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How to Add Notes to Your WordPress Dashboard and Admin Pages. Would you like a way to stick virtual Post-it notes to the admin dashboard of your WordPress website, either to leave messages for the other writers on your blog, or to serve as personal reminders? If so then the plugins we are going to be looking at today are just what you need. First up we will take a look at the WP Dashboard Notes. This is a free plugin which makes it easy to post instructions in a place where everyone accessing the back end of a WordPress website can see them: the dashboard. The visibility of the notes can be restricted to just you, or made available to all of the registered users of your website.

After that, we will cover some of the other options available for adding notes to the admin pages of your WordPress website. Whether you are working alone, or managing a multi-author blog, being able to stick virtual Post-it notes to the WordPress dashboard area can be a great way to share important instructions, and store your ideas and reminders. Conclusion Conclusion. Free WordPress Plugins For Ratings, Testimonials and Subscriber Counts. Proving your social worth. What do I mean by prove your worth? I’m talking about social proof. Leveraging social proof, specifically. And I know, it just sounds like one of those marketing buzz phrases that’s all over the zeitgeist.

And it is! But keep reading! This kind of marketing is actually a no-brainer, especially with the goldmine of free plugins available. This kind of social media integration goes one step beyond connecting and sharing plugins—that, while critical to your social marketing plan, serve a slightly different role. These plugins will help you collect and display customer reviews and ratings, testimonials, and subscriber count and following numbers to boost your clout, client confidence, and show off that stellar reputation you’ve earned. Prove Yourself For better or worse, people are going to talk about your service online.

But social proof goes ever farther than product and service reviews. How to Leverage Social Proof in WordPress Free WordPress Ratings Plugins. Testimonials Widget. Testimonials Widget lets you randomly slide or list selected portfolios, quotes, reviews, or text with images or videos on your WordPress site. You can insert Testimonials content via shortcode, theme functions, or widgets with category and tag selections and having multiple display options such as random or specific ordering. Also, Review schema for improved search engine results is built-in. Testimonials Widget is Beyond a Simple WordPress Testimonials Slider! Carousel, fade, and slide transitionsFilter slideshow content by WordPress' categories, tags, or post IDRandom displayShortcode compatible - slide content that is rendered using shortcodes. e.g.

Worpdress Galleries and Gravity FormsSimply styled for easy theme adaptionSlide images - responsive image slideshowSlide mixed content - responsively slide images, text, and video togetherSlide text - useful for rotating testimonialsSlide videos - video slideshowWidget and shortcode ready Video Introduction Testimonials Widget Premium. How to Add A Restaurant Reservation System in WordPress.

Are you looking to build a restaurant website with WordPress? You’re not alone. Thousands of restaurant websites use WordPress restaurant themes to power their website. However most of those sites just display the menu and a simple contact form. In this article, we will show you how to add a restaurant reservation system in WordPress. Note: You need to install the self-hosted WordPress to use this plugin. First thing you need to do is install and activate the Restaurant Reservations plugin.

Before you start configuring the plugin, you need to create a new WordPress page to handle your bookings. Once your booking page is ready, you can head over to Bookings » Settings to configure the restaurant reservations plugin. Restaurant Reservations settings page is divided into three different sections. On the general tab, you need to select the booking page you just created. Once you are done with the settings click on the save changes button.

Add Booking Schedule and Timings. Intergeo Maps. Comprehensive Google Map Plugin. A simple and intuitive, yet elegant and fully documented Google map plugin that installs as a widget and a short code. No limited plugin editions or limited functionality! This is the full version of this free and premium plugin, which comes packed with useful features: Intuitive and user friendly interface, which makes it very easy to configure Google map. No complex configuration options. Licenses: The plugin uses wonderful custom marker icons from the Maps Icons Collection project by Nicolas Mollet. Please note: the official support and maintenance of this plugin has been discontinued. Contributors Project Lead Alexander Zagniotov Additional Contributors Honza Rameš Install this plugin by downloading and unzipping the ZIP archive into your plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins). To use the widget, simply drag the ‘AZ :: Google Map’ widget into a sidebar.

Where can I find the short code builder? Our doors are now open. Sponsored by The slow paint lobbys the stop. Bug: JS error. Features - Quiz Master Next. The easiest and most flexible way to add multiple quizzes, tests, surveys, and contact forms to your website. This plugin allows for unlimited quizzes each with unlimited amount of questions. The plugin allows you to create the quiz, add it to any page using a customized shortcode, allows the user to take the quiz, and then saves the results. You can set up what the user sees after he or she takes the quiz based on the user's score. You can also have the plugin create a certificate for the user as well!

Have Unlimited Quizzes, Tests, Surveys, Contact Forms, etc.. Each of your quizzes can have unlimited questions and each of those questions can have unlimited answers! Customize Your Text All the text your users see can be customized. Different Types Of Questions You can have multiple choice (radio buttons), true and false, open answer question, drop down, multiple response (checkboxes), fill in the blank, number, captcha, and accept. Multiple Landing Pages For Each Quiz Very Flexible Demoes! Google Calendar Events. This plugin is very flexible, giving you a lot of options for displaying the events feed (and many choices of where to place it: sidebar widget, on a post or page using a shortcode, or just use the dedicated page it generates for the feed).

It's also painless to use—I'd have no qualms passing on a WordPress install with this plugin on to a non-technical person, if they're able to manage WordPress itself. This plugin accesses the Calendar feed server-side and caches all of that data locally (configurable cache expiration). The various display options give you plenty of choice how to display the information: calendar grid?

Agenda-style list of events? Daily listing? The event builder is a nice touch: you can manually specify what information about an event is listed and how it's presented (on hover in the calendar grid, or directly in an agenda/list-style display). It was also very easy to customise the styling of the display to fit our theme/website design.

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