Website Architecture vs. Web Design - What Comes First? By Luis Hernandez • 01/14/2016.
The Secret to Building Large Websites: Website Architecture. By Nikita Semenov When I started writing this, the idea of a skyscraper construction project came to mind.
I thought of a huge skyscraper with restaurants, retail stores, offices, gyms, and residential spaces — a large self-contained, compact community all by itself. Source: Bernt Rostad No one would ever start the construction process of a skyscraper like that until everything is properly planned and drawn out. Source: Steve Newfield I’m not a building architect or construction contractor, but I can still see the innumerable requirements you need to draw out before proceeding to construction. Everybody considers design as an important component of things; whether it’s the design of a skyscraper or the tires of your car. Design is about not only bringing convenience, innovation, and comfort into people’s lives, but also in many cases such as skyscrapers and your car tires, people’s lives and safety becomes dependent on it.
IAguide2. Web Architecture - W3C. The EncodingCandidate Recommendation has been updated to take into account changes made to the editor’s draft since its initial publication as a Candidate Recommendation.
These changes are largely due to issues discovered during implementation. This is a snapshot of the WHATWG document, as of 29 September 2015 and no changes have been made from the original in the body of the document other than to align with W3C house styles. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please raise them as github issues against the latest editor’s draft. Only send comments by email to www-international@w3.org if you are unable to raise issues on github.
All comments are welcome. The utf-8 encoding is the most appropriate encoding for interchange of Unicode, the universal coded character set. The other (legacy) encodings have been defined to some extent in the past. Website architecture. Category:OWASP Best Practices: Use of Web Application Firewalls. Complete Beginner's Guide to Information Architecture. Information architecture is a task often shared by designers, developers, and content strategists.
But regardless of who takes on the task, IA is a field of its own, with influences, tools, and resources that are worth investigation. In this article we’ll discuss what information architecture really is, and why it’s a valuable aspect of the user experience process. Along the way we’ll share the history, contributors, and tools often used in creating an information architecture. Even if you’re familiar with the discipline already, you can probably pick up something you’ve missed. (BDT310) Big Data Architectural Patterns and Best Practices on AWS.
Best Practice: Site Structure—A Look at Three Use Cases (MT4) - MindTouch Customer Success Center. Effective self-service dramatically increases your renewals and upsells by making it easier for your customers and employees to access, navigate and leverage your most valuable content.
Adhering to the most up-to-date best practices regarding search engine optimization (SEO) allows you to control the digital conversation surrounding your products/services. An easy-to-follow content structure gives your customers and employees faster access to knowledge, ultimately increasing brand awareness and inevitably increasing profitability. Goal The goal is to provide an effective and efficient navigational experience that mimics the way our brain stores information for your customers and employees. This will make for an intuitive site that promotes self-service, reduces support time, creates product experts, and drastically shortens sales cycles. Structure. Anatomy of a website: website architecture - Optimal Workshop. Are you new to website architecture but not sure where to start?
This article provides useful tips, a practical guide for developing a plan, and a look at our remote-testing tool, Treejack. A definition of website architecture Website architecture refers to the way we structure a website to ensure we meet our business goals while delivering a great experience for our users. Where information architecture (IA) is a broad field that refers to the structure of any shared system of information, online or otherwise, website architecture relates specifically to websites. All websites have an IA but the overall picture of a website’s architecture also includes: usabilityinteraction designuser interface designinformation designweb designgraphic designcontent strategy.
Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5 - Paul Yao, David Durant. "If you're interested in developing for this burgeoning platform, there is no one better able to get you up-to-speed.”
–From the Foreword by Rob Tiffany, mobility architect, Microsoft Completely revised and updated for .NET Compact Framework 2.0 and 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, and Windows Mobile Smart Phones, Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5, Second Edition, teaches you how to write highly effective applications for handheld wireless devices with small screens, limited memory, and finite battery life. This book is the definitive tutorial and reference for the .NET Compact Framework and Windows Mobile.
RIAs for nondevelopers. Why build RIAs?
Since well before coining the term rich Internet application (RIA) in 2002, Adobe has been deeply focused on improving the web experience and delivering the underlying technologies to produce more interactive and expressive web applications. Flex and .NET. Flex architecture. Client-Server Architecture. Client / server architecture is also called 2-tier architecture.
A client is talking to a server which performs some services on behalf of the client. Common examples of client / server communication is: Desktop application to database server communication Browser to web server communication. Mobile to server communication. FTP client to FTP server communication. In the early days of client / server applications, desktop application to database server communication was a normal use case. Embedding all the business logic of a client / server application inside the client applications has some disadvantages. Another problem with fat client applications is that the client application has to be installed on each client machine.