July 29 2013 RARE Star of David Merkaba Grand Sextile planet formation Meditation. 2013 - The Year of the Merkabah. Solfeggio Master Frequency 1122 Hz. HD Meditation. Part 1 of 8, E.T. technology, Light Beings - UHP with Jasmuheen. Merkabah: The Chariot of Ascension. Solfeggio Master Frequency 1122 Hz. HD Meditation. Pane Andov Flower of Life Meditation Instructions Part 2. Pane Andov - Flower of Life Meditation Instructions Part 1.avi. Pane Andov Flower of Life Pulse Meditation Part 2. Pane Andov Flower of Life Pulse Meditation Part 1. Flower of Life - Full Length meditation. Pane Andov Flower of Life Meditation Instructions Part 5. Intentional Merkabah. 528Hz DNA Frequency - UNLOCK Your Codons!!! Raise Your Vibrational Frequency to Higher Consciousness and Heal. True Merkaba. = How to Activate Your LightBody / Merkaba = (By Drunvalo Melchizedek) Light Body Activation + Crystal Chakra Cleansing.
Light Body/Merkaba Activation Light Attunements. Merkaba DNA Activation & Ascension - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones - Set # 1. Mer Ka Ba Ascension. Merkaba DNA Activation & Ascension - Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones - Set # 1. The Merkaba. Chakras. According to Tantric tradition, everyone has seven energy centers that serve as junction points between the body and consciousness, or between matter and the mind.
These spinning vortices, called chakras in Sanskrit, receive, assimilate and express our vital life energy. When the flow of energy in one or more of the chakras becomes blocked, we may develop physical and mental illnesses. Merkaba. This crystal is comprised of 2 Tetrahedrons, Sometimes referred to as the hologram of "Love" or three dimensional Star of David.
What does "Merkaba" mean? Mer-Ka-Ba is a term from the Egyptian Mystery School. It is found in many languages including African Zulu, Egyptian and Hebrew. In Hebrew it means both the Throne of God as well as a Chariot that carries the human body and spirit from one place to another. In Egyptian, Mer-Ka-Ba is derived from three words: Mer, Ka and Ba. Merkabah LightBody Activation. Flower of Life – Merkabah Meditation – Instructions « Pane Andov. Dear friends, if someone is interested to understand the FOL/Merkaba Meditation, I have uploaded 7 parts of a video with the basic instructions on youtube how to reshape the individual auric field into geometry of 19 spheres with star tetrahedron in the center. 14 Breaths with the tetrahedrons creations and further pranic movement through the energetic tube and creation of the chi plasma ball are explained in order to create the first white energetic sphere.
After the creation of the first, there are six more sphere projections to create the seven white light energetic spheres or the seed of life. Then strong movement of chi energy has to be applied in the central sphere with direction and speed given in the youtube videos. If done properly all seven spheres will move in the direction and speed given. Extreme high spin of the central begins and affects all the rest 18 spheres. Related: Watch between 0:58– 1:09 and 4:34- 4:57. Activating and programming your Merkaba light body. The Merkaba is an artificial geometric body that we can activate when we want to.
This body is in the shape of a galaxy and its size is depended on our perception. Human Angels. MERKABAH, BODY OF LIGHT Merkaba, also spelled Merkabah, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms.
“Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. The Merkaba is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. Like this: Like Loading... Untitled. The Merkaba. MERKABA MEDITATION. The MER-KA-BA The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA by Drunvalo Melchizedek The Teaching On Spherical Breathing By Drunvalo Melchizedek Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life.
And from all life we will receive our manna. Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God. Activating and programming your Merkaba light body. Latest News ... Miracles. December 2012, the Age of Aquarius & the New Earth • Several significant dates upcoming in December • Numerous cycles ending & beginning synchronized to our ascension News | November 30, 2012 Reported by Scott Mowry | www.miraclesandinspiration.com/news_december-2012.html For more news stories see our News Archives.
How To Make A Star Tetrahedrons. To construct the Star Tetrahedrons we need to print four (4) copies of the pattern below.
We cut out the drawings, cutting all the way around the outside edge. We will notice that there are two types of lines used in the drawing, solid and dashed, which indicate two (2) different directions of fold. The dashes are the 'inside' folds. The dash will be inside after we make the fold, the solid lines are the 'outside' folds. We will also notice there are four (4) flaps creating two (2) inside folds and two (2) outside folds. We fold all of the edges, including the triangle edges, and then we are ready to paste or glue our Star Tetrahedron. We glue flap 'a' to the inside of the flapless triangle's edge, which is the edge that flap 'a' naturally folds into.
When we reach this point, construction seems to get a little tricky. Raise Your Vibrational Frequency to Higher Consciousness and Heal. THE MERKABA hologram of love 13:20:33 frequency. MERKABA DEEP MEDITATION OUTER SPACE DELTA - Hypnotic Brainwave Entrainment. 236 & 320hz Meditation Frequency Set: Merkaba. Фрактал и Многомерная Энергетическая Сеть. Fractal and Multidimensional Energy Network Set_01. Light Language 'Initiate your Merkabah' Light Body Activation + Crystal Chakra Cleansing.