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Arduino Your Home & Environment: Arduino ACS712 Current Sensor. The ACS712 is a very easy to use bi-directional current sensor.

Arduino Your Home & Environment: Arduino ACS712 Current Sensor

It comes in 5, 20, and 30 amp versions, and there's only one line of code that needs to be changed depending on which unit you have. This sensor outputs a small voltage that increases with current flowing through the sensor. It isolates the current being monitored from the Arduino, so there's no risk to the Arduino. Most breakout boards come with the needed resistors and caps already installed, so physical hookup consists of +5vdc, gnd, and analog out to one of the Arduino analog inputs.

The polarity sensitive current sense pins connect in series with one of the power wires to the device being monitored (either production, or consumption). In the picture above, looking at the lower right image, the left terminal is the more positive terminal, and the right terminal is the more negative terminal. Wi-Fi for Everything. MegaISP. Mega-ISP will make your Arduino function as an AVR-ISP programmer.


Mega-ISP seems to be better maintained than Programmer2. Mega-ISP is shipped with the Arduino software from version 0018 as an example called ArduinoISP. This also has a tutorial page with the right wiring. Problem with auto reset Arduinos with auto reset capabilities(i.e. Alternatively avrdude would have to be patched to accept a delay between connection and programming, and Arduino to request the delay. There's been success by adding sleep(4); at the end of ser_open() found on avrdude-5.10's ser_posix.c. Links: This is a short guide on how to use your Arduino as an ISP, it was first published on the Arduino forum, so go visit if you have any questions: I recently bought the "Graphic LCD Serial Backpack" from Sparkfun ( When reading the comments for the product.

I will now try to explain as best as I can, how to upload the new firmware. The following DO NOT work with the Arduino Uno, for more information visit: avrdude done. Programming an Arduino with USBASP. Lecteur enregistreur carte SD pour Arduino. Afficher le sujet - Lecteur de carte SD pour Arduino. Arduino et lecteur de carte mémoire SD Composants utilisés Principe de fonctionnementUn lecteur de carte SD permet de lire et écrire sur toutes les cartes mémoires SD au format standard.

Afficher le sujet - Lecteur de carte SD pour Arduino

Le shield Internet W5100 utilise par exemple les cartes micro-SD plus petites (un adaptateur permet de s'en servir aussi dans les appareils utilisant le format large). Ces cartes SD sont compatibles avec les téléphones mobiles, ordinateurs portables, appareils photos, caméscopes, caméras GoPro, dictaphones, etc...On peut y stocker toutes sortes de formats de fichiers. I2C interface for LCD. The PFC8574 and the PFC8574A are I2C port expanders that can be uses to connect a parallel LCD to the I2C pins of the Arduino (or other microcontroller) The PCF8574 has addresses ranging from 0×20 to 0×27 (up to eight PCF8574 devices may be used on the same I2C bus).

I2C interface for LCD

Loading Program to Arduino Pro Mini « Tutorial by Cytron. Arduino Pro Mini is a compact but powerful Arduino board.

Loading Program to Arduino Pro Mini « Tutorial by Cytron

Being designed with the idea to minimize the cost, the on-board USB to UART chip is taken out. leaving the board with pure ATmega microcontroller, voltage regulator and reset button. Yes, it’s lower cost compared to the typical Arduino Duemilanove or Arduino Uno. We started to carry this tiny little board early of Feb 2012. You can get it from our web-store here, cost you less than RM60.00 and you will get: FTDI Friend. Long gone are the days of parallel ports and serial ports.

FTDI Friend

Now the USB port reigns supreme! But USB is hard, and you just want to transfer your every-day serial data from a microcontroller to computer. ArduinoExpertCanLcdCapteurCourantACS714. ARDUINO - CAN - LCDPar X.


HINAULT - Créé le 14/03/2010 1. Présentation. Capteurs Kit pour Arduino. Documentation des modules Keyes. ACS712 Breakout - BOB-08882. Description: This is a breakout board for the fully integrated Hall Effect based linear ACS712 current sensor.

ACS712 Breakout - BOB-08882

The sensor gives precise current measurement for both AC and DC signals. Thick copper conductor and signal traces allows for survival of the device up to 5 times overcurrent conditions. The ACS712 outputs an analog voltage output signal that varies linearly with sensed current. The device requires 5VDC for VCC and a couple of filter capacitors. Features: Modulo Extremo – Voice Recognition Module Elechouse. Vamos a introducir a la comunidad un módulo muy interesante, consiste en un aparato que permite grabar comandos de voz de una longitud no mayor a 1300 milisegundos, y puedes grabar hasta 15 de estos comandos de voz, pero sólo interactúa en grupos de 5 comandos a la vez.

Modulo Extremo – Voice Recognition Module Elechouse

La comunicación es mediante puerto serie y su gestión puede realizarse desde cualquier tipo de host (PC, microcontrolador, etc). Tener en cuenta que sólo funciona para la voz grabada aunque si alquien puede imitar tu timbre entonces también reconocerá el comando. Más abajo les indicamos donde pueden conseguirlo. Información relevante del módulo. Utiliser le DHT11 avec un écran LCD. Vous désirez connaitre facilement le taux d’humidité ou la température de votre appartement ?

Utiliser le DHT11 avec un écran LCD

Ça tombe bien, moi aussi et je vais vous expliquer comment faire.