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Bogleheads® España – Inversión Pasiva, Indexada y Periódica. Los cinco libros de finanzas personales e inversión que recomiendo - Error 500. Llevo un par de años leyendo libros sobre finanzas personales e inversión, una temática en la que – no acierto si a decir si sorprendemente o no – creo que se da una de las mayores disonancias entre datos y literatura bien trabajada sobre ellos y el discurso e ideas habituales entre el ciudadano común que empieza a invertir Tras estas lecturas y artículos adicionales (a mi me gustan el blog de Indexa y el de Antonio Rico) he concluido que lo que encuentro inteligente es la inversión pasiva, aburrida y en la que el mayor esfuerzo es no dejarse llevar por el pánico cuando toca perder (que pasará seguro).

Los cinco libros de finanzas personales e inversión que recomiendo - Error 500

Y que esa idea de la inversión (en realidad especulación) de ventas diarias, estrés continuo, mirar cada día y momento como va la bolsa es un esfuerzo inútil, cuando no contraproducente. Os dejo una brevísima reseña de mis recomendados Un paseo aletorio por Wall Street, de Burton Gordon Malkiel En Amazon, Todos tus libros.

Cómo invertir en fondos indexados de Vanguard en España. 【Pau Ninja】□□ El mejor blog multidisciplinar de 2020. The Measure of a Plan. The best time to plant a tree — or learn about personal finance — was 20 years ago.

The Measure of a Plan

The second best time is now. Personal finance education is so important, yet so ignored. We tell ourselves that we’ll get to it eventually, but we also said that last time (and the time before that as well). To help break that cycle, I’ve put together this comprehensive guide to personal finance for beginners. Moonshine Money is an entirely free online course that will help you to take control of your finances. No prior knowledge is needed — this course has been designed with beginners in mind. You’ll learn how to brew up a financial plan that’s custom-fit to your circumstances, and will be equipped with the tools you need to turn that plan into a reality. The foundational principle of this course is that we should all learn how to manage our own finances. Your financial health is far too important to leave under the care of someone else, however expensive their suit.

This Course Will Teach You How To: Esencialistas - Minimalismo, libertad financiera, ahorro y sostenibilidad. Independencia Financiera → Todo lo que necesitas para lograrla. Financial Literacy Library – Moneysplained. There’s an overwhelming amount of financial media out there, here’s a curated list of resources that I find helpful.

Financial Literacy Library – Moneysplained

Books Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner Read this book now. Kobliner does an incredible job of covering basic financial concepts. The Unbanking of America by Lisa Servon. Inicio de sesión para miembros. Comparta.

Inicio de sesión para miembros

Aprenda. Mr. Tako Escapes - Mr. Tako's Adventures in Early Retirement (with Kids) Preguntas frecuentes Indexa Capital. Inversorinteligente. A Thinking Animal. The Complete Tightwad Gazette: Promoting Thrift as a Viable Alternative Lifestyle : Amy Dacyczyn. Frugal Asian Finance - Your Personal Finance Space - Doing Frugal Finances the Asian Way. Go Curry Cracker! - Retire Early. Travel the World. Frugalwoods - Financial independence and simple living. Books. Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool?


What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common? Why do drug dealers still live with their moms? How much do parents really matter? How did the legalization of abortion affect the rate of violent crime? These may not sound like typical questions for an economist to ask. Freakonomics is a ground-breaking collaboration between Levitt and Stephen J. Through forceful storytelling and wry insight, Levitt and Dubner show that economics is, at root, the study of incentives—how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. What unites all these stories is a belief that the modern world, despite a great deal of complexity and downright deceit, is not impenetrable, is not unknowable, and—if the right questions are asked—is even more intriguing than we think. First published in the U.S. in 2005, Freakonomics went on to sell more than 4 million copies around the world, in 35 languages. Mrs. Money Mustache.

Planting Our Pennies - Money, Happiness, Kittens. 1500 Days to Freedom - Think different and escape the rat race.1500 Days to Freedom. Spain - Early Retirement & Financial Independence Community. Whew!

Spain - Early Retirement & Financial Independence Community

The spouse and I just got back from a 4 week vacation to Spain and Morocco.* We hopped a military Space-A flight so airfare was free, and once there we used a combination of rental car (for one week) and trains to explore the southern part of the country - Seville, Cordoba, Granada, plus smaller towns and villages.* We also enjoyed a 5 day side trip to Morocco and a week in Madrid where my mother-in-law joined us for part of the time. Previously Spain was not high on my "must see" list, but the Andalusia region is absolutely gorgeous and had exactly the right mix of historical stuff, good food, and natural attractions (beaches and hiking trails) to meet my criteria for a great destination.* It compared favorably with our trip to Italy 2 years ago and was quite a bit cheaper.* We had no problem finding charming hotels that offered doubles w/attached bath at around 40 Euros/night.* Eating out was also generally a good deal, and the wine was both good and cheap.

What is your "brief history of the stash"? : financialindependence. Warning: Blending authenticity with joy may arouse contempt. Nada es Gratis. Mr. Money Mustache — Early Retirement through Badassity. Hey, peeps! This is my first Tumblr masterpost,... España.