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Pragati Leadership

Over the years, we have successfully created own niche in leadership development programs with unique approach in team alignment and team building.

Why Corporate Communication Training is Important - Pragati Leadership. Communication has always been at the core of human society to the extent that there would be no relationships without communication.

Why Corporate Communication Training is Important - Pragati Leadership

Without language, human society itself would cease to exist. Human beings are innately social animals, and how we connect with one another defines us - right from our development as children to our relationships as adults. Human communication is complex, it transcends beyond sounds & words to include bodily gestures and facial expressions as well. In fact, researchers at Ohio State University have found that humans can make 21 different facial expressions - the 6 basic emotions being happy, sad, fearful, angry, disgusted, and surprised.

Our ability to communicate enriches our lives and makes it much more meaningful. Well, to begin with, communication is so much more than just a basic ability to give and take essential information. Clearer business communication - Communication skills in business are a little different from your everyday communication. How to Practice Wholesome Leadership. Mindful leader development practices are prevalent everywhere.

How to Practice Wholesome Leadership

One of the top leadership development programs launched by Google called “Search Inside Yourself” is a popular course which revolves around wholesome leadership wherein the employees learn about emotional intelligence and meditation. The course teaches you to master your emotions, train your mind and more importantly, gives you a ‘balanced awareness’ of activities happening around you. Renowned institutions from Asana to Starbuck and Aetna are also including private yoga and meditation classes in their offices. Organizational Transformation. While we live in a free, independent country, the question of whether we truly live a free life has always remained in my mind?

Organizational Transformation

What does it mean to be truly free and liberated? How do we experience that in our lives? Since we spend most of our awake time at work, freedom at work would be a very important part of the liberation we desire. The TGIF phrase always to denote that somehow most of the people working in organizations seem to see work as a burden, some punishment they have to endure to earn a living, to buy a house, car and other gadgets. The two days of the weekend or a vacation seem like the glow of a faint candle in a dark room. How to Practice Wholesome Leadership. Leadership Training in India - Pragati Leadership. A global study on leadership by Korn Ferry which takes in consideration the view of investors and experts on leadership of companies states that only 26% of business leaders are equipped to lead future businesses in India.[1] Such study shows the real challenge India is facing while training the next gen leaders.

Leadership Training in India - Pragati Leadership

Stop Talking About Work-Life Balance - Pragati Leadership. Today’s hectic lifestyle and competitive work environment leave us very little time for our self and our families.

Stop Talking About Work-Life Balance - Pragati Leadership

While we may be climbing ladders at our workplace, we might be doing so at the cost of our other life, the one at home. Hence, many corporate employees are found struggling rather unsuccessfully to strike a mid path between professional and private lives. If you have ever attended a leadership training program, you may have come also across the term ‘work life balance’ which apparently teaches you to balance work with life. How to Improve Your Negotiation Skills by Pragati Leadership. Negotiation is a surviving skill in every phase of life.

How to Improve Your Negotiation Skills by Pragati Leadership

Be it shopping or working – understanding the science behind negotiation is really necessary. In this competitive era, skills and hard-work are incomplete if you don’t ace the negotiation skills. It all depends on who closes the deal. Today the definition of success also depends on smooth negotiation skills. Be it an individual or a business organization, the transformation into a successful business player depends on the basic communication and negotiation skills. So, what are the important aspects to winning the deal? Well, keep your dilemmas aside. Emotional Intelligence Training. We react at many different levels in our day-to-day interactions. 2 incidences of strong reactions are still etched in my memory.

Emotional Intelligence Training

One was about my own reaction. The other incident involved other people driving on the road. In the event of the first incident, I was taken unaware! I had just come out of a meeting and was still thinking about the implications of the policies being discussed. Just then, my senior, who was standing along with my team member called out to me saying “Suresh has been out for 3 hours when he was supposed to be working!

I was totally taken aback! The other incident involved another traveller. Out of the blue, my serene mindset was rudely interrupted by an elderly gentleman. How to Exhibit Agility in Personal & Professional Life - Pragati Leadership. Speculation about what the post-COVID world will look like is on the rise.

How to Exhibit Agility in Personal & Professional Life - Pragati Leadership

Will business and life in general go back to normal, with COVID-19 being just another event in human history to be turned into a case study for business and medical schools? Or will the new normal be as different from what was before as the factory was from the farm? While no one can sketch the business world of the future with accuracy, all of us are busy preparing ourselves for what may lie ahead. In the last three months, both offline and online spaces have been inundated with “How-Tos” for our professional and personal lives: how to manage working from home, how to manage our finances in these uncertain times, how to take care of our wellbeing, how to engage our teams and employees at large, how to build skills for the future, and so on.

Leadership and Living in the Present Moment. In my brief vacations from conducting leadership development programs and sometimes even as a part of it, I have travelled several tourist destinations in India and across the globe mostly with tourist groups.

Leadership and Living in the Present Moment

Time and again I have noticed during these trips, that many of my fellow tourists on reaching a destination will immediately ask the Leader – where do we go next? I realized that achieving Goals is like reaching a Destination. Once you reach one, you start planning for the next. 4 Reasons Your Company Should Invest in Leadership Training in 2020 - Pragati Leadership. If you have worked enough in the corporate sector, you must have by now come across the term “leadership training program”.

4 Reasons Your Company Should Invest in Leadership Training in 2020 - Pragati Leadership

And if you are fortunate, you might have as well been through one of these programs yourself. If you have already been there and done that, there is no need for me to emphasize how beneficial it is for an employee and how important it is for an organization. For the uninitiated one, a leadership development program is designed to train individuals within a company to take ownership of their jobs and the tasks required of them. Apart from training employees to become more efficient & productive individuals, they develop employees into strong leaders of tomorrow. This, in turn, heavily reflects in the management and growth of the company and promotes a healthy, competent yet stress-free environment. How to Practice Wholesome Leadership. Mindful leader development practices are prevalent everywhere.

One of the top leadership development programs launched by Google called “Search Inside Yourself” is a popular course which revolves around wholesome leadership wherein the employees learn about emotional intelligence and meditation. The course teaches you to master your emotions, train your mind and more importantly, gives you a ‘balanced awareness’ of activities happening around you. Renowned institutions from Asana to Starbuck and Aetna are also including private yoga and meditation classes in their offices. Stop Talking About Work-Life Balance - Pragati Leadership. Today’s hectic lifestyle and competitive work environment leave us very little time for our self and our families. While we may be climbing ladders at our workplace, we might be doing so at the cost of our other life, the one at home. Hence, many corporate employees are found struggling rather unsuccessfully to strike a mid path between professional and private lives.

If you have ever attended a leadership training program, you may have come also across the term ‘work life balance’ which apparently teaches you to balance work with life. So what is it and is there really such a thing at all? In my opinion, the truth is that the idea of a Work-Life balance is fundamentally flawed. Leadership Training in India - Pragati Leadership. A global study on leadership by Korn Ferry which takes in consideration the view of investors and experts on leadership of companies states that only 26% of business leaders are equipped to lead future businesses in India.[1] Such study shows the real challenge India is facing while training the next gen leaders.

To move up in the business ladder, it is essential for an individual to develop leadership skills. Old and traditional way of training is no more going to build strong leaders who can empower the company and India. India spends less than 2% on leadership training and skills whereas developed countries spend 10 to 15 percent on leadership qualities. Leadership Training in India - Pragati Leadership. Stop Talking About Work-Life Balance - Pragati Leadership. First Time Manager Training. Maximise leadership potential with the tools and techniques for an effective transition from being an individual contributor to a people manager Objectives By attending this Leadership Development program, you will learn processes, tools and techniques to: Build an understanding of the role of a leader and the competencies required.Provide knowledge and practices of the essential skills and attitudes required for effective transition to a leadership role Why this Program Taking the first step into leadership is a crucial yet challenging juncture in an individual’s career.

Pragati Leadership’s First Time Manager training will help you to avoid mistakes, accelerate effectiveness and impact as a leader. Top Leadership Development Programs. Top Leadership Development Programs. Organizational Transformation. How to Have an Incredibly Collaborative Team? First Time Manager Training. Difference between Coaching and Consulting - Pragati Leadership. What Could Employment Look Like in 2040?

Leadership Programs in India. Women are approximately 50% of the world’s population and therefore should be in a position of tremendous power, responsibility across all sectors. Women should be in major decision-making and influencing roles. Whether to sanction sanctions on another country or create policy changes in the nation or be part of the merger/demerger decisions, they should be in a position to opine and to execute the same. Women are considered ideal teachers. They are highly active in conducting executive coaching and leadership programs in India and are more popular than men in the corporate training sector.

There is no question that we have seen the tremendous change in the “breaking of the glass-ceiling “over the last 30 years in this. I think this is the reason that even today we celebrate “Women’s day”. The Role of Leaders in Creating Happiness. All business leaders are expected to deliver results for the organization. Top Leadership Development Programs. Developing a second line of Leaders - Pragati Leadership. Role of CEO in Learning & Development. Here is a question to all CEOs. Can Leadership Be Taught? - Pragati Leadership. One of the funny things you see in children is how they mimic some of their parent’s actions. When they are small and innocent, it appears funny. To become a Wholesome Leader, invoke the power of ‘Shakti’ within you! - Pragati Leadership. How to Design an Effective Leadership Development Program?

Today, the question isn’t whether you should invest in Leadership Development Program or not, many top MNCs like EY, Amazon and Marriott International throughout the globe are investing heavily in their leadership program and reaping the benefits. Looking for Leadership Programs in India? Need Executive Coaching? Why Health Should be Priority for Leaders. Developing a second line of Leaders - Pragati Leadership. Women and Emotional Stability - Pragati Leadership.

First Time Managers - Pragati Leadership. Organizational Transformation @ Pragati Leadership. In a recent conversation, the CEO of a well-run organization expressed this question and it got me thinking – is leadership development addressed sufficiently well by organizations and the owners of the organization? Let’s begin with the CEO’s question. Common sense thinking would be to have a competent person for the job. But in the era we live in, a continuously changing and evolving landscape of business and competition make things very unpredictable. What kind of competencies would really be needed to navigate the maze becomes the single most important question to really bring about new thinking? Executive Coaching / Training - Pragati Leadership. Big Picture Thinking - Pragati Leadership. Mountains and hills have always drawn me. When I reflect on what the source of this attraction is, one of them is the view from the summit. Whether it is the view of the whole area of Srinagar and the Dal Lake from the top of the Shankracharya Hill in Kashmir; or the view of the Alpbach valley and surrounding villages from the top of Gratlspitz in Tyrol Austria, the big picture view is always mesmerising for me.

Pragatileadership. Organizational Transformation, Organizational Change. Executive Leadership - Pragati Leadership. Freedom at Workplace! - Pragati Leadership. Leadership Training and Development Programs in India. Leading Leadership Training Company in India - Pragati Leadership.