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Drug Warriors Try but Fail to Show That Marijuana Legalization Has Been a Disaster in Colorado. Adrian Grenier: Drug war demonizes people. A majority of Americans support legalizing marijuana, according to the Pew Research Center.

Adrian Grenier: Drug war demonizes people

Bar Owner Tells Pot Smokers to Light Up. New York Times & Washington Post Opine for Marijuana Reform. Reps. Ron Paul and Barney Frank to Obama: Leave pot smokers alone. Two House lawmakers are urging President Obama not to interfere with recent state decisions to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Reps. Ron Paul and Barney Frank to Obama: Leave pot smokers alone

Reps. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Barney Frank (D-Mass.) wrote to Obama Wednesday asking his administration not to prosecute residents of Colorado and Washington, where voters just passed ballot measures to legalize the drug. Ganjapreneurs, Governments Await Signal From Feds on Recreational Marijuana. I guess it shouldn't have been such a surprise to me that most of my incoming election-night texts, emails, tweets and whatever else had to do with the passage of Colorado Amendment 64—you know, the pot one—some along the lines of "I'm moving to Colorado," or "You can expect a visit soon!

Ganjapreneurs, Governments Await Signal From Feds on Recreational Marijuana

" (Perhaps I can have the joy of being the first to introduce you to words like "ganjapreneurs" and "budtenders. ") Satterberg dismisses all misdemeanor marijuana cases. King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg has dismissed all misdemeanor marijuana possession cases currently pending in Washington’s largest county.

Satterberg dismisses all misdemeanor marijuana cases

Taking action following Tuesday’s landmark vote on marijuana legalization, Satterberg said there would be “no point” in continuing to prosecute the 175 people currently facing misdemeanor charges of marijuana possession. Friday’s announcement followed the passage of Initiative 502, which legalized marijuana possession of one ounce or less in Washington State. The law also called for a legal framework under which marijuana could be grown and sold; both those activities remain illegal outside the medical marijuana industry.

Respected Federal Judge Calls for Legalizing Marijuana. Posted September 7, 2012 in Criminal Law by Larry Bodine Judge Richard A.

Respected Federal Judge Calls for Legalizing Marijuana

Posner of the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Photo courtesy University of Chicago Law School. Richard A. Judge Posner, a member of the influential United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago, is an intellectual giant who is the most-cited judge in America. Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures. (NaturalNews) There have been a few articles written about the multitude of environmentally sustainable industrial applications of hemp.

Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures

There have been perhaps many more written about the medical applications of cannabis. Teen Pot Smoking 'Surges' While Staying the Same. According to the latest Partnership Attitude Tracking Survey, the percentage of high school students who said they had ever tried marijuana fell between 2010 and 2011, the percentage reporting past-year use remained the same, and the percentage reporting past-month use rose slightly.

Teen Pot Smoking 'Surges' While Staying the Same

But that is not what the press release from the Partnership at (formerly the Partnership for a Drug-Free America) said. The organization, which sponsors the survey together with the MetLife Foundation, led with this instead: "National Study: Teen 'Heavy' Marijuana Use Up 80 Percent Since 2008, One in Ten Teens Reports Using Marijuana at Least 20 Times a Month. " Sexier, right? News outlets sure thought so: Obama Tries to Rewrite His History of Promising Forbearance for Medical Marijuana Suppliers. U.S. Ignores Voices Of Reason On Drugs. "When you have 40 years of a policy that is not bringing results, you have to ask if it's time to change it.

U.S. Ignores Voices Of Reason On Drugs

" Those are the words of former Colombian president Cesar Gaviria, and they make a lot of sense. It's been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If that is true, then the American "war on drugs" is completely insane. The United States has tried to eliminate drug use for many decades by making it a criminal offense to possess certain drugs -- the drugs not popular with the people in power. The drugs of the power brokers (such as alcohol and tobacco) are legal and actually more dangerous than some illegal drugs (such as marijuana, mescaline and LSD). Why Snoop Dogg's Marijuana Bust Is No Joke. One night in another life, I and another comedian were returning from a gig in Northern Oregon.

Why Snoop Dogg's Marijuana Bust Is No Joke

We had decided to red-eye the drive, making it to San Francisco without stopping. After crossing the state line into California, we thought we had it made. About a half an hour after the border, my rear-view mirror lit up with the reds, blues and yellows of a cop's lights a-flashing. I pulled over. It was like three in the morning. Gingrich Proposed the Death Penalty for Pot Smokers. December 13, 2011 | Like this article?

Gingrich Proposed the Death Penalty for Pot Smokers

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Over the weekend, struggling Republican presidential candidate Gary Johnson reminded MSNBC viewers that GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich had once to called to punish some drug offenders with death. “Newt Gingrich, in 1997, proposed the death penalty for marijuana — for possession of marijuana above a certain quantity of marijuana,” Johnson explained.

Reefer Madness. Wounded Iraq Veteran to Government: Allow Research On Treating PTSD With Medical Marijuana. More than 10,000 people in over 40 states have joined a popular campaign on launched by a former U.S. Marine calling on multiple government agencies to stop blocking research of medical marijuana’s potential treatment of PTSD for veterans. Sergeant Ryan Begin, a retired member of the United States Marine Corps, is leading the campaign on following news that the Department of Health and Human Services denied a study protocol submitted by researchers requesting to purchase marijuana to study the plant’s potential use in treating post-traumatic-stress disorder.

“I served two tours in Iraq and was hit by an improvised explosive device, losing my right elbow and then enduring over 30 surgeries,” said Sergeant Ryan Begin, who launched the campaign on Former U.S. Attorney Sponsors Marijuana Legalization Drive. ​Marc Emery's Prosecutor Switches Sides; Joins ACLU, Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes, and TV Host Rick Steves in Backing Inititiave The former U.S. Attorney for Seattle who prosecuted "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery said Tuesday that he is sponsoring an initiative to legalize and tax marijuana in Washington state. John McKay, who spent five years enforcing federal drug laws, said he hoped the measure would help "shame Congress" into ending cannabis prohibition nationwide.

McKay, who was fired by the Bush Administration in early 2007, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the laws criminalizing marijuana are destructive because they create a black market fueling international drug cartels and crime rings, reports Gene Johnson. Legislation To End U.S. Marijuana Prohibition Coming Thursday. ​The first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition is coming on Thursday, June 23.

Historic, bipartisan legislation which would end the United States' war on marijuana -- and allow states to legalize, tax regulate and control cannabis commerce without federal interference -- will be introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas). Co-sponsors of the bill include Rep. Initiative to cut pot penalties OKd for signatures. Proposition 19, last year's statewide initiative that would have legalized the sale and use of small amounts of marijuana, failed by a seven-point margin after opponents characterized the measure as a public safety hazard that would result in stoned drivers, workers and kids. But it wasn't a landslide. 420 Magazine Top cop changes his mind - Medical Marijuana.

Scott Morgan: If You Think Supporting Marijuana Legalization Is Political Suicide, You're Wrong. This Federal Bullshit Has Got To Stop » Montana NORML Blog. Dear President Obama, NYPD Commonly Planted Drugs On Innocent People To Meet Arrest Quotas. America’s 40 Year War on Drugs: It’s Time to Pull the Plug. For forty years, the United States government has been carrying out a war against its own citizens, as well as the citizens and governments of sovereign nations around the globe.

They wrongly identify it as the War on Drugs. This Friday, June 17th, is the 40th anniversary of the date when criminal and former President Richard Nixon proclaimed this war against the people in reference to the policies he implemented in the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act. Ron Paul and the War on Drugs. Last month the United Nations issued a report admitting that the worldwide war on drugs has failed. Richard Nixon was the first president to use such terminology back in 1971, and subsequent presidents have been hard at it — all with mixed results.

Obama’s Reefer Madness. Filner urges Obama to back off medical marijuana - Bob Filner — Nelvin C. U.S. decrees that marijuana has no accepted medical use. Marijuana laws: DEA stance on Schedule I locks door to medical marijuana research - What is it that makes marijuana more frightening to the federal government than cocaine or morphine? The Drug Enforcement Administration has steadfastly, over decades, listed marijuana as a Schedule I drug, meaning that it has no medical value and that the potential for abuse is high.

U.S. Rules That Marijuana Has No Medical Use. What Does Science Say? The U.S. Government Forced Cancer Institute To Censor Medical Marijuana Benefits. By Steve Elliott of Toke of the Town In March, the National Cancer Agency (NCI), a component agency of the National Institutes of Health, acknowledged the medicinal benefits of marijuana in its online treatment database. Norm Stamper: Drug Czar "Too Busy" to Meet With Fellow Cops. Former U.S. attorney McKay backs effort to legalize pot in Washington. A chronicle of the downfall of drug prohibition and the rise of marijuana legalization. Dad Gives Toddler Marijuana & I Would Too. Four decades of drug war tyranny may come to an end with Ron Paul's new effort to legalize marijuana. Poll: 55% of U.S. Support Legal Marijuana. US v. Steele Smith - First Federal Marijuana Case Allowing Medical Defense.

Tony Newman: Jury Nullification: An Important Tool Against Drug War Injustices?