lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) for its intense lemon flavor and light fragrance. Now they're worried about how to overwinter these frost-tender plants. The good news: Overwintering lemon grass is easy. TreeHugger.

Lemon balm

Video: Why Waste Coffee Grounds When Delicious Mushroooms Love to Grow on Them? Medicinal herbs and plants. Which is Best When Starting a Garden - Build Existing Soil or Buying Compost ? Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Edible Flowers, How to choose Edible Flowers, Eatable Flowers, Edible Flower Chart, List of Edible Flowers, Incredible Edible Flowers. Edible flowers are the new rage in haute cuisine Photo of edible flowers picked in Linda's garden in July (lavender, thyme, dill, cilantro, day lily, squash blossom, Nasturtiums, chives, and basil).

Organic Gardening Videos. Vegan & Gluten Free Christmas 2011. A while back we received an email from one of the editors at Bon Appétit Magazine, asking if we wanted to create a vegan and gluten-free Christmas menu for them, as a special web feature. We usually aren’t strictly vegan or gluten-free, but were so flattered by the offer that we didn’t have to think more than 2 seconds before answering them that we would happily take it on as a challenge (while dancing a silly dance and singing “We are working with BA, we are working with BA…”). We came up with five different recipes; Cinnamon roasted root vegetables, Mustard kale salad, Spiced spinach tarts, Christmas falafels and a Pomegranate cheesecake. It is always fun to cook at Christmas since you get to use holiday flavors like saffron, clove, cinnamon, mustard and lemon.