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Google Realtime API Overview  |  Realtime API  |  Google Developers. The Google Realtime API provides collaboration as a service for files in Google Drive via the use of operational transforms. The API is a JavaScript library hosted by Google that provides collaborative objects, events, and methods for creating collaborative applications. How does it work? The Realtime API lets you, the developer, design a shared data model that looks just like a local, in-memory data model. You write code to manipulate maps, lists, and your own custom JavaScript data model objects. These collaborative data model objects work just like local in-memory data model objects, with one exception. The Realtime API is based on the same collaboration technology used by Google Docs.

Realtime data models are "eventually consistent. " What is the Realtime API good for? Applications where multiple people need to edit the same data simultaneously. What is the Realtime API not good for? Applications where multiple people need to edit the same data in a particular order. Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API | Vinay Sahni. Your data model has started to stabilize and you're in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it's hard to make significant changes to your API once it's released and want to get as much right as possible up front.

Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there's no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you're left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept? How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned? In designing an API for Enchant (a Zendesk Alternative), I've tried to come up with pragmatic answers to these questions. ... or just skip to the bottom and signup for updates Latest from the Enchant blog How to make your app lovable A decent app helps you get the job done. ... and those apps, the ones that make things feel effortless, are the ones we love the most. But what makes an app feel effortless? Key requirements for the API Use RESTful URLs and actions But what can I make a resource? API Management tools: How to find the one for you.

Launching an API is hard. You need to make sure your service is reliable, secure and well-documented. This is where API Management tools come into play. They provide the means to expose your API to external developers in an easy and affordable manner. One of the best definitions of API management is the one introduced by APIacademy: “Creating a centralized API architecture that makes the process of composing, securing and managing high-performance interfaces significantly simpler and more consistent.”

Features of an API Management service API management services have a multitude of features. Documentation – Sounds boring, right? To Proxy or not to Proxy? The vendors in the API management space provide a number of solutions across the above main categories but that does not mean they support everything. API service providers that use the concept of a Proxy. 13 API management tools Deciding on an API Management Tool, you are faced with lots of choices. 3scale Mashape Apigee Mashery CA Layer7 Axway.

Apiary — Home. API Management and API Strategy Services | Mashery. Mashape - Powering API Driven Software. API | Integration Solutions. The Future of API Design: The Orchestration Layer. Daniel Jacobson (Twitter | LinkedIn), is currently director of engineering for the Netflix API. Prior to Netflix, Daniel ran application development for NPR where, among other things, he created the NPR API. He is also the co-author of APIs: A Strategy Guide. The digital world is expanding at an amazing rate, giving us access to applications and content on myriad connected devices in your homes, offices, cars, pockets and on even on your body.

The glue that allows all of this to happen, that connect the companies who provide these services to the devices that you use, is the API. Another conference. “Great.” We’re building Momentum: an all killer, no filler event this November. Because APIs have such a huge responsibility for so many people and companies, it is natural that API design is often one of the industry’s liveliest discussions, touching on a range of topics including resource modeling, payload format, how to version the system, and security. Enter the Orchestration Layer 1. 2. 3.