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How RuboCop can ease your code review pains. Among the skills that constitute a decent Ruby coder, there is one key understanding that all coders share: your code is not only interpreted by a machine, but by fellow programmers as well.

How RuboCop can ease your code review pains

From this understanding, style guides were born to make interpreting subsequent lines of code easier (for humans). Style guides are a bit like accents in spoken languages—everyone understands each other better if each person understands the small nuances and styles within their team. If you are a coder trying to adhere to the style of your colleagues’ code, or if you occasionally find yourself overlooking an obvious syntactic error, Rubocop —a static code analysis tool—is here to help.

Benefits: There are at least two advantages that RuboCop offers when writing code: Emergent Task Planner Review. Before diving into the details about the quality of the pad, let me describe the basic purpose of this planner.

Emergent Task Planner Review

First, write down the date. The idea is to use one sheet per day to keep everything straight and on task. Next, fill in the three important tasks that you need to focus on. You can write down up to 9, but the pad suggests against it in order to maintain focus. Saddleback Leather Briefcase Review - Dark Coffee Brown - Large. Midori World Meister's Note Vol. 1 "Dainel" Notebook Review. The Midori World Meister’s Note series features collaborations between Japan and other countries.

Midori World Meister's Note Vol. 1 "Dainel" Notebook Review

The Dainel is the first in the series which Midori describes as ” A marriage of French leather paper and Japan’s MD paper, developed for the best writing comfort”. The color of the cover is a bit more brown and less grey than the picture shows. Mental dialogues, yak-shaving & the triumph of the 'mini-review' From time to time in the middle of an interruption-driven week, I’ll find myself in the weeds and struggling to think where I should park an item.

Mental dialogues, yak-shaving & the triumph of the 'mini-review'

My brain speaks informally with itself: Oh, man, I don’t have time for this…uh…I guess it’s a TODO so, put it on next actions….but…no, it’s really got some pieces to it so maybe projects…oh, crap, I’m too busy for this, I’ll just toss it in inbox and deal with it later. ✦ OmniFocus Series: Flags, Due Dates, and Daily Review. The idea behind assigning due dates and prioritizing your tasks is a well-discussed topic that expands beyond OmniFocus.

✦ OmniFocus Series: Flags, Due Dates, and Daily Review

In fact, I even wrote about it before. For those of you who have read that post, here's a tl;dr for this post — nothing has changed. In my line of work, and even my personal life, situations arise in which attention needs to be redirected quite frequently. The ideal world of "first come, first serve" just doesn't apply to me no matter how much I would prefer it. "Random and urgent" projects/tasks are actually not really random when I think about how regularly "random and urgent" tasks get dropped on my plate. Post-it Weekly Planner Calendar Review - OfficeSupplyGeek. Review: The Kindle Paperwhite (Compared to the Kindle Touch) — Shawn Blanc. November 2, 2012 It took about a week from when I bought my first iPad until I realized I would likely never buy a physical book again.

Review: The Kindle Paperwhite (Compared to the Kindle Touch) — Shawn Blanc

The iPad was to books what my first iPod was to music. Sailor 1911 Professional Gear Imperial Black Edition – Handwritten Review. - Handwritten Review - Specs: Taken from and Description: Matte Black resin pen with titanium ion plated nib and accents.Special Features: Completely Black PenFilling Mechanism: Cartridge / ConverterWeight: 24.5 gramsMeasurements: 5.063″ closed, 5.875″ posted, 0.5″ barrel width, 3.635″ barrel length, 0.41″ section diameterInk Capactiy: 0.9ml If you would like to support, you can purchase the Sailor Imperial Black through this Amazon Affiliate link!

Sailor 1911 Professional Gear Imperial Black Edition – Handwritten Review

Handwritten Review Scans: Intro/About: