Qué cosas tiras a la basura y que podrías vender por internet - Páginas web. Pastebin. Hack Back! (@GammaGroupPR) An Introduction to IPFS. “When you have IPFS, you can start looking at everything else in one specific way and you realize that you can replace it all” — Juan Benet A Less Technical Approach to IPFS from John Lilic This section will attempt to provide a high level insight as a prelude to my colleague, Dr.
Christian Lundkvist’s, deep dive technical summary below. IPFS began as an effort by Juan Benet to build a system that is very fast at moving around versioned scientific data. At its core, IPFS is a versioned file system that can take files and manage them and also store them somewhere and then tracks versions over time. IPFS has rules as to how data and content move around on the network that are similar in nature to bittorrent.
. - websites that are completely distributed - websites that have no origin server - websites that can run entirely on client side browsers - websites that do not have any servers to talk to Content Addressing IPFS uses content addressing at the HTTP layer. HTTP vs. GitHub - coreos/torus: Torus Distributed Storage. La red Gladio en Espa a. La OTAN, en colaboración con la CIA, su homólogo el MI 6 británico y otros servicios secretos locales en los países donde operaba, ha cometido numerosos actos terroristas atribuidos falsamente a la izquierda (lo que se llama en lenguaje militar atentados de falsa bandera), intervino secretamente en la política de los países europeos al margen de los ciudadanos y de sus gobiernos supuestamente “democráticos”, organizó fraudes electorales y golpes de Estado.
Los medios de desinformación hicieron todo lo posible por ocultarlo. Cuando ya no pudieron seguir haciéndolo, desde que la existencia de esta red fue revelada por el primer ministro italiano Giulio Andreotti en 1990 ante el Parlamento (1), se dedicaron a minimizar su extensión y sus implicaciones por razones obvias. ¿Pensarás que es una opinión conspiranoica? No. La realidad era mucho pero que eso como verás. Los ejércitos secretos de la OTAN: la Operación Gladio - El Orden Mundial en el S.XXI. El 2 de agosto de 1990, el entonces presidente de Italia, Giulio Andreotti, reconoció ante el Senado italiano la existencia de una red de ejércitos secretos a lo largo de la Europa occidental.
Aquella noticia era terrible y confusa en términos iguales. Los antecedentes terroristas de la OTAN. La red Gladio en España. Undetectable proof-of-concept chip poisoning uses analog circuits to escalate privilege / Boing Boing. In A2: Analog Malicious Hardware, a paper given at the 2016 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, a group of researchers from the University of Michigan detail a novel, frightening attack on the integrity of microprocessors that uses nearly undetectable tampering, late in the manufacturing process, to allow attackers to trip the "privilege" bit on the chip from userspace processes.
The A2 attack is distinguished from other hardware tampering in several ways. First, the tampering is done during the fabrication phase of the chip's production, long after the chip's design is finalized. Second, the A2 makes very clever use of analog components to replace digital counters, making it so small that it can fit into very small spaces (as small as a single gate). Third: this small size makes the tampering virtually undetectable, even when the finished chip is subjected to close inspection with electron-tunnelling microscopes. Anonymous Hackers Turned Stock Analysts Are Targeting US & Chinese Corporations. A relatively unknown division of the Anonymous hacker collective that goes by the name of Anonymous Analytics has been sabotaging companies on the stock market by revealing flaws in their financial statements, with catastrophic results.
The group, which was founded in 2011, is comprised of former Anonymous hackers who decided that hacking into companies, dumping data, or launching DDoS attacks is not enough. Anonymous Analytics are the stock market's vigilantes Instead, they decided to use their skills as market analysts and black hat hackers to scour the Internet for clues, sometimes with less-than-ethical techniques, and then compile financial reports on the companies they find cheating on the stock market. Until now, the group has published reports on eleven companies. The list includes mostly US and Chinese corporations, among which the most recognizable names are Qihoo 360 and Western Union.
Its most resounding success was the report on REXLot, a Chinese-based lottery machine service. GitHub - dxa4481/Pastejacking: A demo of overriding what's in a person's clipboard. Watch our webinar on demand. Watch it on demand Intelligence sharing in forensic investigations Battling the digital crimes and cyber threat of today Sometimes it’s hard enough just keeping in mind all the details of the case you’re working on right now.
But what if the key to your current case is lying in a file you worked on last year? What if it’s a matter one of your colleagues or another agency is investigating? This webinar will discuss the value and practical details of extracting, sharing and cross-referencing intelligence from multiple cases. We will also demonstrate some brilliant features introduced by Nuix 7 such as the ability to index data to Elasticsearch.
No importante No urgente. Importante y No urgente. Urgente y no importante. Urgente e Importante.