JAX BUILD GUIDE: The True Terror of Closed Beta Jax by Dyrus. Katarina Build Guide. Voracity This passive is really nice, and synergizes well with Katarina's kit.
Every time you get a kill or assist, your basic spells are instantly refreshed, and your ultimate's cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds. This opens up many opportunities for Katarina during fights and laning phase. If she successfully dives for a kill early on, and uses Shunpo to go in, instead of dying to the turret aggro, she can instantly Shunpo back out to a creep since the cooldown on it will be refreshed. Shunpo, any time she gets a kill or assists in a kill, which is easy to do with her spells, they come back instantly, allowing you to even more damage. Deathfire Grasp (which you should still pick up if your jungler lets you, as must junglers don't need a blue past 1st or 2nd, and the CDR is really nice on Kat). Overall, a really nice passive for Katarina. Bouncing Blades This skill is amazing in so many ways: for farming, harassing at range, and to dish out a lot of AoE damage in mid-late game.
Shunpo and. Akali Build Guide. There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance.
Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou and it employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. Akali is one of these shadow warriors, entrusted with the sacred duty of Pruning the Tree - eliminating those who threaten the equilibrium of Valoran. A prodigal martial artist, Akali began training with her mother as soon as she could make a fist. Shen and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. ''The Fist of Shadow strikes from the cover of death itself. NASUS BUILD GUIDE: The Nasus Guide by Hyfe. I see a ton of questions about who counters Nasus, etc. on the forums.
I find this fairly ironic considering 75% or more of the common top lane roster is favored in a lane against Nasus, and at least a dozen can completely shut him down. Also I always see incredibly stupid shit in these threads like "Irelia hard counters Nasus" or "Cho wrecks Nasus". After seeing these threads for months I've grown tired of some of the misinformation spouted and decided to add a list of all the common top lane champions.
I will briefly break down each lane, items to buy, tips and tricks, and and over all rating of the lane difficulty. Final conclusion on the lane will be given in the form of: Favorable, Challenging, and Get Wrecked. Please note that this list is not a guarantee that you will win or lose said match-up, as your competence and the competence of the enemy factor very largely into this. CAITLYN BUILD GUIDE: One Shot. One Kill. by Chaox. Passive: HeadshotEvery 8 / 7 / 6 attacks (at level 1 / 7 / 13) (attacks while in brush count as 2), Caitlyn will fire a headshot, dealing either 150% damage to a champion or 250% damage to a minion.
Explanation: Caitlyn's passive is very straight forward; bonus damage. It's obviously good. The bonus damage helps a lot if you're soloing top or duo laning bottom. It also allows Caitlyn to get red/blue buff in a timely manner. Q: Piltover PeacemakerCaitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot which deals 20 / 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 (+130% Attack Damage) physical damage (deals 10% less damage to subsequent targets, with a maximum loss of 50%). Piltover is a great nuke, wave clearer and poking tool, but the cast time on Piltover is insanely long. W: Yordle Snap TrapCaitlyn sets up to three traps to find sneaky yordles, which trigger on champions. Traps last for 4 minutes. Cooldown 20/17/14/11/8 Cost 50 mana Range 500 Can chain snare off things like Warwick ult and GA.