Combattre la charia et l'islamisation de la Belgique. L'islam radical et la Charia sont un cancer, un SIDA contre lequels nous devons engager une trithérapie vigoureuse.
La Belgique, premier pays musulman de l'Union Européenne d'ici 20 ans ? - Noémie Grynberg. La Belgique, pays multiculturel, reconnaît le droit des minorités (ethnique, culturelle, linguistique, religieuse).
Au nom de ce multiculturalisme, la communauté musulmane revendique toute une série de droits spécifiques parfois en contradiction avec la loi nationale. Déjà l’islam est devenu la deuxième religion du pays. La fulgurante ascension de l’islam en Belgique ces dernières années a de quoi inquiéter à juste titre. Dès 1974, le gouvernement reconnaît cette religion officiellement.
Le premier résultat de cette reconnaissance est l’entérinement en 1975 de l’introduction des cours de religion islamique dans le programme scolaire. Selon certains pronostiques, Bruxelles serait en passe de devenir une ville à majorité musulmane d’ici à peine 20 ans. La Belgique est l’un des pays d’Europe où la naturalisation est la plus fréquente. Les musulmans de Belgique s’estiment à 75% pratiquants. Le prosélytisme va bon train. L’islamisation touche même la sphère économique. Visibilisation. Islamophobia Studies Journal. IRDP Home | Defining "Islamophobia" | Media & Events | Islamophobia Studies Journal | Pedagogy ISLAMOPHOBIA STUDIES JOURNALThe Islamophobia Studies Journal (ISJ) is a bi-annual publication that focuses on the critical analysis of Islamophobia and its multiple manifestations in our contemporary moment.
ISJ is an interdisciplinary and multi-lingual academic journal that encourages submissions that theorizes the historical, political, economic, and cultural phenomenon of Islamophobia in relation to the construction, representation, and articulation of “Otherness.” The ISJ is an open scholarly exchange, exploring new approaches, methodologies, and contemporary issues. Art by Khalil Bendib. Islamic Online University. Fatwas of Ibn Baz. Príbeh o manželstve proroka Muhammada a Aiše. Blog - Aisha Moková ( Predstava starého muža vzrušeného malým dievčaťom je nechutná.
V každom normálnom človeku dieťa vzbudzuje ochranársky pud. Platí to dokonca aj u zvierat, hoci by šlo o mláďa iného druhu. Pedofília je otrasný zločin, lebo zneužíva detskú dôveru. Ak sa životným cieľom človeka stane « rast vo viere », prehlbovanie a zdokonaľovanie viery, kde by pochybovanie znamenalo « prehru » a úpadok, prestáva byť objektívnym sudcom. Baslarova_disertace.pdf (application/pdf Object) "THROUGH DAWAH WE CAN CHANGE KAFIR'S DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM & BECOME AN ISLAMIC STATE"IMAM IN UK. Politically Incorrect – English Version.
Salafist group warns tomatoes are “Christian” There is no compulsion to accept Islam. Some friends say that whoever does not enter Islam, that is his choice and he should not be forced to become Muslim, quoting as evidence the verses in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together.
So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers” [Yoonus 10:99] “There is no compulsion in religion” [al-Baqarah 2:256] What is your opinion concerning that?. Praise be to Allaah. The scholars explained that these two verses, and other similar verses, have to do with those from whom the jizyah may be taken, such as Jews, Christians and Magians (Zoroastrians).
They are not to be forced, rather they are to be given the choice between becoming Muslim or paying the jizyah. Other scholars said that this applied in the beginning, but was subsequently abrogated by Allaah’s command to fight and wage jihad. PrSTB. Späť
OE romance: Kiwi beaten, starved - World. Beaten with a slave whip, starved and scared, Kiwi Sharon Churchill believes she would still be a hostage of her Egyptian husband if it wasn't for a team of New Zealand diplomats who helped her to escape.
The 41-year-old from Tirau in Waikato suffered emotional abuse and beatings from her husband of five months - a man she once called the love of her life - and started sleeping with a steel pipe for protection. But on February 14, she escaped, with the help of embassy staff in Cairo, and is now warning other women about the dangers of holiday romances. In letters she has sent to the Prime Minister and other ministers, Ms Churchill credits the diplomats with saving her life by working with Egyptian authorities to get her out of the house and on a flight home. However, her ex-husband denies the claims, saying he never assaulted her and that problems in their relationship were her fault. "In other countries the man feel the woman she don't respect him and I find that in her.
It's not my fault. " Jami a Tirmidhi (Sunan al-Tirmidhi) Hadith (Hadis) Books (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu-Dawud, and Malik's Muwatta) Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller) About the Book , or , was composed in the 14th Century by (1302–1367).
It is a classical manual of Shafi’i , meaning it is an authoritative summation of the Islamic jurisprudence– also known as Shari’a– associated with the Sunni Shafi’i school. al Misri based the on the previous Shafi’i works of Nawawi and Abu Ishaq as-Shirazi. Voting-to-violence (7).pdf (application/pdf Object) Surat Sad [38:44] Daniel Pipes. Raymond Ibrahim. Fjordman. Assyrian International News Agency.
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time. Stonegate Institute. Ex-Muslims reveal Islam and Islamic threat. Jihad Watch.