Online (free) Courses
> Pricklypear
> School : Online civic education from the University of Oklahoma. Freedom 101.3, Ep. 4: The Reconstruction Amendments In this lecture, Professor Wrobel places the Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th) into the context of the political struggles of the 1860s and into the longer history of amendments to the Constitution.
He ... Freedom 101.3, Ep. 2: A President in the Jungle After a crushing defeat in the 1912 Presidential election, Theodore Roosevelt set his sights on an even more elusive goal than the White House: the mysterious Brazilian waterway known as the River of Doubt. Professor ... Freedom 101.2; Ep. 25: A Civil War Soldier’s Journey In his first battle of the Civil War, a young captain was shot in the chest and faced imminent death.
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In pursuit of these goals, you will be required to take ENGL101 through ENGL301, a progression that will afford you a working knowledge of the general evolution of literature in English from its Medieval origins to the present. The core program will also familiarize you with the tools and terminology that English Literature scholars have devised in order to facilitate the study and discussion of literature, from Marxist literary theory to poetry scansion techniques.
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