Trafic Aérien en Temps Réel. Created in 2009 by Laurent Duval, this website did not have a business vocation, it was just a passion about flying machines.
On April 14th 2010 the icelandic volcano Eyjafjöll went into eruption, and cause the cessation of a major part of the air traffic in Europe. Our website was overwhelm with connections and stay offline for half a day before it can progressibely be in service again. Thank to Guillaume Esnault of the company Digicube for his help, and the whole contributor. Trafic Aérien en Temps Réel. Suivi des vols en temps réel. Classique Vue de la terreCarte de sectionIFR haute altitude en volIFR basse altitude en vol Click to change Sunlit EarthWeather RadarWorldwide WeatherTFRsAéroports à proximité.
Statut des vols de American Airlines en temps réel. - Live flight tracker! Passage d'avions dans le ciel en temps réel !