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NLP Rapport. Books and ebooks by Roger Ellerton Get these books from Amazon and other fine retailers. This article may not be republished without written permission from Roger Ellerton/Renewal Technologies Inc. If you republish this article without permission, you will be in violation of copyright law and sent an invoice. You may share this and other pages with your friends via facebook, twitter, google+, etc., simply use the buttons in the left hand margin. Or you can link directly to this page from your website or blog. By Roger Ellerton Phd, ISP, CMC, Renewal Technologies Inc. Rapport is the foundation for any meaningful interaction between two or more people - be it related to sales, negotiation, providing information or directions to a co-worker, subordinate or boss, a conversation with a family member, training, coaching, … .

Rapport can be explained in a number of ways. What would we observe about people who are in rapport? For another perspective on rapport, consider the following: Articles - Rapport. Rapport. That magic feeling of trust and friendship when we see that we are on the same "wave length" with another person. The times when you meet someone, instantly like them, and say to yourself, "We're a lot alike". We have all felt this, but do you know how to actually create it? The co-developers in the field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) began studying people who had the ability to develop rapport quickly with others in client/patient environments, family relationships, sales situations, and other contexts.

Put this into practice. Match the other person's non verbal posture. Do the same with the gestures they use. Subtly is the key. Match their voice, also. After a few moments of matching and mirroring, gently begin to use the voice tone and posture which is comfortable for you. Rapport is like a dance where one leads and the other follows. Why is this effective? Have a blast with this! Rapport Spring09 Issue 15. Bulding Rapport Through Matching Voice Tone. NLP Rapport and Matching. Posted by Ben Tien Jan 24 NLP involves several effective methods such as visualization which is useful for changing the character of a person. NLP is also very useful for developing the speaking and listening abilities and helps in maintaining good relationships with other people. Using NLP, it is possible to help a person to analyze a situation from different angles. First, it is necessary to get an overview of NLP.

Then, investigate the various NLP visualization techniques such as reframing. One technique that falls into the realm of NLP is called rapport, and can be practiced by chatting with someone with whom a person is not familiar. Another NLP technique that can be practiced easily is the matching skill. Related posts: Creative Visualization Relaxation NLP Techniques to Make Improvement Visualization Exercise You Can Do.

Interview Skills and NLP Rapport Building Techniques. You will find lots written about rapport all over the internet. As such the main body of this report is all about how to really create great rapport quickly and easily. We will talk about how many NLP Practitioners get it wrong, the key ingredients to get it right. This is an extract from The Persuasion Skills Black Book which develops some of these themes into a specific process to take covert control of a conversation by using your covert persuasion skills. What is Rapport – a Basic Explanation First, let us define rapport and discuss how so many NLPers get it so wrong.

As this is about influence and persuasion we don’t just want to build rapport but also to take control and lead the conversation to where you want it to go. Standard NLP Rapport Process The standard NLP approach is all about matching and mirroring body language, breathing, words and anything else your subject lets you. Matching and mirroring is more a rapport indicator than a rapport maker. But this is a simplistic view. Previous Rapport Issues - NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. Missed an issue? Just visit the ANLP Shop to purchase your favourite back issues in PDF format for £2.50 (including VAT). Or click on each of the issue titles below to read the lite issue online for FREE... Issue 37 - Early Spring 2014 In this issue, we interview Richard Gray about moving from research to recognition ; Joe Cheal continues his series about managing internal dialogue; Pt Hutchinson discusses business based values; we start a new education series by Nancy Walbank; Lisa Wake introduces us to systemic research; Emily Terry continues her series about weight loss and Rasheed Ogunlaru continues with his Soul Trader series, examining ‘Change’ in coaching'.

Plus all our regular features and news. Issue 36 - Winter 2013 Issue 35 - Autumn 2013 Issue 34 - Late Summer 2013 Issue 33 - Early Summer 2013 Issue 32 - Late Spring 2013 Issue 31 - Early Spring 2013 Issue 30 - Winter 2012 Issue 29 - Autumn 2012 Issue 28 - Summer 2012 Issue 27 - Spring 2012 Issue 26 - Winter 2011 Issue 25 - Autumn 2011. Watch this video on Rapport. By persuasion news+Building RapportNo Comments Tonight we are continuing our lesson on rapport. In the next 20 minutes we dive deeper into rapport by learning about sensory acuity, calibration and the importance of peripheral vision. You might even learn the secret on what to do if someone is trying to gain rapport with you by pacing and leading you.

On Friday we go deeper down the rabbits hole with some advanced strategies and techniques. That's it for now..don’t just watch and listen to the video, go out and practice your new skills. I would love to hear about your success and your failures - leave a comment below. Warmly, Kenrick, P.S. Free Rapport Video Four - Rhythm and Vibration. Is this the most powerful Rapport technique? By persuasion news+Building Rapport12 Comments We continue this week our series on Rapport from the MaxP seminar 2003 in South Beach, Florida. I hope you are finding the content useful and enjoyable. Part 4 continues where we left off with Rhythm and Vibration and then leads into one of the most powerful techniques for raining rapport instantaneously. This technique can even be used over the phone – which makes it that much more powerful and useful. Let me Help You! I really want to hear your feedback on this content.

The person with the most interesting post will win a 20 minute one on one phone call with me. Will you win? Until next week. Warmly, Kenrick. Rapport Building is Bullshit Part 2 – Now what? « NLP Live. She was an attractive girl, one who was used to jerks hitting on her. I was sitting there, I watched her move from across the room, and I knew that I wanted to talk with her.

She looked interesting, energetic, alive. So I walked past her, up to the counter, to get another cup of coffee, I glanced over at her, relaxed, focused my gaze on her, and immediately I noticed her neclace. “Hi, I’ve been admiring your necklace from across the room, did you make it?” She looked at me, saw that I was sincere, and then we started talking. In the next 25 minutes, I learned that she bought it on a trip to Virginia Beach, and that she goes there 2 times a year. We talked until she had to get back to work, she would have given me her number if I had asked, she hinted several times, and she said she hoped that we would bump into each other again. “All of the good ones are taken.” So why did she open up like that? How to easily and naturally get rapport. I tied all three of those together. Compliment = heart. Rapport: The Magic Ingredient. First Published in Personal Success Magazine, January 1994 RAPPORT - The Magic Ingredient - Part 1 Penny Tompkins and James Lawley "Rapport is the ability to enter someone else's world, to make him feel that you understand him, that you have a strong common bond.

It's the ability to go fully from your map of the world to his map of the world. It's the essence of successful communication. " Anthony Robbins "No one has ever listened to me before like you do. " We have found this is a prerequisite for effective communication, whether in counselling, in our personal lives, in our professional lives ... anywhere, and with anyone. By following the simple steps we give below, and will be giving in future issues, you too can enhance your communication skills dramatically. If you've been following the articles on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in the last few issues of Personal Success, you will remember that NLP began with the study of excellent communicators.