Prime Women
PrimeWomen is a lifestyle guide for living well not just living long. We provide a fresh perspective through articles written by prime women for prime women on fashion, travel, fitness, beauty, finances, and entertainment.
The Weird Perimenopause Symptoms No One Tells You About - Prime Women. The signs of perimenopause differ from woman to woman.
Even many OB-GYNs aren’t as familiar with the hormone fluctuations marking the end of fertility as perhaps they should be. To add to the confusion, the symptoms of both perimenopause and early menopause often overlap in women as early as their 30s or as late as their 50s. From strange itches to brittle nails, there are perimenopause symptoms you might never have heard about that are actually totally normal! Rapid Heartbeat Hormone fluctuations can bring with it heartbeat fluctuations. Naturally, anything having to do with your heart provokes anxiety. Crazy-Heavy Periods, Super-Light Periods and Everything in Between For the average woman in her teens to late 40s, a typical menstrual cycle will include a few days of mild to moderate PMS symptoms, followed by several days of bleeding.
Some of your periods might look more like spotting. If you go about two months without a period, you’re considered in late perimenopause. How to Choose the Best Shorts for Older Legs - Prime Women Media. Winter has finally made its exit and spring has made its debut.
However, with the 80-plus degree days that some of us are experiencing, it already feels a lot like summer! How to Choose the Best Shorts for Older Legs - Prime Women Media. Reversing Osteoporosis After A Diagnosis - Prime Women Media. Osteoporosis can be a scary diagnosis for any woman.
An osteoporosis diagnosis used to be the beginning of a regimen of lifelong medication, such as bisphosphonate, that is designed to slow the disease’s progression. Give Yourself a Gray Hair Makeover - Prime Women. As your hair’s pigment seemingly evaporates into thin air, you might notice that your favorite makeup and clothing colors no longer look as good on you as they once did.
That’s because gray hair, whether salt and pepper, silver, or pure white, tends to have a cooler undertone, which changes how your tried-and-true color palette works. The best way to recapture the contrast: Do a little sleuthing. Give Yourself a Gray Hair Makeover - Prime Women. Day Cream Vs Night Cream - Prime Women. Why Creams?
Focusing on the effort it takes to maintain our health and looks can prove to be a huge task! Awakening each day and looking in the mirror can be a deal-breaker, especially when the aging process overcomes us. As we transition through the decades from youth to senior years, it becomes even more essential that we take the right steps to enhance and protect our skin. Figuring out if you should use a day cream vs. night cream can be difficult, but we have the best tips and products to get you on your way to healthier more beautiful skin. A vast majority of women use day creams because it moisturizes and is easy to apply before adding any makeup or other products to your face.
Day Creams Day creams moisturize your skin and help protect it from being overexposed to the intense ultraviolet rays from the sun and other environmental elements. Regardless of your ethnicity, sunscreens are as essential as a day cream. The higher the number, the more protection it provides. The Best Makeup for Women Over 50 - Prime Women Media. Every woman needs a great makeup arsenal regardless if you like to keep things natural or glam it up a few notches.
When you are using great products and taking care of your skin, your skin will take care of you by looking radiant, fresh, and even slowing down the aging process! Here’s some of the best makeup for women over 50 that is fundamental to target issues specifically related to mature skin. Moisturizers First things first – when it comes to the best makeup for women over 50 – hydration! Finding one that works for you and your lifestyle is so important. Shoulder Exercises for Women Over 50. Strong, toned arms not only make a woman feel empowered, they make it easier for her to do life’s daily functions.
If carrying groceries and grandbabies aren’t inspiration enough, good arms look sexy as hell. In a 3-part series, trainer Bonny Osterhage shows you how to sculpt your shoulders, tone your triceps, and build your biceps in 15 minutes per day with these shoulder exercises. Your shoulders, or deltoids, are made up of 3 parts: anterior, lateral, and posterior.
Each has its own function, and training all 3 parts is a must not only for functional movement but also for improved posture. Finding a Good Fit: Best Bras for Women Over 40 - Prime Women Media. You’ve heard the earth-shaking statistics about shocking numbers of women wandering around in the wrong bra size.
This story isn’t about that. This is about the toll of time on our breasts. If you’re like us and find yourselfalarmed by their transformation — perhaps they feel like week-old balloons or you’ve discovered they’ve snuck off to take shelter in your armpits — there’s more to do than complain about gravity. We caught up with Tomima Edmark (pronounced like Jemima with a “t”), founder and CEO of online lingerie retailer HerRoom.com, for some straight talk on dressing aging breasts and keeping them as perky as possible. It’s not just about bra size. As women age, our breasts change. An Online Magazine - Redefining the over 50 woman. An Online Magazine - Redefining the over 50 woman.
Reversing Osteoporosis After A Diagnosis - Prime Women Media. 5 Best Tricep Exercises for Women Over 50. Triceps are the most common obsession for my over-40 clients.
Not so lovingly referred to as bat wings, that underside of the upper arm that wiggles and jiggles can really cause us women grief. The best way to improve the overall appearance of that area? Weight training. (No surprise there.) All you need is a bench or chair, some light- to medium-heavy weights, and about 15 minutes per day, two to three days per week. Tricep Dips The trick to this is to remember that the farther your legs are extended, the more difficult the exercise is. Position yourself on the edge of a bench or chair with your hands holding onto the edge of the bench. Overhead Extension Keep your arms close to your head, as though you are hugging your ears with your elbows.
Holding a single dumbbell in both hands, extend your arms straight overhead. Tricep Kick Backs. 5 Best Tricep Exercises for Women Over 50. Bicep Exercises for Women Over 50. Many women shy away from bicep work for fear of bulking up.
But unless you are training for a body building competition, there’s very little chance of that happening. Most women lack the testosterone necessary to support massive muscle gains. But they can develop strong, shapely arms — and the confidence to rock sleeveless styles at any age. When it comes to bicep exercises, you really can’t beat variations on the curl. All you need is a bench or chair, some light- to medium-heavy weights, and about 15 minutes per day, two or three days per week.
Shoulder Exercises for Women Over 50. A 10 Minute Workout Routine You Can Do At Home. Finding time for your workout routine can be a challenge any time of year. This 10 minute workout routine fits into even your busiest days. I’m going to show you how I found 10 minutes without setting the alarm clock any earlier. Even a fitness professional can find herself behind the computer too often. The gym is my office where I see clients to do their exercise so I have to make time, too. It’s rare to have the 45 minutes or hour I once was able to do regularly.
The good news is that on your busiest days, the time crunch you feel may be Mother Nature’s way of protecting you. The 10 minute workout is all about strength. How to Choose the Best Shorts for Older Legs - Prime Women Media. Finding a Good Fit: Best Bras for Women Over 40 - Prime Women Media. Sprint Interval Training: The Cure For More Fat and Less Muscle. Have you heard of sprint interval training? For postmenopausal women who are gaining fat, losing muscle, and prone to injuries, sprint interval training, or SIT, could be your new best friend. A recent study done on postmenopausal women showed SIT sessions both decreased fat and increased lean muscle. That’s a big deal. Cardio in any form rarely increases lean muscle tissue. It’s association with fat burning or calorie burning is widely accepted. Sprint interval training is just “sprinting” or pushing yourself for a few seconds followed by a recovery period. Easiest Way to Go Gray - Tips for Growing Out Gray Hair.
One gray hair can turn into a legion seemingly overnight, and though embracing the gray can be empowering, the process of getting to that mindset can be a tough one. Even tougher: ditching the dye and growing in your natural color. There is no “best” way to go gray — only the way you can get through the next 18 to 24 months. Behold your options. Extra Long Tunic Tops for Leggings - Prime Women. Leggings made their way into women’s fashion in the 1960s, primarily by way of skinny dancers who looked ever so chic wearing them. But it wasn’t until Lycra came along and aerobic dancing became the craze in the ’70s and ’80s (did any of you not join an aerobic dance class?) That we widely adopted leggings. However, unless you were a size 0, you likely weren’t wearing them anywhere outside an exercise class. With the advent of casual Fridays and women seeking comfort in everything from their shoes to their underwear, leggings made it out of the gym bag and into everyday, everywhere wear.
Now you can buy leggings in every color in the rainbow in different weights, sheer for summer, dense for winter. Introducing the extra long tunic top. Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50 - Prime Women. A few things that make it tougher to lose weight after age 50 include lower metabolism, achy joints, reduced muscle mass, and even sleep issues. At the same time, losing fat, especially dangerous belly fat, can dramatically reduce your risk for such serious health issues as diabetes, heart attacks, and cancer. Of course, as you age, the risk of developing many diseases increases. 6 Women Share Their Experiences With Going Gray. I am one year into letting my natural hair color grow in. What Are the Best HIIT Workouts for Women Over 50? - Prime Women. The Truth About Being Sexy and Attractive After 50. The headlines are everywhere: 60 is the New Sexy, 50 is the New 30, 70 is the New 50.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out everyone wants to feel sexy and attractive. But society has been telling women for…well, forever, that after 35 or maybe 40, we’re no longer worthy of attention. After 50, we are most definitely on the proverbial shelf. Not even a decent shelf. I’m talking about the shelf at the back of the pantry where things like that 5-year old can of cranberry sauce sit covered in dust.
4 Minute Workout…AKA Nitric Oxide Dump - Prime Women Media. Best Face Products for Dry Skin - Prime Women Media. When we think of flaky, itchy, red and oh-so irritated skin, we normally think of the winter season. 10 Ways to Lift Your Mood With Color & Makeup - Prime Women Media. 10 Ways to Lift Your Mood With Color & Makeup - Prime Women Media. How to Choose the Best Shorts for Older Legs - Prime Women Media. Where to Buy the Best Bathing Suits Online - Prime Women Media. As summer approaches, it’s time to start thinking about bathing suits.
I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the pool, beach, lake or whatever body of water I can find. I used to hate shopping for swimwear, but over the years I have figured out what brands and styles work for me. I enjoy shopping for a cute bathing suit and have no problems shopping online. I prefer online shopping over an in-store experience any day of the week. At home, I can try on bathing suits in my own mirror and with my own accessories. Fashion Over 40 - Instagram Influencers. Style is ageless. And the #stylestars curating the following Instagram accounts know it. Follow these ladies and you’ll never look at your own closet the same way again. Neutrals, animal prints, kaleidoscopes, positivity — it’s all here. How to Build Lean Muscle After 50 - Prime Women. Why Women Over 50 Bloat And What to Do About It - Prime Women. Bloating is one of the most frequently experienced problems by women entering perimenopause and menopause. It is so prevalent that it is often referred to as menopausal bloat.
Bloating caused by gas can lead to discomfort and be awkward and embarrassing. Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50 - Prime Women. Is Intermittent Fasting and Bloating Normal? - Prime Women Media. How to Lose Fat Without Gaining Muscle - Prime Women Media. 12 Best Workout Apps for Women Over 50 - Prime Women. 5 Secrets of the Stylish Woman You Can Steal - Prime Woman Media. 5 Secrets of the Stylish Woman You Can Steal - Prime Woman Media.
Plank Exercise: Core Workout for Women Over 45 - Prime Women Media. The Magic of Exfoliation for Women Over 50. Ripple Effects of COVID-19: Stress Eating. Best Cream Blush Makeup for Older Women.