Council Background and Overview. Defining Resilience We all know perfectly well what resilience means until we listen to someone else try to define it.-– Dr. George Vaillant, 1993 In existing research studies, the construct resilience has varied meanings. In the early days of research on people who did well despite adversity, the terms "invulnerable" and "invincible" were used. However, these terms proved to be not quite accurate as, in the words of Dr. Michael Rutter, they implied an "absolute resistance to damage. " Rutter goes on to note: ... no one has absolute resistance; rather, it is more appropriate to consider susceptibility to stress as a graded phenomenon.
Masten and Coatsworth (1998) define resilience globally as manifested competence in the context of significant challenges to adaptation or development. " there has been a significant threat to the individual. Foster (1997) distinguishes among coping, adaptation, and resilience. ER has usually been operationalized using the California Adult Q-Set (CAQ, J. Council Background and Overview. Building a Resilient Workforce: Opportunities for the Department of Homeland Security: Workshop Summary. In his remarks, Robert Ursano agreed with Norris’s assertion that resilience is a process with multiple factors. He identified the four primary factors within the process as (1) mission, (2) organizational function, (3) individual, and (4) time.
Ursano suggested that these factors form a matrix in which all four are interrelated and that a comprehensive program for resilience requires consideration for each section of the matrix. For example, within DHS there are operational and law enforcement missions. Imbedded within each mission there may be response teams, decontamination teams, or administrative tasks such as budgeting. Each of these roles requires different types of personnel and operates on varying timelines.
All of these factors vary between missions, and all influence the specific situation. When considering the four quadrants within the resilience matrix, several significant mediators can serve as risk or protective factors for building resilience. Stress, Risk, and Resilience in Children and Adolescents: Processes ... - Google Books. Mediator Variable vs Moderator Variable.
Introduction to Research Design and Statistics Mediator Variable vs Moderator Variable There is often confusion among students concerning the difference between a mediator variable and a moderator variable. The explanation involves some concepts that haven't been introduced at this point but it can still be worthwhile to discuss these types of variables. In general, a given variable may be said to function as a mediator to the extend that it accounts for the relation between the predictor and the criterion. Mediators explain how external physical events take on internal psychological significance. Mediator Variable Consider the following path diagrams: IV -> independent variable DV -> dependent (response) variable MV -> mediator variable Researchers clarify the meaning of mediation, by introducing path diagrams as a models for depicting a causal chain. Moderator Variable Example: References: Adapted from SFB 504 Glossary Intro Home Page.
Mediation_JPSP_final.pdf. 14_1_Roe.pdf. Jacoby & Sassenberg_Moderator mediator same time_20110215.pdf. Mediator moderator. Moderator Mediator. Dr. Adam Butler This page contains a definition of moderator variables and mediator variables, links to more information, and a few exercises to test your understanding of the concepts. Moderator Defined A moderator variable changes the strength of an effect or relationship between two variables. Moderators indicate when or under what conditions a particular effect can be expected. Mediator Defined Mediator variables specify how or why a particular effect or relationship occurs. Links It may be valuable to take a look at some additional explanations of moderators and mediators on the web: David A. There is a Wikipedia entry on the mediator/moderator distinction.
Exercises The following exercises are derived from Affective Events Theory (Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996). 1. Does this describe mediation of moderation? 2. Does this describe mediation or moderation? 3. 4. References Baron, R., & Kenny, D. (1986). Cooper, M. Mohr, C. Weiss, H.