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Peter Zieve

Peter Zieve founded Electroimpact in July 1986 after receiving a Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington in Mechanical Engineering. The initial task was to commercialize the Low Voltage Electromagnetic Riveting technology that he invented in Doctoral Research.

Peter Zieve explains what it takes to be a good engineer. Press release content from NewMediaWire.

Peter Zieve explains what it takes to be a good engineer

The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. Seattle, Washington - ( NewMediaWire ) - December 17, 2020 - Peter Zieve is a very successful engineer with over 30 years of experience in the field. He holds a doctorate in engineering from the University of Washington and started his own company, Electroimpact, nearly 35 years ago. Today, Peter Zieve continues to lead his company but he also focuses on helping other engineers find success in the field.

Recently, he shared insights into what he believes helps to make someone a successful engineer. How Peter Zieve’s Engineering Test Generates the Most Promising Employees - Peter Zieve. Finding the right employees can be one of the most difficult challenges for businesses big and small.

How Peter Zieve’s Engineering Test Generates the Most Promising Employees - Peter Zieve

For engineering firms and other companies competing in technical industries, talent is especially important, requiring a mix of experience, education, and the right personality attributes. Peter Zieve, the CEO of Electroimpact, a leading engineering firm, is going to share his insights into finding and testing talent. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.

Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media

Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Données personnelles qui peuvent être utilisées Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media Position précise Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Despite massive Boeing layoffs, other aerospace companies are still hiring - Puget Sound Business Journal.

Peter Zieve on the Benefits of Giving Back to Your Community - My Senior Portal. I read a recent story in the Mukilteo Herald recently about the fact that we don’t see enough people giving back to their communities, at least in Mukilteo, Washington.

Peter Zieve on the Benefits of Giving Back to Your Community - My Senior Portal

This was something which I have actually written about on my blog in recent years, and it is an important point that many need to understand. I was at a business convention last month in Seattle and had the chance to speak with Electroimpact chairman Peter Zieve, a man who regularly gives back to communities here in Mukilteo with a sports program and another program which supports those most in need. During our chat we spoke about the need for giving back to the community and most importantly, the benefits that it can have, and I wanted to share with you the key points which Peter made. Closer Community Communities are being eroded and we now live in times where we are being separated rather than being brought together. In Our Own Hands Cycle Feeling Good Why not try and do something that gives back to your local community? Peter Zieve on the Psychology of Home and Why it Means So Much. Born in Milwaukee Wisconsin in 1954, Peter Zieve graduated from MIT in 1976 with a BS in Electrical Engineering.

Peter Zieve on the Psychology of Home and Why it Means So Much

In 1977 he founded EFB incorporated. He then went onto study for and pass a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. He invented a Low Voltage Electromagnetic Riveter, and this enabled him to found his company Electroimpact, where he is the long serving Vice President. His company is a major supplier to Boeing and he employs over 800 people worldwide. For some Snohomish County kids, a warehouse is a schoolhouse. SNOHOMISH — Back-to-school looked a lot different this year.

For some Snohomish County kids, a warehouse is a schoolhouse

For 20 students in first through ninth grades, it meant reporting to the third floor of Electroimpact, an industrial aerospace company in the Mukilteo suburbs. Meanwhile, in downtown Snohomish, seven kids kicked off the year doing Zoom classes in the back room of Malicious Women Co., a boutique candle shop. With the pandemic delaying traditional in-person instruction, those companies and others set up supervised rooms on-site for workers’ children to do remote classes with their public schools. Volume 0% How CEO Peter Zieve Created Electroimpact From The Ground Up - Founder and CEO of Electoimpact Peter Zieve has done things differently from the start.

How CEO Peter Zieve Created Electroimpact From The Ground Up -

Rather than dive into a company and learn on the way, Peter Zieve built a solid foundation before he got his start in business, allowing him to run Electroimpact differently than other tech companies. Peter Zieve got his start earning his Ph.D. at the University of Washington in mechanical engineering. Why the internet is arguably the most important invention of the modern era - Peter Zieve. First developed in 1973 by the U.S.

Why the internet is arguably the most important invention of the modern era - Peter Zieve

Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency or ARPA, the internet was initially aimed to provide a communication network among various educational institutions and research laboratories in the U.S. Over time, it would be expanded and coincide with the rise of the World Wide Web, drastically improving the ease by which we communicate with one another today, notes inventor and innovator Peter Zieve. What exactly is Industry 4.0? - Peter Zieve. Industry 4.0 essentially refers to the fourth iteration of the industrial revolution, in which sees improvements in the mass automation in the 3rd iteration of the industrial revolution.

What exactly is Industry 4.0? - Peter Zieve

This phase is characterized by new digital innovations such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and machine learning. The main change is the introduction of connectivity between machines, explains innovator and inventor Peter Zieve. It must be noted that industrialization began with the mechanization of the processing and manufacturing industry following the invention of the steam engine in the 1800s. This was followed by the rise of mass production with the arrival of electricity and the assembly line.

The third industrial revolution is, as stated above, a widescale implementation of automation. By being interconnected, the smart industry being fostered by Industry 4.0 allows for more operational efficiency and less human error. Top reasons to file a patent for your inventions - Peter Zieve. Patenting a product might take a long time to complete and incur high costs; nonetheless, inventors should go through the process.

Top reasons to file a patent for your inventions - Peter Zieve

Peter Zieve has already experienced filing a patent numerous times, with more than 20 patents to his name. Some of the reasons he and other inventors have done so are the following: Protection of intellectual property: One of the last things any inventor or product developer would want is for other people or entities to steal their idea or concept and exploit them for their own. To protect their work, filing a patent, even a provisional application, is necessary. This can also prevent others from filing a patent on the product themselves. The technology that allowed for the first black hole photo - Peter Zieve.

A major technological and scientific breakthrough happened this past April with the release of the first photo of a black hole. The picture showed a black circle surrounded by an orange ring, that of the black hole at the galaxy Messier 87 or M87, located about 55-million light years from Earth. The most important inventions of modern technology - Peter Zieve. Much has changed in the world since the advent of the new millennium, from worldwide access to the internet and the arrival of social media to the emergence of various business and leisure gadgets that many can’t imagine living without today. Below are some hugely influential and life-altering inventions that have come out in recent years. Digital music: It is rare to find any physical music stores like Tower Records nowadays, mainly because of the rise of digital music purchasing and streaming sites like Spotify and iTunes.

While vinyl continues to demand interest from hobbyists, long gone are those cassette tapes of the '80s. CDs are becoming rarer as well. Enjoying your favorite music is mainly about paying online subscriptions now. The life of an aerospace engineer - Peter Zieve. The importance of aerospace engineers cannot be emphasized enough. They are responsible for a lot of projects securing the safety of people all over the globe. These projects involve aerospace defense to commercial airliners to freight planes carrying life-saving goods. With so many significant responsibilities riding on their shoulders, aerospace engineers lead quite interesting lives. The Future Is Now: Five Eye-Catching Inventions - Peter Zieve. The world of inventions is a consistently eventful one, with new and exciting technologies and designs born every time.

Here are five of the cutting-edge creations that were born recently– and are bound to reshape the future with their unique proposition. Crypto anchors: These are digital footprints – either codes or small computers embedded in a product and tied to the blockchain – that can help companies and consumers check product authenticity. The digital info saved about the product assist in its identification. Outrageous patents filed by famous companies - Peter Zieve.

The rise of new technology brought in a wave of possibilities, and for a lot of companies, a way to cash in their ideas. This is why corporations create think tanks and submit patents for their ideas. However, not all ideas are groundbreaking. Some patents filed by famous companies come off as ridiculous, or even ludicrous at times. Here are some outrageous patents filed by well-known companies. The creators of Candy Crush took over the mobile gaming industry by storm. As if blimps weren’t invented yet, Amazon submitted a patent for an airborne fulfillment center, which was basically a blimp that can deploy drones to deliver packages. Automation talk: How do driverless cars work? - Peter Zieve. Self-driving or driverless cars are considered by many industry experts as the wave of the future, poised to change the way one looks at the automotive industry. Moreover, that future is fast approaching, says innovator and inventor Peter Zieve. Below is what exactly propels this new wave of cars that are destined to bring about a veritable social revolution.

Existing Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems or ADAS help motorists steer better, provide pre-collision warnings, and allow for automatic braking. But driverless cars will take this to the next level by completely eliminating a car’s need for a driver. ADAS-powered cars are only on the first level of autonomy. Self-driving cars will eventually employ a wide array of technologies, banking on developments ushered in by the Internet of Things or IoT. It must be mentioned, however, that there is still one key component missing that requires mass implementation for autonomous vehicles to be realized, and this is 5G cellular networks. Adapting To a Fast-Paced Workflow With Automation - Peter Zieve. Innovative products are being introduced to the public daily. Innovate or die: Why this saying is more important than ever in business - Peter Zieve.

Banks and financial institutions are facing some of their biggest crises to date. Inventions from the former sleeping giant: China’s biggest contributions to the world - Peter Zieve. Peter Zieve Blogs: Why automation won’t really take your job. Building the machines that build flying machines. ANALYSIS: How Electroimpact is reshaping aerospace automation. 17352. Lots of kids spend their Spring Breaks out of town with their families. Mukilteo aerospace supplier ElectroImpact expanding. MUKILTEO — ElectroImpact is getting bigger.

How Electroimpact’s unconventional founder created an aerospace giant. Mukilteo company makes the tools that build the world’s planes. Mukilteo’s Electroimpact named aerospace company of the year. Support The Talent Coming Out of US Universities – USA Herald. AG Bob Ferguson Chooses Headlines over Washington Jobs – USA Herald. Made In America: The Under-The-Radar Company That Helps Airplanes Fly.