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AllTw!tter sur Twitter : "#Twitter is still bigger than #Instagram. Twitter is Still Bigger Than Instagram, Says Study. AllTw!tter sur Twitter : "Distribution of #Twitter users worldwide (2012-2018). Distribution of #Twitter Users Worldwide (2012-2018) MB's AllTw!tter sur Twitter : "#Twitter's share of worldwide social logins is just 7%. Facebook and Google Dominate Social Logins Worldwide (Twitter’s Share Just 7%) MB's AllTw!tter sur Twitter : "#Flight, #Twitter's first mobile #developer conference, is next week.

Flight, Twitter’s First Mobile Developer Conference, Will Take Place Next Week. Millennials Tweet About Brands When Rewarded. Representing $600 billion in annual spending power, the “Millennial Market” is the golden ring for retailers.

Millennials Tweet About Brands When Rewarded

But how can one harness this awesome power? Well, much like everyone else, these Milliennial creatures apparently respond well to rewards – very well actually, according to a new study from PunchTab! Did you know that Gen Y (Millennial folk) shop more and buy more than other generations? Not only that – “they also influence the spending of older generations who look to them for the latest fashion trends.” So focusing on fashion (naturally), we see 20% of these young ladies are specifically influenced by social media posts (guys are influenced as well, just not as much). 53% of Millennials could be following your brand on Twitter with the right incentives. And that’s not all, according to the report, Millennial women are seven times more likely to retweet your brand and three times as likely to follow your brand on Twitter (and see all those great incentives you’re offering).

Heads Up, Power Tweeters: Twitter Now Supports 1,000 Lists With 5,000 Contacts. Should brands be worried about Twitter's new iPad app? Ask any executive at a popular consumer internet company about mobile, and chances are she will tell you largely the same thing: mobile is absolutely crucial.

Should brands be worried about Twitter's new iPad app?

For many companies, upstarts and established players alike, that means one thing: getting mobile apps right. But while some of the biggest names in social seem to be moving in the right direction vis-à-vis their mobile apps, one may be moving in the wrong direction. This week, Twitter unveiled an updated iPad app, but not everybody is impressed. Daring Fireball's Jon Gruber commented on the inability to tap "URLs, usernames, hash tags, [and] images" from the timeline.

Mashable's Emily Price says "When you load up Twitter’s iPad update for the first time, chances are you're going to think there’s something wrong. " And it's apparently not just high-profile bloggers who aren't pleased. The perils of cutting off developers The impact on brands. Twitter Goes Google With Launch of Self-Serve Small Business Ads. Your favorite Twitter client's search results are about to get easier to read - Twitter.

Ever since Twitter switched over to using the official ‘’ short linking it has become impossible to tell where a link is sending you before you tap it.

Your favorite Twitter client's search results are about to get easier to read - Twitter

This has always been true of other shortening services, of course, so we shouldn’t pick on too much. The difference is that Twitter has given us a glimpse of how cool the ‘wrapper’ can be on and in its official apps. In any of those apps, the shortened links are displayed as a plain-text preview that gives you the full URL, followed by an elipsis. This makes it easy to see where you’re going when you click on the link, before you click on it. It’s a cool way of handling the issue of conserving space, while still giving the user as much information as possible.

You can see how it looks in action in the results of a search on here. I’m happy to see this as I always prefer to see actual readable text rather than a blind shortlink before I click on it. Twitter Rolls Out Photo Sharing to All Users. Twitter Tools. Issue 3: SMM Research. Home > Magazine > Issue 3 > By Caroline Dangson Consultant at Dachis Group To help communications professionals amplify their messages, Twitter has created a new hybrid model of paid and earned media it calls Promoted Products.

Issue 3: SMM Research

Promoted Products is Twitter's foray into advertising and includes three main products: Promoted Tweets, Promoted Trends, and Promoted Accounts. Follower Wonk: Cool stuff with Twitter bios, stats, and such. Twitter Grader - Measure Your Social Media Profile.