British Slang With Joey Graceffa. I don't know how this happened. Arabian furby. McDonalds Chicken McNuggets 911 Call. The List Blog - StumbleUpon. 10. Why are dogs committing suicide by jumpingoff the Overtoun Bridge? The Overtoun Bridge is an arch bridge located near Milton, Scotland, overthe Overtoun Burn. A burn is a term used to describe a type of streamwhich is smaller than a river. Milton is a village in West Dunbartonshire,which is just on the outskirts of Dumbarton. Drake Bell - I Found A Way Official Music Video Drake And Josh. Look what it said I'm sad. Funny pic 2. Very funny pic 1. Lobster all the fetish 2. Lobster all the fetish 1. What is it?! Meelo from legend of korra saying "be the leaf" Little girl my grandma whatches. Thing one or thing two? Mustachioed bros.