Common Core
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Common Core & Ed Tech. I’ll Be Happy to Tell You What I Don’t Like — Common Core Annoyances. Erik Palmer issues a challenge:
Reclaiming the Conversation on Education. Common core. 5 Things Every Teacher Should be Doing to Meet the Common Core State Standards. The following blog post was written by Eye On Education's Senior Editor, Lauren Davis.
To read more newsworthy blog posts from Eye On Education, subscribe to our Insights eNewsletters .
No Love for Common Core? Why Tom Loveless Misses the Mark. This post originally appeared on the blog of the Thomas B.
Why Common Core Standards Will Fail (Jay Mathews and Chester Finn. Jay Mathews is the Washington Post senior journalist on education.
He writes frequently about school reforms. This article appeared February 23, 2012; Chester Finn writes often for Education Gadfly. He wrote about Common Core on March 1, 2012. Jay Mathews: Virginia, take a bow.
Standardization: From Carnegie Units to Common Core Standards (Guest Blogger is Steve Davis).
Steve Davis just finished his ninth year teaching English to high school sophomores and seniors in a large northern California urban school district.
This is Part 1 of a two-part post.
The 2012 Brown Center Report on American Education. Common Core, ‘dubious causality’
By The horse race of international rankings in education is based on misconceptions that can lead countries such as the United States to consider sweeping reforms that probably won’t improve academic achievement, according to a new report.
The 2012 Brown Center Report on American Education released yesterday by the Brookings Institution makes a case against Common Core standards – arguing that California’s current standards are superior – and cautions against placing too much weight on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and international comparisons. “We have to be careful when looking at test score data; it’s not the same thing as how many points did the New York Giants score versus the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. These tests have to be interpreted very carefully,” said author Tom Loveless in a video accompanying the study. Loveless is especially critical of using international exams, such as PISA, to rank countries’ educational systems.
College and Career Readiness Standards for Language Arts - ASCD Express 5.02. Dina Strasser When ASCD asked me to write about the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers' (CCSSO) draft English/Language Arts core standards, I agreed with delight—but also with a less pleasant sense of duty.
I imagine very few people enjoy perusing pregovernmental documents, after all. However, I felt that as a language arts teacher at the gateway of American secondary education, I had better bite the bullet and read the document. I was not prepared to find a text that would make me nod, laugh, frown, think, and—literally—weep.
Common Core Assessments: Will they Ruin our New Standards?
David Cohen just wrote a great piece about a session he was in yesterday at the ASCD conference here in San Francisco.
The Finnish National Board of Education - Front page. » Finland: It’s Not Just For Reindeer Anymore. The Line. Tom Hoffman sent me a link to the Finn’s national standards for education in response to a post I put up recently about searching for higher purpose in English.
I didn’t even get to the Finn language arts standards. I arrested on five pages describing “cross-curricular themes” that apply across all disciplines in Finland. These themes are clarified, in the most firm language, before anything at all related to specific curriculum is addressed. I’ll just quote some of them here. They are verbatim: 60% of Finnish adults are English-literate. The need and desire of students for life-long learning must be reinforced. Cooperation, interaction and communication skills must be developed by means of different forms of collaborative learning.
Upper secondary schools must develop students’ abilities to recognize and deal with ethical issues involving communities and individuals. Education must help students recognize their personal uniqueness. Technology is based on knowledge of the laws of nature.
'Curriculum' Definition Raises Red Flags. Home. Inside the multimillion-dollar essay-scoring business - Page 1 - News - Minneapolis. Dan DiMaggio was blown away the first time he heard his boss say it.
The pensive, bespectacled 25-year-old had been coming to his new job in the Comcast building in downtown St. Paul for only about a week.
Author: 'My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry'
Today my guest is Todd S. Farley, who worked for years in the standardized testing industry and authored the new book “Making the Grades: My Misadventures in the Standardized Testing Industry.”
I asked him to write about the biggest problems he encountered and here is his account. Here is what he wrote. By Todd S. Farley For 15 years I was employed by the K-12 testing business, working for many of the biggest players (Pearson Education, Educational Testing Service, American Institutes of Research, etc.) on many of the biggest tests (National Assessment of Educational Progress, California High School Exit Exam, Florida Comprehensive Assessment, Virginia Standards of Learning, etc.).
Myths vs. Facts. Debunking the Case for National Standards. Brave New Common Core Curricula. Support for Common Core Standards (CCS), or the idea that all students across the country should be taught the same rigorous material, is growing. 40 states have already adopted the national CCS for math and English, while the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and business leaders are currently collaborating to extend these standards to all disciplines. For states like California, which already had some of the most rigorous standards in the U.S., adoption of the CCS may actually dumb down many of their courses.
Nevertheless, many politicians (and unions) have jumped on board, afraid of looking soft on rigor. The real winners are not the children, but the textbook publishers, who will win billions of dollars in contracts to replace the old books based on the old standards, and the test publishers, who will win contracts to assess students on their mastery of the new standards. Not all are on board with this trend.
Yong Zhao » Blog Archive » Sesame vs. Watermelon: What is Missing in the National Standard Debate. Sesame vs. Watermelon: What is Missing in the National Standard Debate. Common Core Confusion « InterACT. Last Friday I was writing about my good mood as the week ended.
Seven days later, I’m sorting through some confusion, and wondering how many other teachers out there are feeling it too. The Common Core Standards are coming!
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Common Core State Standards Toolkit. Common Core State Standards Toolkit What are the Common Core State Standards and what do they mean for Oregon?
Curriculum Pathways and the Path to Common Core Success - State and Local Connection. Teachers have more than enough to juggle each day, lacking the time to search for, and find, high-quality curricular resources online.
When I would search for lesson plan supplements, I would often get lost in Google's abyss of results, spending far too much precious time sifting through mediocre materials.
Lesson Plans. Art & Culture » Find lesson plans related to different media, including architecture, music, and visual arts, as well as subjects, including anthropology, philosophy, folklore, and more.
Foreign Language » Find lesson plans related to ancient languages, including Latin and Greek, as well as modern languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, and more.
Home. Educators in Search of Common-Core Resources. Published Online: February 24, 2012 Published in Print: February 29, 2012, as Educators in Search of Common-Core Resources From left: Tamara Reavis, Dan Englender, and Janice Nolan are among the District of Columbia teachers and administrators who meet each month to discuss the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Educators nationwide say they are frustrated by a lack of curriculum materials. —Andrew Councill for Education Week.