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The Stephen Millan Grant Fund for Entrepreneurs is designed to encourage young minds to channel their creativity and passion into meaningful business ventures that positively impact society. The grant provides financial assistance to ambitious students who are committed to entrepreneurship and have demonstrated their leadership potential through both academic and extracurricular activities. Eligibility Criteria and Application Process Applicants are required to submit an original essay of 500-800 words, addressing the essay prompt: X.com. Fulfilling Mildred's Dream: Stuart Piltch's Visionary Legacy of Philanthropy - Mildred's Dream Foundation.
Skip to content Fulfilling Mildred’s Dream: Stuart Piltch’s Visionary Legacy of Philanthropy Fulfilling Mildred’s Dream”. We are excited to share this wonderful article from the Tampa Bay Times about the Piltch Family and Mildred’s Dream Foundation. This article is a call to action and open invitation for others to join the Piltch family in making a difference. Stuart Piltch, reflecting on the foundation’s role, says, “We aim to make a meaningful difference in the communities we serve. The article also details the grant process and highlights the fact that 100% of a donation to Mildred’s Dream Foundation goes directly to support the grant program. To learn more about the Mildred’s Dream Foundation grant program, or to find out about our upcoming events please visit: Share this post Dedicated to equipping community-based nonprofits with resources to improve physical/mental health outcomes, access to education and to support domestic violence prevention programs.
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