French Renewable Energy - Useful Phrases and Vocabulary. French Pollution - Useful Phrases and Vocabulary. First: Simple & Necessary Vocabulary A greenhouse gas -> un gaz à effet de serreCarbon -> le charbonOil -> le pétroleNatural gas -> le gaz naturelCO2 -> CO2Sulfur dioxide -> le dioxyde de soufre Smog -> le smogIndustrial era -> l'ère industrielleMelting of the ice caps -> la fonte des calottes glaciaires Drought -> la sécheresse Floods -> l'inondation Harmful -> nuisible Noxiousness -> nocivitéNoxious -> nocif French Phrases The following bullet points will contain French phrases.
La pollution atmosphérique vient de(s): La croissance de la consommation d'énergie,Le développement des industries,La circulation routière et aérienne,L'incinération des ordures ménagèresDéchets industrielsChauffages des maisonsFumées des centrales électriques au charbon ou au gaz La pollution de l'eau (les rivières, les océans et les mers) est le résultat de/d': ÉgoutsRejets de naviresRejets de naufragesAccidents pétroliersDéchets industrielsDéchets agricoles La pollution peut: English Translation.
Beginners French: The Tenses: -ER Verbs. Beginners French: The Tenses: -RE verbs. The French language has something known as a 'conjugation system'.
This means that in order for you to say "I eat" (je mange) and "you eat" (tu manges) you have to change the verb ending of the verb that you used (manger = to eat). In this case, it was the addition of an extra "s" onto "mange" in "tu manges. " As you can see, no such change is made in English (I eat, you eat), but similarly, a change is seen in third person "he/she/it eats" in the present tense. Changes in the verb endings must be made when using verbs with the pronouns: "I" "you" "he/she/it" "we" "you (plural)" and "they".
But don't worry! Interesting Fact: The English language also used to have a conjugation system (a declension system) like the other European languages, but lost it around 1550 because it was easier that way! Beginners French: The Tenses: -IR Verbs. The French language has something known as a 'conjugation system'.
This means that in order for you to say "I finish" (je finis) and "he finishes" (il finit) you have to change the verb ending of the verb that you used (finir = to finish). In this case, it was the subtraction of the "r" (from the infinitive: finir) and the addition of an "s" for "I finish" (je finis), and the addition of a 't' in the case of 'he finishes' (il finit). You can see that no change is made in English verbs: I finish, you finish, they finish. However, similarly to the French, a change is seen when using a third person pronoun: "he/she/it finishes" in order to make the verb "finish" correct in the present tense. Irregular French Verbs: -ELER, -ETER and -E_ER verbs. List of -ELER Verbs The following verbs take the conjugation rule of doubling their letter "L" in the above mentioned and tabulated way!
Be sure to watch out for the exceptions to this rule. appeler - to callépeler - to spellrappeler - to call back, recallrenouveler - to renew -E_ER Exceptions: Celer, déceler, harceler, receler, ciseler, démanteler, écarteler, encasteler, geler, congeler, décongeler, dégeler, surgeler, marteler, modeler, and peler are all conjugated like -E_ER verbs instead of conjugating like the above -ELER verbs. (See below for -E_ER explanation) Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - Agreement and Disagreement. Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - People's Opinions. Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - Vocabulary of Argumentation.
Irregular French Verbs: -CER and -GER verbs. Within the French language, there is really only one true irregular verb ending in -er!
That verb is 'aller' - to go. It has its own unique set of endings for the different tenses. There are however, three different groups of -er verbs that conjugate differently to the regular -er verbs. -CERRule: Verbs that end in "-CER" such as lancer (used in the table below) have to have a cedilla c (ç) instead of the normal 'c' when the 'c' is followed by an 'a' or an 'o'. This is because otherwise the sound would have been an undesirable hard 'c' like the one in 'cat' instead of a soft c like the one in 'ceiling'. Improve Your French - Advanced Vocabulary - 'Important' Vocab. Un Sac De Billes - English Translation - Chapter 1. Un Sac de Billes - Translation - Chapter 1 The marble rolls in between my fingers at the base of my pocket.
It’s my favourite, so I always keep it there. The funny thing is that it’s the ugliest of them all: nothing to do with the agate ones, or the large lead ones that I admire in Ruben’s father’s shop window on the corner of Ramey road, it’s a clay marble and the varnish is in pieces, it has rough patches on its surface, some patterns, you could call it a miniature version of the globe we have in class. I like it a lot, it is good to have the world in your pocket: the mountains, the seas, all of that is well buried. I am a giant and I have on me all of the planets.- Well, shit, are you ready yet? << Jewish Business >> In this salon, in the silence, without a doubt the most intense that the salon could have known, two S.S. death’s head were waiting knees together in the middle of Jewish clients, to confide their necks to my father the Jew or to my Jewish brothers.