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The Strongest Predictor of Men’s Well-Being Isn’t Family or Health. As feminism is increasingly defined as liberation for people of all genders, definitions of masculinity continue to shift away from traditionally, and many would argue toxic, norms.
Long characterized by physical strength, emotional repression, and sociocultural power, masculinity is being redefined by many of today’s most influential men to include traits like compassion, sensitivity, honesty, and empathy. In the midst of the changing trend, it feels all the more essential to ask: What makes men happy? To answer this question, the men’s grooming company Harry’s partnered with University College London psychologist John Barry, co-founder of the male psychology section of the British Psychological Society, to conduct one of the most comprehensive studies of American masculinity on record.
Psychology Has a New Approach to Building Healthier Men. Tim Teebken / Getty.
In January 2019, the American Psychological Association, the country’s largest professional organization of psychologists, did something for men that it’s done for many other demographic groups in the past: It introduced a set of detailed guidelines for clinicians who treat men and boys. The 10 guidelines make suggestions on how to encourage fathers to engage with their kids, how to address problems that disproportionately affect men, like suicide and substance abuse, and how to steer men toward healthy behaviors.
The guidelines’ development began in 2005, and has included input from more than 200 physicians and researchers. This emphasis on understanding the issues men face comes at a crucial time, according to Ryon McDermott, a psychologist who helped the APA craft its new standards. Although people of all genders face no shortage of obstacles in America, “men are struggling,” he says.
Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work? - The Atlantic - Pocket. Paul Sahre The bitches, as Shannon saw it, came in three varieties.
She categorized them on her personal blog, in a post titled “Beware the Female BigLaw Partner.” First was the “aggressive bitch”—a certain kind of high-ranking woman at the firm where she worked who didn’t think twice about “verbally assaulting anyone.”
Why Men Don’t Live as Long as Women - Nautilus - Pocket. Years ago when I was conducting my doctoral research on the evolutionary history of men among a remote indigenous community of hunter-gatherers living in the forests of South America, I came across a man donning a well-worn baseball cap likely donated by missionaries.
The cap read, “There are three stages to a man’s life: Stud, Dud, Thud.” Indeed. It is somewhat sobering to see one’s life’s research summarized on a piece of headwear that can probably be found for a few dollars at a roadside truck stop. But such is the elegance of interesting science. It’s no secret that mortality due to accidents and risky behavior is much higher in young men, particularly those in their late teenage years and early 20s.
Being Nikki Smith. [Editors’ Note: If you are having suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK).]
Nathan Smith has it all planned out.
‘Battle of the Thermostat’: Cold Rooms May Hurt Women’s Productivity. Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ‘Greedy.’
With the rise of college-educated, dual-earner power couples, it was realistic to imagine that two people could each work in jobs at the top of their fields and share the duties at home.
But at the same time as work became more demanding, family life changed, too. People are increasingly marrying people with similar educations and career potential — a doctor is likely to be married to another doctor instead of a nurse. Yet the pay gap between husbands and wives is biggest for those with higher education and white-collar jobs. Some parents on elite career paths each continue on them and outsource child care, while others decide not to maximize their family earnings and each take lower-paying, more flexible jobs. But researchers say that because of the changes in work and family, many educated couples are finding that couple equity is out of reach — and many women are left with unused career potential.
Why Men Aren't Really Men Anymore. There was once a time when men used to be real men.
When they dressed with style, when they had a certain honor code they followed that involved treating not only their elders and each other with respect, but women alike. Unfortunately, those days are far- gone — a thing of the past.
Power in Vulnerability. Elow is an excerpt from my book Models: Attract Women Through Honesty.
It’s a dating advice book written for men, although many women find the concepts to be useful and important as well. This is the opening section of “Chapter 3: Power in Vulnerability.” If you enjoy this, please consider purchasing the book. When most men hear the word “vulnerability,” their immediate reaction is to associate it with weakness.
Research: Men and Women Need Different Kinds of Networks to Succeed. We know that social networks are critical to professional advancement.
We also know that men are more likely to rise to leadership positions. This makes one wonder: Is there a difference between the networks of successful male and female leaders? Recent research I conducted with collaborators Yang Yang and Nitesh V. Chawla suggests there is. We studied what types of networks helped new male and female MBAs land executive leadership positions.
Women benefited in terms of post-MBA job placement from being central in the network too; but to achieve the executive positions with the highest levels of authority and pay they also had to have an inner circle of close female contacts, despite having similar qualifications to men including education and work experience. Why the difference? The Power of Direct Placement Winning placement into executive leadership positions directly out of graduate school benefits men and women alike.
Why Aren’t Women Advancing More in Corporate America?
The magical thinking of guys who love logic. Her Title: Cryptologic Technician. Her Occupation: Warrior.
Cryptology is code breaking; sigint is signals intelligence, like intercepting and interpreting phone calls and other communications; humint is human intelligence, the art of persuading people, against their instincts, to provide information. At 35, Shannon Kent was expert in all three. Her husband credits a knack for gleaning information picked up from her father, a lifelong police officer.
“She understood how all the pieces came together,” he said.
The More Gender Equality, the Fewer Women in STEM - The Atlantic - Pocket. The issue doesn’t appear to be girls’ aptitude for STEM professions.
Why Women Have to Wait in Longer Bathroom Lines Than Men Do. But regular old bathroom-goers are probably not keen on familiarizing themselves with the intricacies of plumbing-code development. “The average person wouldn’t understand these ratios and understand which codes apply, so they don’t really know where to complain—they’re just miserable,” says Dufresne, of the Institute for Human Centered Design. The last objection to fixating on codes is a more philosophical one, about the limits of thinking numerically.
Can We Finally Stop Talking About ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ Brains?
The problem with these approaches is the implicit assumption that sex differences, whether in brain structure, function, or behavior, ‘add up’ consistently in individuals to create “male brains" and “female brains,” and “male natures” and “female natures.”
When Times Are Good, the Gender Gap Grows. In an idealized version of human existence, wealth lifts all boats, gender equality prevails and everyone behaves freely as the individuals they are. Such a gender-equal fictional utopia starts from a premise that equal access to wealth and opportunity will erase the divide between men and women.
But what if the utopian predictions are wrong? What if women and men, when all other things are largely equal, express more, not less, of a gender-based perspective? Armin Falk, an economics professor at the University of Bonn, and Johannes Hermle, a doctoral student in economics at the University of California, Berkeley, have undertaken a massive study that looks worldwide at how national wealth and gender equality affect the choices men and women make when they think about risk taking, altruism and other social factors.
Those hypotheses address how national wealth and equality affect the choices men and women make.
Millennial Men Leave Perplexing Hole in Hot U.S. Job Market. Nathan Butcher is 25 and, like many men his age, he isn’t working. Weary of long days earning minimum wage, he quit his job in a pizzeria in June. He wants new employment but won’t take a gig he’ll hate. So for now, the Pittsburgh native and father to young children is living with his mother and training to become an emergency medical technician, hoping to get on the ladder toward a better life. Ten years after the Great Recession, 25- to 34-year-old men are lagging in the workforce more than any other age and gender demographic.
- The Washington Post. Research: Women and Men Are Equally Bad at Multitasking. Executive Summary According to popular stereotypes, women are better multitaskers. While there have been some scientific studies that have found a female advantage in multitasking, other studies have found either no sex differences or a male advantage. A team of researchers set out to test this once again, using a computer simulation that mimicked an everyday situation—a method that allowed them to create a real-world environment while controlling for a number of variables. They found no differences between male and female participants. According to popular stereotypes, women are better multitaskers.