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Jens Förster - UvA (FMG)

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(mirror) Social Psychological and Personality Science-2012-Förster-108-17. Sense Creative! The Impact of Global and Local Vision, Hearing, Touching, Tasting and Smelling on Creative and Analytic Thought. Members integrity commission UvA sept2012. KNAW - LOWI report. Additional inquiry ordered by UvA 4okt2014. (pdf) 2014 UvA manipulatie onderzoeksgegevens. ( mirror ) - 2014 UvA manipulatie onderzoeksgegevens.

Response Jens Förster - & experts counterresponces. Media about 29april2014 -->> Markus Denzler: Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam. Webarchive: Markus Denzler: Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam. SLKoole : Jens Förster: 'My co author... FreezePage. SLKoole : Jens Förster: "The conclusion... Psychologen trekken lering uit fraudezaak Förster Folia Web. Door Marieke Buijs 2014 was voor de UvA ook het jaar waarin hoogleraar sociale psychologie – ja, nog één!

Psychologen trekken lering uit fraudezaak Förster Folia Web

– Jens Förster onderuit ging. Net toen hij op het punt stond te vertrekken naar de Ruhr-Universität Bochum, alwaar een beurs van 5 miljoen euro op hem wachtte, adviseerde het Landelijk Orgaan Wetenschappelijk Integriteit de UvA in ieder geval één van zijn onderzoeksartikelen terug te trekken. In oktober maakte de universiteit bekend op aandringen van Försters mede-auteurs al het werk dat de psycholoog tussen 2007 en 2014 bij de UvA deed te onderzoeken op fraude, zo meldt NRC. In juni vertrok de beste man bij de UvA en sindsdien is er afgezien van een interview in Psychologie Heute (pag 40) niet meer van hem vernomen. Complicerende factor bij het beoordelen van het werk van Förster is het feit dat hij geen ruwe data kan aanleveren die zijn gepubliceerde bevindingen onderbouwen. How Power Analysis Could Have Prevented the Sad Story of Dr. Förster. Background In 2011, Dr.

How Power Analysis Could Have Prevented the Sad Story of Dr. Förster

Förster published an article in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. The article reported 12 studies and each study reported several hypothesis tests. The abstract reports that “In all experiments, global/local processing in 1 modality shifted to global/local processing in the other modality”. For a while this article was just another article that reported a large number of studies that all worked and neither reviewers nor the editor who accepted the manuscript for publication found anything wrong with the reported results. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Preisträger 2014. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision regarding the awarding of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to Professor Dr Jens Förster will be taken in April 2015.

The Selection Committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation voted in April 2013 to award an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to the psychologist Professor Dr Jens Förster from the University of Amsterdam.

Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision regarding the awarding of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to Professor Dr Jens Förster will be taken in April 2015

Professor Förster was nominated by the Ruhr Universität Bochum and was supposed to take up his position as a Humboldt Professor there in mid-2014. On 22 April 2014, just a few days before the scheduled ceremony to award the Humboldt Professorship, the University of Amsterdam came to the conclusion in the course of an investigation that Professor Förster was responsible for a case of scientific misconduct. In keeping with its rules of good scientific practice and at Professor Förster’s request, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation subsequently suspended its funding decision until the facts have been clarified and its Selection Committee has deliberated. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision regarding the awarding of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to Professor Dr Jens Förster will be taken in April 2015. The Selection Committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation voted in April 2013 to award an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to the psychologist Professor Dr Jens Förster from the University of Amsterdam.

Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision regarding the awarding of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship to Professor Dr Jens Förster will be taken in April 2015

Professor Förster was nominated by the Ruhr Universität Bochum and was supposed to take up his position as a Humboldt Professor there in mid-2014. On 22 April 2014, just a few days before the scheduled ceremony to award the Humboldt Professorship, the University of Amsterdam came to the conclusion in the course of an investigation that Professor Förster was responsible for a case of scientific misconduct. In keeping with its rules of good scientific practice and at Professor Förster’s request, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation subsequently suspended its funding decision until the facts have been clarified and its Selection Committee has deliberated. Retraction appears for social psychologist Jens Förster. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision on the Humboldt Professorship for Jens Förster expected to be announced on 7 May 2015. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Decision on the Humboldt Professorship for Jens Förster expected to be announced on 7 May 2015. Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Social psychologist Jens Förster relinquishes Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.

The social psychologist, Professor Dr Jens Förster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, has relinquished his Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.

Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Social psychologist Jens Förster relinquishes Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

The deliberations scheduled to take place with the Foundation’s executive bodies on the decision to temporarily suspend sponsorship are, therefore, not being held. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awarded Jens Förster a Humboldt Professorship in 2013. He was due to move from the University of Amsterdam to Ruhr-Universität Bochum in mid-2014. In March 2014, the Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI) came to the conclusion that Professor Förster had been responsible for scientific misconduct in a publication. The University of Amsterdam concurred with this assessment. “We respect Professor Förster’s decision and hope that the allegations raised against him, which are still a matter of controversy amongst experts, can be definitively clarified,” said the President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Helmut Schwarz.

Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Social psychologist Jens Förster relinquishes Alexander von Humboldt Professorship. The social psychologist, Professor Dr Jens Förster, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, has relinquished his Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.

Alexander von Humboldt-Professur - Social psychologist Jens Förster relinquishes Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

The deliberations scheduled to take place with the Foundation’s executive bodies on the decision to temporarily suspend sponsorship are, therefore, not being held. Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam. Content 1 a.

Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam

Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam. Content.

Social Cognition Lab at the University of Amsterdam

Social psychologist relinquishes chair after data manipulation charges. Jens Förster, the German social psychologist found responsible for data manipulation last year, has withdrawn his candidacy for a prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB).

Social psychologist relinquishes chair after data manipulation charges

His decision was made public today in a statement by the Humboldt Foundation. It's unclear whether Förster decided to relinquish the professorship—which comes with €5 million in funding—because he expects an ongoing investigation to issue a damaging report. Also unclear is whether Förster can continue to work at RUB, where he currently has a temporary position; a long personal statement published today on Förster's website doesn't directly address that issue. "I will leave the materialistic and soulless production approach in science," the text reads, however.

Beleaguered Förster turns down prestigious professorship, citing personal toll. Jelte Wicherts sur Twitter : "After Förster case, Humboldt foundation should reconsider handing out perverse €5m grants (incl. €900k salary bonus) Jelte Wicherts sur Twitter : "Jens Förster is informed about results of further investigations into his work & relinquishes his €5m grant. Förster ziet af van Humboldprofessoraat - NRC Handelsblad van donderdag 23 april 2015. Van fraude beschuldigde Förster ziet af van miljoenenbeurs.

​Zesduizend euro schadevergoeding vanwege seksberichtjes docent. Jens Förster social priming scandal. The scandal-ridden field of social priming research has taken yet another blow.

Jens Förster social priming scandal

Leading social psychologist Jens Förster has resigned his prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) after being found responsible for data manipulation. Förster, formerly a leader in his field, was investigated by a Dutch national research integrity panel in 2014 and found to have manipulated data in a 2012 study about the effect of auditory and olfactory ‘priming’ on cognitive ability. Förster’s resignation comes following another broader reaching investigation conducted by his former employer, the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The results of that investigation are yet to be published, but a UvA source says that the report is finished and that Förster has been informed of the findings. Förster denies any wrongdoing and feels like he is “the victim of an incredible witchhunt”. This article is published by Xavier Symons and under a Creative Commons licence.

New Omerta in Germany ? not again !

Radio Bochum :  Der Sozialpsychologe Jens Förster kommt nicht an die Ruhr-Universität. Ruhr-Uni Bochum bootet Statistik-Dozenten aus. Wenn das nichts für seine leidgeplagten Statistikstudenten ist: Vor ein paar Jahren entdeckte Raphael Diepgen, Dozent an der Ruhr-Uni Bochum, eine Studie mit einem sensationellen Ergebnis. Wer an Sex denkt, schneide besser im analytischen Denken ab. Das wollte das Forscherteam eines renommierten Sozialpsychologen herausgefunden haben. Was für eine Vorlage, um die trockenen Vorlesungen aufzulockern, dachte Diepgen. Wenn Sie gute Statistiker werden wollen, erklärte er den Studenten fortan scherzhaft, denken Sie doch häufiger mal an Sex. Im vorigen Jahr bekam der Running Gag der Vorlesung mit einem Mal ein besonders Gewicht.

R-Index sur Twitter : "#JensForster Bochum University may take disciplinary actions against inconvinient statistician via @SPIEGELONLINE" FreezePage: Dr. phil. Diepgen. Dr. phil. Diepgen. Psychologe an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und ausgebildeter Verkehrspilot - Hart aber Fair - ARD. Raphael Diepgen wurde 1954 in Düsseldorf geboren. Für ihn ist das Fliegen ein Kindheitstraum, trotzdem geht er beruflich zunächst in eine andere Richtung: Von 1974 bis 1981 studierte er in Berlin, Aachen und Bochumg Mathematik, Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Psychologie (Diplom). 1981 bis 1983 folgte ein Referendariat (Lehramt) und von 1983 bis 1985 war er Lehrer am Nikolaus-Ehlen Gymnasium in Velbert.

Daneben absolvierte er eine Grundausbildung in klientenzent­rierter Gesprächspsychotherapie. Von 1985 bis 1989 war er Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Fakultät für Psychologie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; nebenbei Zusatzausbildung in Gesprächspsychotherapie. Es folgte die Promotion. FreezePage: Dr. phil. Diepgen. Stephan Neuhaus sur Twitter : "Criticise a prof, get fired? Lecturer analyses statistics by Jens Förster, told that he can't teach stats any more. Rolf Degen sur Twitter : "Critic of embattled psychologist Jens Förster sidelined by University that wanted Förster's professorship. Ralf Neuhäuser sur Twitter : "#Sopsy bei Prof. Dr. Jens Förster - Geben macht meist glücklicher als nehmen!

Psychologist Jens Förster earns second and third retractions as part of settlement. Jens Förster High-profile social psychologist Jens Förster has earned two retractions following an investigation by his former workplace. He agreed to the retractions as part of a settlement with the German Society for Psychology (DGPs). The papers are two of eight that were found to contain “strong statistical evidence for low veracity.” According to the report from an expert panel convened at the request of the board of the University of Amsterdam, following an extensive statistical analysis, the experts conclude that many of the experiments described in the articles show an exceptionally linear link. One of those eight papers was retracted in 2014. “Relations between perceptual and conceptual scope: How global versus local processing fits a focus on similarity versus dissimilarity,” which has 81 citations, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge — three more since we reported in November it would be retracted.

The retraction notes also include the abstracts of the papers. Weer twee artikelen van ex-UvA-hoogleraar Förster ingetrokken. Opnieuw publicaties Jens Förster ingetrokken - AmsterdamFM. Journals flag two papers by psychologist Jens Förster. Journals have flagged two papers by prominent social psychologist Jens Förster — whose work has been subject to much scrutiny — over concerns regarding the validity of the data. Förster already has three retractions, following an investigation by his former employer, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in the Netherlands.

In 2014, we reported on the first retraction for Förster for one of three studies with odd patterns that were flagged by the UvA investigation, a 2012 paper in Social Psychological and Personality Science; subsequently, the Netherlands Board on Research Integrity concluded that data had been manipulated. Three statistical experts from the UvA then carried out a more in-depth analysis of 24 publications by Förster, and found eight to have “strong evidence for low scientific veracity.” Last year, Förster agreed to retract two more papers as part of a deal with the German Society for Psychology (DGPs); those retractions appeared earlier this year. Twee artikelen van ex-UvA-hoogleraar Jens Förster ‘geflagd’

No official statement by Uni

Start - Manfred Nussbaum und Jens Förster am Systemischen Institut für Positive Psychologie Köln. Systemischer Therapeut, Berater und Supervisor Dr. Jens Förster - Manfred Nussbaum und Jens Förster am Systemischen Institut für Positive Psychologie Köln. Ich bin außerordentlich froh, die neue Praxis im Kölner Hof 242 mit meinem Partner bezogen zu haben. Ich habe nun 16 Jahre lang als Professor gearbeitet und einen breiten Wissensschatz erworben. Dabei sind über 100 Artikel und Bücher entstanden und ich bin stets neugierig auf neue Projekte. Als Führungskraft konnte ich sowohl im In- als auch im Ausland wichtige Erfahrungen sammeln. Spannend war meine Zeit als Direktor des Kurt-Lewin-Instituts der Niederlande, dessen Existenz bedroht war, als ich es übernahm.

Gemeinsam mit einer kleinen Schar von Kollegen konnten wir erwirken, dass diese preisgekrönte, vormals staatliche Organisation in eine private Finanzierung überführt wurde. Kreativität ist auch beim Coaching oder in der Therapie gefragt - schließlich ist jeder Mensch und jede Organisation so einzigartig wie ihre Probleme! Systemischer Therapeut, Berater und Supervisor Dr. Jens Förster - Manfred Nussbaum und Jens Förster am Systemischen Institut für Positive Psychologie Köln. Ich bin außerordentlich froh, die neue Praxis im Kölner Hof 242 mit meinem Partner bezogen zu haben.

Psychologist under fire leaves university to start private practice. Jens Förster Jens Förster, a prominent social psychologist whose work has been subject to much scrutiny, recently left his position at Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany to start a private psychology practice. We’ve verified with the university that Förster no longer works there, but the circumstances of his exit are not entirely clear. Förster’s research has faced considerable scrutiny in the past few years.

A 2015 report describing an investigation into Förster’s work concluded that several of his papers likely contained unreliable data. (mirror) The full report, Evaluating the Scientific Veracity of PhD Theses Written under Supervision of Prof. Dr. Jens Förster. Proefschriften begeleid door Jens Förster onderzocht. Proefschriften begeleid door Jens Förster onderzocht - Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Proefschriften begeleid door Jens Förster onderzocht - Universiteit van Amsterdam. Dissertations supervised by Jens Förster reviewed. Following research into the statistical veracity of the data used in publications by Jens Förster, four dissertations he supervised have been reviewed. In June 2015, three independent statistical experts found strong statistical evidence of ‘low veracity’ in the results of eight publications by social psychologist Jens Förster.

The UvA subsequently notified the respective journals and requested a retraction or expression of concern. The UvA also announced that the dissertations supervised by Jens Förster would be investigated. The study into these four theses has now been concluded. The authors Letty Koopman, Frans J. The full report, Evaluating the Scientific Veracity of PhD Theses Written under Supervision of Prof. Following receipt of the report, the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam has requested the editors of the Journal of Experimental Psychology to retract the article by Gillebaart et al. (2012). Dissertations supervised by Jens Förster reviewed - University of Amsterdam. Following research into the statistical veracity of the data used in publications by Jens Förster, four dissertations he supervised have been reviewed. In June 2015, three independent statistical experts found strong statistical evidence of ‘low veracity’ in the results of eight publications by social psychologist Jens Förster.

The UvA subsequently notified the respective journals and requested a retraction or expression of concern. The UvA also announced that the dissertations supervised by Jens Förster would be investigated. The study into these four theses has now been concluded. The authors Letty Koopman, Frans J. The full report, Evaluating the Scientific Veracity of PhD Theses Written under Supervision of Prof.

Following receipt of the report, the Executive Board of the University of Amsterdam has requested the editors of the Journal of Experimental Psychology to retract the article by Gillebaart et al. (2012). Dissertations supervised by Jens Förster reviewed - University of Amsterdam. 13 December 2017 Following research into the statistical veracity of the data used in publications by Jens Förster, four dissertations he supervised have been reviewed.

In June 2015, three independent statistical experts found strong statistical evidence of ‘low veracity’ in the results of eight publications by social psychologist Jens Förster. The UvA subsequently notified the respective journals and requested a retraction or expression of concern. Twijfels over data in proefschrift dat Förster begeleidde.