Top 20 des Easter Eggs cachés dans vos logiciels et sites internet favoris. Il n'y a pas que pour les enfants qu'on cache des oeufs, les développeurs s'éclatent avec nous aussi ... Un easter egg ("oeuf de Pâques" en anglais), en informatique, est une fonction cachée (souvent une animation, un jeu, ou un message) au sein d'un programme ou d'un site web qui n'est accessible qu'en tapant un texte une combinaison de touches et de clics. Oui, ça ne sert pas à grand chose... mais ça contribue grandement à votre savoir inutile. En ce jour de Pâques, petite revue des easter eggs informatiques les plus célèbres : (maj mars 2013) Logiciels Google Earth Appuyez simultanément sur CTRL + ALT + A pour faire apparaitre un simulateur de vol (à-la-Flight-Simulator).Picasa Appuyez simultanément sur les touches CTRL + SHIFT + Y pour faire apparaitre un petit ours en peluche.
Internet Google Cherchez do a barrel roll dans le moteur de recherche, et vous en serez renversé ! Vous en connaissez d'autres sympas ? Easter support at Snowflake Software. It’s Easter this weekend which means we have two short weeks ahead of us in the UK and at Snowflake HQ.
As a result, our office will be closed Friday the 6th through to Monday the 9th of April. Technical Support The Snowflake Support team will be available to manage all your support queries as usual outside of these dates. If you do need to contact our team over Easter please email support@snowflakesoftware.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can on our return.
You can always find technical support, documents and FAQs on our customer support portal or contact the team during regular hours via: Phone: +44 (0)2380 238 232 Email: support@snowflakesoftware.com Mon – Fri 09:00am – 05:00pm BST (GMT +1hr) Time Zones. One of the most noteworthy elements of Google’s geographical tools is their propensity for capturing not space, but time.
By happenstance or design, Google’s world-crawling streetview camera famously witnesses crimes, disasters, phenomenal islands of temporality in a sea of geographical documentation. But when I spend time in Google Earth, I’m entranced not by the easter-egg serendipity of such moments, but by the stratigraphy of moments piling up out of time. In using Google Earth, we treat these atemporal mappings as noise; I prefer to think of them as the signal. Take this view of the shore of China’s Qinghai Lake, a temporal tapestry where seasons and solar effects meet without mixing — bands of summer cloud and shadow sliced by crepuscular snows: News Roundup: Flight Simulator Goodies, PhotoViewer Stuff, Video tourism.
Encore un easter egg dans Google Earth… The Finest Google Earth Easter Eggs - Rebecca Greenfield. Today, The Verge's Jamie Keene pointed us to a brand new Google Earth Easter egg: a Morrissey reference in front of the Salford Lads Club.
To break the programming monotony, the computer geeks over at Google like to put inside jokes in their creations, known as Easter Eggs. For Google Earth, however, each building for the 3D building feature is hand designed and submitted by non-Google folk. And it looks like they too have senses of humor, as a few Easter Eggs pop up from time to time. Here are some of the best ones made by these independent building designers, including the newest one. The Smiths at Salford Lads Club Smiths frontman Morrissey shows up in front of Salford Lads Club on St. The Blue's Brothers at the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge In reference to the Blue's Brothers bridge jump scene, a car shows up next to the Tacony-Palmyra bridge, which connects New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Steve Irwin at the Sydney Opera House. Google Earth Nuketown Easter Egg.
Google Street View Easter Egg. Google Street View Easter Egg Google recently hinted at a new Easter Egg part of Google Maps Street View.
And it has surfaced now – it’s called Street With a View. From the project description: On May 3rd 2008, artists Robin Hewlett and Ben Kinsley invited the Google Inc. Street View team and residents of Pittsburgh’s Northside to collaborate on a series of tableaux along Sampsonia Way. Street View technicians captured 360-degree photographs of the street with the scenes in action and integrated the images into the Street View mapping platform. You can view the street on Google Maps or see a couple of photos at the Google Sightseeing blog. Another, older sort-of Easter Egg in Street View is the Google employees posing near-by their headquarters in Mountain View, California. Yet another surprise in Google Maps is that when you search for niniane, you’ll end up in Mountain View as well, the info blurb reading “Niniane Kicks Ass!”. On the wall hung a whiteboard with the daily specials. 52 Secrets in Google Earth.