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Heuristics. Mongolia. China. GEISHAS: THEIR TRAINING, DUTIES, CLOTHES, SEX, RYOTEI, HAIRDOS, HISTORY, GEIKOS, MAIKOS, AND MALE GEISHA. 19th century geisha Geisha (meaning "art person") are women who practice the 250-year-old art of gei ("artistic skills"), and have traditionally entertained and charmed wealthy customers men with music, dance, song and witty conversation.

Some think they look dolls. By en large men are supposed to admire but not touch. [Source: Jodi Cobb, National Geographic, October 1995] "Through discipline and talent, the geisha has created a life of beauty. She has made herself into the image of the perfect woman, the embodiment of Japanese culture and refinement, a living work of art," wrote Jodi Cobb in National Geographic. "Her business is to sell a dream---of luxury, romance, and exclusivity---to the wealthiest and most powerful men in Japan. Being a geisha was one of the few ways a woman---or even a person---of “common birth could achieve wealth, status and fame. Websites and Resources Gion is the main geisha district in Kyoto .

History of Geishas Geishas and courtesans were different. Page Top.

North Korea

Does Your Cambodian Girlfriend Dream About Snakes? | May 10, 2009GavinMac I spent a lot of time with a Cambodian woman last week. I came back to the U.S. yesterday, and today she called me to report that last night she had a dream about snakes. She thinks it means that someone loves her and soon she will get married. She not too subtly suggested that “someone” means “me.” Of course, at first I thought she was out of her mind. Then I did some googling. I tried, but apparently it doesn’t exist yet, even though it is a hell of an idea. ”In various cultures, actually, the snake connotes sexuality. ”…the legend true? This information concerns me because I’m really not ready to get married to anyone. ”Snake, snake, what could an encounter with this deadly creature possibly bring any good luck? Gavinmac more here. Should American first time travelers visit Cambodia? | July 24, 2011Gavinmac Last month, readers of the discussion forums had the pleasure of being introduced to an enthusiastic new poster named Zasp.

Zasp is a single American male of indeterminate age. He caused a bit of a stir in the forums by asking, with all sincerity, whether he needs a passport to fly from the U.S. to Phnom Penh. Zasp then reported that he was scrambling to obtain an expedited passport so that he could make his already-ticketed flight to Cambodia. Most Americans take their first international flight to Europe or the Caribbean. Maybe Mexico. But not Zasp. We don’t know much else about Zasp. When I first saw Zasp’s blissfully naive inquiry about passport requirements, I was tempted to bait him and tell him dumb shit like “You’ll be fine entering Cambodia as long as you bring certified copies of your malaria vaccination records signed by your childhood pediatrician.” Traveling to Phnom Penh for the first time doesn’t require too much preparation. Good luck! Unit 61398. Burakumin. Terminology[edit] A widely used term for buraku settlements is dōwa chiku (同和地区 "assimilation districts"), an official term for districts designated for government and local authority assimilation projects.

The social issue surrounding "discriminated communities" is usually referred to as dōwa mondai (同和問題 "assimilation issues") or less commonly, buraku mondai (部落問題"hamlet issues"). In the feudal era, the outcaste were called eta (穢多, literally, "an abundance of defilement" or "an abundance of filth"), a term now obviously considered derogatory. Eta towns were called etamura (穢多村). Some burakumin refer to their own communities as "mura" (村 "villages") and themselves as "mura-no-mono" (村の者 "village people"). Other outcaste groups from whom Buraku may have been descended included the hinin (非人—literally "non-human"). In the 19th century the umbrella term burakumin was coined to name the eta and hinin because both classes were forced to live in separate village neighborhoods.[1] Jainism. Jainism (/ˈdʒeɪnɪzəm/[1] or /ˈdʒaɪnɪzəm/[2]), traditionally known as Jin Sashana or Jain dharma (Sanskrit: जैन धर्म), is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of nonviolence (ahimsa) towards all living beings.

Practitioners believe that nonviolence and self-control are the means by which they can obtain liberation. The three main principles of Jainism are non-violence (ahimsa), non-absolutism (anekantavada) and non-possessiveness (aparigraha). Followers of Jainism take 5 major vows: non-violence, non-lying, non-stealing, chastity, and non-attachment.

Asceticism is thus a major focus of the Jain faith. Jainism is derived from the word Jina (conqueror) referring to a human being who has conquered inner enemies like attachment, desire, anger, pride, greed, etc. and possesses infinite knowledge (Kevala Jnana). Followers of the path shown by Jinas are known as Jains. Doctrine[edit] Non-violence (ahimsa)[edit] The hand with a wheel on the palm symbolizes Ahimsa (nonviolence). God[edit]