Four Ways to Give Good Feedback. When effectively administered, feedback is a powerful way to build knowledge and skills, increase skills, increase motivation, and develop reflective habits of mind in students and employees. Too often, however, the feedback we give (and get) is ineffectual or even counterproductive. Here, four ways to offer feedback that really makes a difference, drawn from research in psychology and cognitive science: 1. Supply information about what the learner is doing, rather than simply praise or criticism.In “The Power of Feedback,” an article published in the Review of Educational Research in 2007, authors John Hattie and Helen Timperley point out that specific information about how the learner is performing a task is much more helpful than mere praise or, especially, criticism.
(MORE: Secrets of the Most Successful College Students) 2. According to Deci, a third feedback condition that can reduce learners’ engagement is an uncomfortable sense of competition. 3. 4. 7 Characteristics of an Innovative Educator. Written by Rachelle Wootten What are the characteristics of an innovative educator? Reflective – As an educator, it is important to reflect on what is working and what is not. Even though it can be a little uncomfortable, we have to admit when a great lesson was really a flop. We must constantly examine our processes and our concepts to make sure they are what is best for the students we teach. Learners- An innovative educator is always learning, reading, listening. Every student, staff member, professional development opportunity is viewed as an opportunity to get better and be better in the classroom and in the education community at large.
They create local and global professional learning communities. Creative- When I say creative I don’t mean in the sense of artistic even though some innovative educators fall in this category. Connected- It’s hard to be classified as innovative when you are disconnected from your students and trends in the profession. Inquisitive- How can I improve? 13 Ways to Be an Exceptional Teacher. GtQuick—tell me the name of your most favourite teacher ever. The one who influenced you the most; the one who had maximum impact; the one who brought out the best in you and made you think you could do anything you set your mind to. Made you feel special. It could have been Mrs Brown who taught you Art and brought out the artist in you. Perhaps it was Mr Peters who showed you how great an athlete you are. You do remember them, right? What makes these exceptional teachers so different from the vast majority of educators out there?
#1 They relinquish control “A good teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary.” – Thomas Carruthers The teacher who takes on the role of a facilitator rather than the authority is an absolutely joy to learn from. They are not here to dictate, but to encourage. . #2 They learn on the job Fancy degrees don’t produce fantastic teachers, although the formal know-how of theory and practicum does help. #3 They aren’t always fun #4 They don’t know everything.
Cultivating a Positive Environment for Students. Building a Positive, Trusting Classroom Environment. Believe it or not, I had a bit of a freak-out before the first day of school. All summer, I had prepared my curriculum, re-thought my lesson plans, reflected on the energies I would put out to my students, and got plenty of professional development (specifically in science and math integration).
Yet, a few hours before I went to bed, I posted on Facebook, "Always nervous about the first day of school with the students. Not because I'm scared of them, but because I want to do right by them. " Despite my best efforts, I always feel like I can do better. Then, on the first day, I received a text message from one of my former students saying how much she missed her teachers -- including me.
This reminded me that, despite some of my mistakes, I did a few things well last year, and these strengths continue to be the signature I leave on every class of students. Here are some positive trends that I've noticed: 1) Rarely Use the Word "Wrong" 2) Take Arguments Outside. The Anatomy of a Great Teacher (Infographic) 4 Ways to Ensure Students Learn While Creating. When was the last time your students said “Wow, that worksheet changed my life”? Can you even remember a similar cookie cutter classroom activity or assignment from your days as a student?
Yet they were a popular tool because they were structured and efficient in getting the class to a set finish point. Education, guided by a focus on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, is moving towards an emphasis on creation and innovation in the classroom. Though technology did not spark this movement, it has fueled the process by providing students with exciting and powerful tools. But is creation synonymous with learning?
Can students even create without learning? How can we ensure that what they create has value? The Exploding Volcano Project The past archetype for creation in schools is best embodied by the Exploding Volcano Project. The real question for teachers the becomes “Did the students presenting, and the other students in class, truly understand the learning objective behind the project?” 1. 2. 3. 11 Ways to be an Inquiry-based Teacher. It’s hard to run an inquiry-based classroom. Don’t go into this teaching style thinking all you do is ask questions and observe answers. You have to listen with all of your senses, pause and respond to what you heard (not what you wanted to hear), keep your eye on the Big Ideas as you facilitate learning, value everyone’s contribution, be aware of the energy of the class and step in when needed, step aside when required.
You aren’t a Teacher, rather a guide. You and the class find your way from question to knowledge together. Because everyone learns differently. You don’t use a textbook. And then there’s the issue of assessment. Let me digress. So how do you create the inquiry-based classroom? Ask open-ended questions and be open-minded about conclusionsprovide hands-on experiencesuse groups to foster learningencourage self-paced learning.
In the end, know that inquiry-based teaching is not about learning for the moment. Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-8 technology for 15 years.