Free Graphics, Gauge, Dials and Meters for C/C++, .NET, Source Code. This solution uses a completely open organization, will create a cutting instrument is divided into: the instrument panel, the pointer, measurement scale and background of several parts, these parts not only interrelated, but also fully independent, as when creating a new instrument, based on need to be any combination of, for example, dashboarisk scale + Triangle + oval pointer, you can build the following instruments: UCanCode Meters anials instrument graphics are drawn by a team of flexibility and show the progress of the class composition of these classes with flexible design, each part can be flexibly customized.
Mainly consists of three parts: (Note: The instrumentation component modules in the Advanced Enterprise version only available!) The following is HMIBuilder instrumentation solutions Case: 1. 1). Class CFOPMeterScale defines a linear scale, through the property to set Minimum and Maximum properties of maximum and minimum values, as shown above. 2). Free Graphics, Gauge, Dials and Meters for C/C++, .NET, Source Code. Free .NET Libraries. A lot of people keep asking about a good list of .net libraries.
Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge. Some of these libraries will definitely help us developing better solutions. We will do our best to keep updating this list, hope you find this list useful, here we go. Ajax Build Tools Prebuild - Generate project files for all VS version, including major IDE's and tools like SharpDevelop, MonoDevelop, NAnt and AutotoolsGenuilder - Precompiler which lets you transform your source code during the build. Charting/Graphics Collections/Generics PowerCollections - is a library that provides generic collection classes that are not available in the .NET framework. Compression SharpZipLibDotNetZipYUI Compressor (CSS and JS minification)AjaxMinifier (in other downloads) (CSS and JS minification.
Controls Krypton - Free winform controls. Data Mapper Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control Design by Contract Logging PDF Creators/Generators Automated Web Testing. List of 3rd Party .NET UI & Reporting Components. Introduction This is a resource collection.
Anyone is welcome to edit this page. This a list of quick reference of 3rd party UI components for .NET developments. Modern User Interfaces with WPF MVVM, XAML Templates and Entity Framework 6. Introduction This article describe how to build from scratch a WPF Window that has the look and feel of Windows 8 style.
The solution is based on the MVVM (Model-View- ViewModel) architecture. Background This article may be useful for intermediate developers and designers who have some basics in C#, WPF, and Entity Framework. Using the Code Through this article, we will explain how to develop a WPF application that display a list of clients from SQL SERVER database. Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation Using Entity Framework 6 for database access Explaining MVVM architecture You can download all the source code and adapt it to your UI project, then start directly writing your custom business code without wasting time in design and user interfaces. GitHub - DevExpress/DevExpress.Mvvm.Free: DevExpress MVVM Framework is a set of components helping to work in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in Silverlight and WPF.
DevExpress Mvvm Framework 14.1.3. OpenUI5 Explored. NReco.PdfGenerator: convert HTML to PDF C# (.NET, FREE) PdfGenerator is a FREE component and you can use PdfGenerator (binary DLL) in commercial projects without any limitations (except SaaS - see explanations below).
Some advanced features (like batch mode) require commercial license key but it is not needed for standard functionality. Note that support is NOT available for free users. If you need component usage examples, email support/assistance and unblock advanced features (get license key) you may purchase appropriate commercial package. Enterprise source code package This package allows you to get full component source code with extended license that allows: source code modifications derivative work redistribution as part of your own product usage in SaaS products Note that SaaS projects require extended PdfGenerator license.
PdfGenerator renders web page like a web browser and can load external resources like images, CSS and js files (javascript code is executed just before PDF rendering). List of 3rd Party .NET UI & Reporting Components. Gelsheet: The opensource web spreadsheet. EtherCalc.