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Youtube. Youtube. Eating Habits & Best Yoga Exercises Tips For Children That Will Help in Long Term Health. Children require optimum nutrition and physical activity during their growing years and the dietary requirements of children keep changing as they grow.

Eating Habits & Best Yoga Exercises Tips For Children That Will Help in Long Term Health

Children spend their time playing around but this can be transformed into a healthier and more wholesome practice by making children practice yoga at a young age. It can bring surprising benefits and changes in their personality. This article explains the need for healthy eating and yoga for children of all ages. Ayurvedic Treatment of Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia) Youtube. Best Ayurvedic Herbs For Sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis is a multi-system diseased condition that involves abnormal collections of granulomata (inflammatory cells that form lump).

Best Ayurvedic Herbs For Sarcoidosis

The primary targets of this disease in the initial stages are lungs, lymph nodes or skin, whereas less commonly eyes, heart, brain, liver or any other organ can be affected. In this article we are going to discuss the clinical features and causes of disease along with the best Ayurvedic herbs for management and prevention of sarcoidosis. Sign And Symptoms The clinical features of this disease may vary depending upon the organs affected. Youtube. Top 7 Home Remedies & Yoga Tips For High Blood. High blood pressure or hypertension is a disorder of the circulatory system where the blood exerts more than normal pressure on the vessels that carry it from the heart to the rest of the body.

Top 7 Home Remedies & Yoga Tips For High Blood

High blood pressure can contribute to the development of various other diseases which can harm the vital organs i.e. the kidney, the heart and the brain, and even lead to their failure. It is caused mostly by poor dietary and lifestyle choices. Lose Weight in 30 Days with Ayurveda. Weight loss is always a trending topic in the world of fitness because the diets and workouts that are available in the fitness world are not possible to carry out for long durations.

Lose Weight in 30 Days with Ayurveda

Therefore the weight lost using these diets and exercises always comes back. Along with it come various diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, lowered immunity and cardiovascular diseases. Ayurvedic weight management is not like the trending diets but it is a way of keeping it away. This article lists the best tips to start losing weight in as little as thirty days with herbal remedies that aim at burning fat and promoting fitness. Youtube. Yoga Tips To Prevent SAD - Stress, Anxiety & Depression. SAD – Stress, anxiety, and depression has become a common disorder, a cluster of mental conditions that affect the millenials in some or the other way.

Yoga Tips To Prevent SAD - Stress, Anxiety & Depression

These conditions share their symptoms, causes and complications, and can also lead to each other, as well as the worsening of other physical conditions. Yoga can be beneficial in the management of such disorders and cluster conditions. This article describes what stress, anxiety and depression are, what makes them related and clustered, and some easy but effective yoga practices that can be beneficial in managing the symptoms of SAD – the new common lifestyle disorder affecting the world.

Introduction Yoga is becoming increasingly popular across the globe because of the benefits it offers for the mind and the body. Reasons Why You Should Follow An Alkaline Diet. As we all have studied chemistry, we are all familiar with the concept of alkali as well as acid.

Reasons Why You Should Follow An Alkaline Diet

Acids are basically the aqueous solution which are the pH level below 7.0 whereas alkaline is considered when the pH levels are more than 7.0 Water is one which has a pH of 7.0 being neutral. Whereas acids are corrosive by nature and taste sour, alkalis are responsible for neutralizing the acids. Treatment of Mucormycosis Infection with Herbal Remedies. Youtube. Living With Obesity and the Required Health Measures. Abstract High percentage of body fat is known as obesity and it is a very common health issue throughout the globe.

Living With Obesity and the Required Health Measures

The main indicator of obesity is having BMI (Body mass index) 30 or above. Last few decades have seen a considerable rise in the graph of obesity sufferers. Youtube. What is Poland Syndrome?- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Abstract Poland syndrome is a rare disorder which is typically present in children from birth.

What is Poland Syndrome?- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

It can also be termed as congenital disorder whose symptoms and signs vary from person to person or from case to case. But classically it is characterized by absence or aplasia of chest wall muscles usually on one side (unilateral) along with abnormally short, webbed fingers, known as symbrachydactyly which describes a hand abnormality affecting single upper limb and it is not inherited.

The affected upper limb generally has the same side as of the affected chest wall muscles (ipsilateral). This Exams Time Don’t Let the Stress And Diseases Affect Your Potential. Youtube. 9 Natural Tips for Preventing and Treating Bedwetting. Herbal Remedies For Cellulitis And Impetigo. Youtube. Rogaine for Hair – Introduction, Side Effects and Herbal Alternative.

Sishu Abhyanga - Neonatal Oil Massage. Oil massage is traditionally carried out for new born kids in many parts of Asia and Africa, especially India.

Sishu Abhyanga - Neonatal Oil Massage

Neonatal period is one critical phase in a child's life, it's the time when the baby starts to adjust from the comforts of the womb to meet the needs of the world outside. The child should be mended with intense care to offer maximum support for its entire lifetime. The support lies in terms of offering ample immunity, nurturing strength and also aiding to regulate their armature systemic functions. Thousands of years before your great scholars of the ancient science Ayurveda had mentioned Abhyanga or oil massage as an essential for kids in Jata Matra Shishu Paricharya, the protocols for dealing with a new born baby. Youtube. Youtube. Most Efficient Ancient Herbs To Help You Combat Atopic Dermatitis. Herbal Remedies For Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis.

Urinary Tract Infections Being Recurrent - Planet Ayurveda. As the name suggests, urinary tract infections groups the infections of the urinary tract as one,which includes kidneys,ureters, urinary bladder and urethra A good number of uti comprises of urinary bladder and urethra(lower tract UTI) ,of which,an infection pertaining to the bladder might be irksome and painful.however,if the infection is marked in kidneys and ureters,it tends to be more chronic.women are at a greater risk of developing UTIs owing to a shorter urethra,data signifying over 50 percent of women experiences at least one UTI!

Urinary Tract Infections Being Recurrent - Planet Ayurveda

Lets concur to the fact that UTIS are upsetting,problematic and also common,the symptoms such as urinary continence and that persistent urge to urinate can be troublesome-UTI’s being recurrent. Sign And Symptoms Some of the signs and symptoms concerning UTIs are the following:- Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) - Health Benefits and Ayurvedic Properties. Herbal Remedies for Craniopharyngioma (Pituitary Tumor)

Introduction Craniopharyngioma can be defined as a rare form of a benign (non-cancerous) tumor developing near the pituitary gland present in the brain. The pituitary gland secretes various hormones controlling the multiple functions of the body. Craniopharyngioma can show its impact on the normal functioning of the pituitary gland and other nearby structures present in the brain as Craniopharyngioma grows slowly. This condition can develop at any age, but more frequently it occurs in children and old adults.

Youtube. Alternative Medicines for Mucormycosis Fungal Infection. Abstract Fungal infections can affect any human body and can be seen in any part of the body.For example women suffering from vaginal yeast, jock with athlete’s foot, and a baby with thrush. These fungi are microorganisms that are not visible to the naked eye and there are many types of fungal infection. Most of them are not dangerous to health but some might lead to a life-threatening situation. Fungal infections are mostly contagious meaning they can easily spread from one patient to the other. One of the dangerous Fungal infections is Mucormycosis which is very rare yet very serious and in this article, we are going to throw light on this topic in detail.

Herbal Remedies for Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Abstract Viral infections are like hijackers that can invade inside and can multiply in numbers. They have the ability to kill, change and even damage the cells that can make the person very sick. Youtube. Back Ache-A threat to life and Management with Ayurveda. Were there times when your lower back laid limitations on you? Ever felt like you couldn’t take a morning walk anymore? Have you ever felt backing off from your favorite sport, or even a simple task such as picking up a sock proves testing? Yes, we concur with the fact that an aching back can very well slow down life as the focal elements of daily functions such as sitting, standing, walking, running involves our back. Back pain has emerged as one of the most common causes for an absence from workplaces, in this day and age, back pain is not narrowed down to older individuals, in today’s time and age.

You must be wiped out with all those external as well as internal medications! Youtube. Youtube. What is Ulcerative colitis and how praval panchamrit ras is useful. Praval Panchamrit for Ulcerative Colitis (Uc) Ulcerative colitis has become one among the common yet a disease of urgency nowadays. Upset bowels have put many of you into exhausting or uncomfortable situations many times. Though you often try to control your frequent toilet visits, you’re still worried about your bad digestive status. You might not know how to treat this or what treatment should be preferred.

Sometimes you can be among those many who have tried a few medical lines but got tired of temporary results or of zero improvements at all. Youtube. Planet Ayurveda Khadirarishta - Ingredients, Health Benefits, Indications & Dosage. Ayurvedic Treatment of Meniscus Tear and ACL injury. Reverse Fatty Liver Disease With Natural Remedies. Ayurvedic Remedies for ITP - Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Liver Detoxification Home Remedies. Mystic Chebe Powder for Healthy Hair.

Youtube. Treatment of Cutaneous Larva Migrans Through Ayurveda. What are the uses of Mukta pishti? - How is it made?? Youtube. Herbal Remedies for Molluscum Contagiosum ( Skin Disoder) Alternate to Tinidazole and metronidazole for Giardiasis. Youtube. What is Anasarca? - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Youtube. Hypovitaminosis, Vitamin B12 Deficiency & Natural Sources.

Herbal Remedies for Nissen Fundoplication in Ayurveda. Chronic Sneezing Herbal Treatment - Real Testimonial. Ayurvedic Treatment & Preventive Measures for Arthritis. Seven Lifestyle Changes You Need to Make To Prevent Kidney Disorders. Youtube. Natural Remedies and Tips for Fibromyalgia Treatment. Alternative Medicines for Villous Adenoma ( Colorectal Cancer) What is fasting Insulin and its significance for Diabetic patients? How to Increase Immunity with Ayurveda? - Natural Herbs. Youtube. Ayurvedic Approach to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Youtube. Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine and Headache. Youtube. Youtube. Treatment and Prevention of Seborrheic keratosis. How to Maintain a Strong Immune System? - Natural Herbs. Youtube. Youtube. Alternative Ayurvedic Medicine for Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia) - Herbal Remedies for Arteriovenous Malformation.