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Full-Time Working Mom using the FLYLADY SYSTEM. How to Make Custom DIY Labels for your Home using Canva.


YouTube. *CUISINE* *LINGE, BUANDERIE* *ENTRÉE* *JOUETS* 10 Speed Cleaning Shortcuts - The Secret to a Clean and Tidy Home in Half the... *SALLE DE BAIN* Recipe Ideas, Product Reviews, Home Decor Inspiration, and Beauty Tips - Good Housekeeping. I should be mopping the floor: Free Printable Notes Pages. We are winding down our month of free organizational printables with a set of Free Printable Notes Pages (in three designs).

i should be mopping the floor: Free Printable Notes Pages

They're perfect to add any extra important details to the home binder we're building. While this month has had a lot of printables...I know that we'll all have extra information to add to our own personal binders. These Free Printable Notes Pages are perfect to add your own items to your binder. Download one or all below. 3 recettes pour faire ses produits d'entretien. Découvrez en vidéo des recettes simples pour fabriquer trois produits d’entretien pour la maison : Un nettoyant multi-usages, un parfum d’intérieur et des lingettes de ménage.

3 recettes pour faire ses produits d'entretien

Un produit multi-usages écologique Versez 1 c. à café de bicarbonate de soude technique dans un flacon pulvérisateur. Incorporez-y les rondelles d’un citron. Mettez-y ensuite du thym et du laurier. Pour terminer, ajoutez de l’eau jusqu’au 3/4 du flacon, fermez et secouez avant chaque usage. Parfum d’intérieur naturel Mettez 1 c. à soupe de sel dans une casserole d’eau. The Secret to a Clean and Organized Home. Top Ten Tips for an Organized Home. 5 Tips for a Cleaner Home. HIDDEN STORAGE Kitchen & Bathroom Organizing Ideas! □ Perfect for Apartments and Renters. SIMPLIFIED ORGANIZATION! □ Linen & Medicine Closet Makeover (Dollar Tree, Walmart, Target)


*TRI, DESENCOMBREMENT, MÉNAGE SAISONNIER* FREE Smudge-Proof Labels + Organizing Containers (awesome hack!) ORGANIZED MOVING TIPS that save money! BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MINIMALISM » inspiration to get started. 30 Days to Minimalism - Pick Up Limes. Home Style Quiz. 5 Tips to LOVE Cleaning Your Home - Cleaning Motivation.

1. Declutter, as part of your daily routine (before cleaning), and also once a week (purge!). Before your daily clean up – declutter quickly, picking up mess in a basket and latter putting it back where it belongs. 2. Use aromatherapy and homemade cleaning products that smell good! 3. Listen to audiobooks while cleaning (recommended: wireless headphones). 4. Clean daily! Clean twice a day – 15-20 minutes each time. Enjoy your weekends! 5. Whatever help you get from other family members, remember to *clean for yourself*, because you love having a clean home 😊 – pomderen8

Stop throwing away empty toilet paper rolls. Here’s 11 ways to reuse them aro... Toilet paper is a household essential.

Stop throwing away empty toilet paper rolls. Here’s 11 ways to reuse them aro...

But whenever we finish a toilet paper roll, we often quickly toss it into the trash without giving it a second thought. It turns out that toilet paper rolls are far more useful than we give them credit for. Here are a few practical uses for toilet paper rolls. Next time, try to use some of these ideas before you toss a roll. Decorative art mirror Add some decoration to the walls by creating this decorative art mirror. If interested, you click here for the full step-by-step tutorial. Create storage container for toy cars Rather than having your child’s toy cars scattered throughout the house, create this nice little toilet paper roll garage. Seed starter Cardboard is awesome for seed starters because the cardboard will degrade and decompose over time. Find out more details by clicking here. Desk organizer If you need a place to store pencils, pens, and other office supplies, then create this neat and cute stationary organizer.

La Recette Maison du Spray Anti-Poussière. On aimerait tous avoir le temps et l'énergie d'épousseter toutes les surfaces de la maison quotidiennement.

La Recette Maison du Spray Anti-Poussière.

Ce serait vraiment le pied ! Mais bien entendu, personne n'a ni le temps ni l'énergie de faire la poussière chez soi tous les jours :-) La solution, c'est d'utiliser un spray adapté qui élimine la poussière et qui l'empêche aussi de revenir. Les ingrédients dangereux des sprays anti-poussière du commerce. What ClutterBug Are You? The secret slobs guide to making your home look utterly immaculate by AGGIE MacKENZIE. My mother, Joha, was a massive stickler for housework, and ran the house in which I grew up as though it were a military operation.

The secret slobs guide to making your home look utterly immaculate by AGGIE MacKENZIE

Our home was spotless, but she rarely got to enjoy one of her delicious Sunday lunches, because she was too busy cleaning the kitchen afterwards. That’s why, after growing up and having two sons of my own — Rory, 23, and 19-year-old Ewan — I adopted a little mantra, which is that a home needs to be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy, otherwise it gets in the way of living your life. Scroll down for video Aggie's (pictured) mother was a stickler for cleaning too, and ran their house like a military operation This may shock a lot people who think of me as something of a hygiene champion because I was co-presenter of the long-running television series How Clean Is Your House? It certainly surprised many when I admitted on the Today programme last week that I don’t always change the bed sheets between guests. Homes accross America. Real Simple: Home Decor Ideas, Recipes, DIY & Beauty Tips.

How to Clean a House (with Pictures) - wikiHow. Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Cleaning In other languages: Italiano: Pulire la Casa, Español: limpiar la casa, Português: Limpar a Casa, Deutsch: Hausputz, Français: nettoyer une maison, Nederlands: Een huis schoonmaken, 中文: 打扫房子, Bahasa Indonesia: Membersihkan Rumah, Русский: прибраться в доме, العربية: تنظيف المنزل, ไทย: ทำความสะอาดบ้าน, Tiếng Việt: Dọn dẹp nhà cửa, 한국어: 집청소 하는 방법.

How to Clean a House (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Comment ranger sa maison une fois pour toutes. LES BONS PLANS - Chaque week-end, Mathilde Gaudéchoux, journaliste au Figaro, vous livre ses astuces pour régler vos problèmes du quotidien sans casser votre tirelire.

Comment ranger sa maison une fois pour toutes

Se sentir bien chez soi passe aussi par le rangement. Quand on accumule trop d'objets inutiles, on est moins léger dans sa tête. Et bien souvent, on ne cesse de ranger, un peu tous les jours et ça n'en finit plus. On recommence. Mais quand on a une bonne méthode de rangement, on ne le fait qu'une fois. » Étape 1: Les raisons de ma démarche Visualisez le mode de vie idéal que vous voulez atteindre. What is in homemade roach spray? Homemade roach spray typically contains 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent and 1 cup of water.

What is in homemade roach spray?

Spray consisting only of dish detergent and water is effective only when sprayed directly on roaches. Borax or baking soda may be added to the spray to create a mixture that effectively kills roaches where they live, in the nest. To make a spray containing borax, mix 1 part borax to 10 parts hot water, then add 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent. Mix the borax and hot water thoroughly to ensure the borax has dissolved, and spray as needed in areas where roaches are present.

Alternatively, use baking soda instead of borax. Essential oils may be added to borax, soap or baking soda sprays to help deter roaches in homes with adjoining units, such as apartments or condos, or the essential oil may be mixed with water and used alone. Pulvérisez ceci dans votre maison et il n'y aura pas de mouches, de cafards ou de moustiques en 2 heures seulement! Garder votre maison propre n’est pas une chose simple.

Pulvérisez ceci dans votre maison et il n'y aura pas de mouches, de cafards ou de moustiques en 2 heures seulement!

Une hygiène appropriée nécessite des efforts et des soins quotidiens, ce qui n’est pas quelque chose dont tous les membres de la famille sont friands. La question est encore compliquée en raison de nos horaires chargés qui ne nous permettent pas beaucoup de temps pour le nettoyage. Ensuite, il y a aussi la question des insectes: les mouches, les cafards et les moustiques adorent les maisons sales. En fait, ces créatures sont assez difficiles à éliminer une fois qu’elles infestent la maison. Les gens font habituellement appel à l’exterminateur quand ils remarquent ces insectes dans leurs maisons, mais il existe un mélange naturel simple qui peut les éliminer rapidement et avec une efficacité qui va vous étonner. How to deep clean your kitchen!

Natural Cleaning. Natural cleaning is easy, budget friendly and healthy.

Natural Cleaning

And it doesn’t have to take a lot of time! Click here to download my Natural Cleaning Recipes. Learn how to make your own countertop wipes. Learn how to make your own baby wipes. Click here to download my cleaning routine document. Click here to see why I stopped buying laundry detergent. Jordan from Millennial Moms.