> Patrickfacchin
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BonzoTeam, itinerario in moto sulle strade austriache della Carinzia. Penultima tappa straniera del viaggio nelle Alpi di BonzoTeam, prima della sosta in Slovenia e del doveroso, dopo dieci giorni, rientro in Italia.
Oggi si passa in Carinzia, terra di natura suggestiva e percorsi da sogno. Splende il sole al risveglio e la colazione è come al solito ricca ed abbondante, ci attende una giornata impegnativa e lunga ma piena di luoghi di grande fascino!
Turkmenistan's Astonishing Attempt To Build A City Of The Future. Cosa vedere in Catalogna: Peratallada - I paesi più belli della Catalogna. Eclettismo a gogò alla Casina delle Civette. 10 INCREDIBLE THRILL SEEKING ADVENTURES TO DO AROUND THE WORLD. 31 Places Everyone Should Visit Before They Die. Posted on July 9, 2014.
15 Amazing Places You Can Tour on Google Maps. 1.
The White House – Visit the home of the president of the United States. 2. Smithsonian American Art Museum – Get your culture on.
I 7 mercatini di Natale più grandi d’Europa. Metti una notte in un faro del Mare del Nord. 29 Fascinating Photos You’ve Probably Never Seen BeforeTales Maze. The lava lake of the continuously active volcano Erta Ale, Ethiopia Where the Great Wall of China ends A geyser right before eruption Bavarian town of Nordlingen built in a 14 million year old meteor impact crater A huge dust storm that hit Western Australia in early 2013 A rare 360 degree rainbow captured from an airplane Climbers going up Mount Everest in May 2013 Daytona Beach 1957 An aerial view of a scrap tire dump Bagger 288, the largest land vehicle in the world A cross-section of an undersea cable.
35 Things You See Every Day In Dubai. Select the destination for your trip - Church-built-across-a-deep-river-gorge-...-Las-Lajas-Sanctuary-Ipiales-Colombia.jpg (JPEG Image, 965 × 723 pixels) - Scaled (91%)
10 Most Beautiful Villages in Europe. From the Alps to the Mediterranean, these frozen-in-time European villages will make you appreciate the beauty of taking it slow.
Reaching some of these European beauties requires extra effort, yet the rewards are dazzling. Your eyes will thank you. Hallstatt, Austria The storybook town of Hallstatt in central Austria enjoys a gorgeous setting on the bank of the Hallstätter See, between the pristine lake and a lush mountain that rises dramatically from the water’s edge. A history of salt mining dating back thousands of years has translated into enduring prosperity for the town, which is most evident in the beautiful square ringed with ivy-covered buildings.
The 10 best treks in the world. These 10 classic treks are for serious walkers.
All of them require a sturdy pair of lungs, fit legs and a good amount of preparation. However, if you choose to go on any of these trails then you will be rewarded with experiences that last a lifetime.
40 Incredible Secret Places Most Travelers Don't Know About. The Last One Blew Me Away...
Scandinavia travel guide. The word “Scandinavia” evokes many images.
Endless fir forests, awe-inspiring fjords, wilderness, and lately, perhaps, crime fiction and noir thrillers such as Borgen, Wallander and The Killing. It’s all these things, of course, but this hardly does justice to the region’s vastness and diversity. To the North is the Arctic Circle, where polar bears roam, the summer sun lasts 24 hours, but an implacable dark descends in a winter lit, if you’re lucky, by cosmic northern lights. Although not in Scandinavia, Finland, where Russia's cultural orbit is felt, also has a Nordic feel with vast expanses of lake and forest inhabited by wild bears stretch beyond sight. Nomadic reindeer herders range from mountain to forest and the naked sauna is a national pastime.
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Most Beautiful Villages Around The World photo. Popeye Village, is a group of rustic and ramshackle wooden buildings located at Anchor Bay in the north-west corner of the Mediterranean island of Malta.
Photo by: Mosin Village on the bank of the Niger river, Mali. Photo by: Yann Arthus-Bertrand Hidden mountain village in Southern China. Photo by: Christian Ortiz. Google Street View Hyperlapse. A Teehan+Lax Labs experiment for creating interactive Google Street View hyper-lapse animations.
Learn more about this project. See the possibilities Built with Hyperlapse.js, Three.js (r57), a modified version of GSVPano.js, and Google Maps API v3. This site requires WebGL and is best viewed in Google Chrome on a decent machine. Tweet. 30 Incredible Views you’d see if you were a bird. Spotty News. Pubblicata il 22 Jan 2014.
21 Unseen Tunnels That Will Convince You Heaven Is On Earth. #14 Is Simply Magnificent!
This world is a beautiful place, but you haven’t seen heaven on earth on earth until you’ve seen these unbelievably gorgeous tunnels! I can’t believe these are real, but they are! These magical places make me want to pack my bags and travel. Which is your favorite? 1. The Dark Hedges Of Northern Ireland. Città abbandonate: Hashima, l’isola fantasma del Giappone. Mag 26, 2013.