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Fantasy 12 – Hens Teeth Prints

The Multi-dimensional Digital Artwork of Chadwick William Makela. Chadwick William Makela is painter and graphic designer who is not afraid of incorporating many mediums to actualize his visions.

The Multi-dimensional Digital Artwork of Chadwick William Makela

In this collection of 4D renderings, Makela brings together different elements in order to forge a sense of captivation and thought-provocation. His illustrations communicate their mixed meanings with an indescribable magnitude, leaving viewers studying even their most minute details. The Art of Science Fiction 047: Michal Klimczak - Kōsa Press. Below is a small sampling of Michal’s work.

The Art of Science Fiction 047: Michal Klimczak - Kōsa Press

Each image links back to the site of origin. Enjoy! I’ve been eyeing Michal’s art for a while now. I am struck by the immense silence radiating from these images. The Otherworldly Tribalistic Masks of Léonard Condemine. Léonard Condemine is a mixed-media artist with a passion for alienation and identity formation.

The Otherworldly Tribalistic Masks of Léonard Condemine

Creatively influenced by this passion, he crafts mystifying tribalistic masks adorned with feathers, painted shapes, mirror shards and more. Once completed, the masks are then contextualized in photographs of masked beings roaming landscapes, wading through waters and worshiping unseen deities. Condemine has been crafting these masks since 2010, creating each with more detail than the last. PUPPET DANCE IMPROV (TAKE 4) 30/05/2016. Artist With Synesthesia Sees What She Hears And Turns It...

Felix Pinchi Aguirre. 7 Flares 7 Flares × Felix was born August 21, 1983 in Huanuco, Peru.

Felix Pinchi Aguirre

Like many successful ayahuasca artists, he attended drawing and painting classes from the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School and received personal instruction from teacher and director Pablo Amaringo. He participated in several art shows organized by the INC (Instituto Nacional de Cultura) and other national organizations promoting art form the Amazon. Jetter Green. Visionary Art from the Amazon Jungle. Although similar techniques have been achieved in the digital realm, Luis Tamani Amasifuen’s works are all hand painted.

Visionary Art from the Amazon Jungle

The Elder Grove by goldfishkang on DeviantArt. Robert Venosa Illuminatus: Robert Venosa: 9789057032721: Books. Robert Venosa Catalog Volume One. Mystical Machine by FrodoK on DeviantArt. Spaceship Earth by The Union. 16_laffoley_mind-body-alpha_1989.jpg (JPEG Image, 599 × 600 pixels) Electrix Sunshine - canvas / LARRY CARLSON STORE. The Energy Art Store By Julia Watkins — Home. Fabergé Fractals Are Intangible Geometric Wonders. Artist Tom Beddard’s hyper-realistic Fabergé Fractals are digital, geometric fractal designs that manage to increase in detail as you zoom in closer to them.

Fabergé Fractals Are Intangible Geometric Wonders

If they were physical treasure, we'd expect the price tag to be: if you have to ask you can't afford it. Named for their similarities to the famous Russian Eggs and for the formulaic method utilized to create the designs, the models are at times “naturally organic and other times perfectly geometric," which results in their incredibly realistic appearance and the incredibly real desire to have one of these in your living room. Beddard says, "The 3D fractals are generated by iterative formulas whereby the output of one iteration forms the input for the next. The formulas effectively fold, scale, rotate or flip space. They are truly fractal in the fact that more and more detail can be revealed the closer to the surface you travel. " Vladimir Kush. Home / Massiflux. E Howard. Andrew Annenberg. Simon Haiduk : Visionary Art : Motion Graphics : Music.

15 digital visionary artists that you NEED to know. Author’s note : This is not a comprehensive list of inspiring digital artists.

15 digital visionary artists that you NEED to know

It is a selection of some of those who are inspiring me right now. 15. Android Jones We will start the list of with one the more profound artists in the visionary culture. Android Jones is a trendsetter when it comes to unique ways of utilizing digital tools to create incredibly detailed pareidolic masterpieces 14. Mark Lee is constantly dreaming up futuristic devices, modeling them using 3d software and then having them printed with a 3d printer. 13. Aussie Cameron Gray’s blurs the boundaries between the light and dark in the digital art that he creates. 12. Isaac Mills aka Mugwort Artemisia is a young lad from British Columbia. 11. Another artist from British Columbia, Justin Totemical is inspired by hip hop and street culture as well as the ancient knowledge of the ancestors.

Digital Art « Luminokaya lab. Wisdom Keeper by Amanda Sage - Spiritual Magick Visionary. Evolution by Amanda Sage - Visionary Fine Art. Beautiful Chemical Reactions. Fine Artwork by Contemporary Western Oil Painter, Andy Thomas. Totemical. Trinity / Jonathan Solter. 42 Modern Psychedelic Visionary Artists You Need To Know. The world of psychedelic art has been around for as long as people have been getting high and picking up paintbrushes.

42 Modern Psychedelic Visionary Artists You Need To Know

Many believe it reached it's popular peak in the late 60's when the hippy movement and flower power was all the go. Android Jones — "BLACK RABBIT OF INLE" LIMITED EDITION. Android Jones — "Harmony of Dragons" LIMITED EDITION. Harmony of Dragons • Limited Edition on Canvas or Paper • This began as a live performance painting during my 2011 Seeing is Believing Tour.

Android Jones — "Harmony of Dragons" LIMITED EDITION

I was digitally projecting my art onto the white cover of a 60 foot dome at the Harmony Festival in Northern California. The projector was mounted on top of my Night Rainbow mobile art studio and my workspace was in the back of the truck. As I sat down to work that night I had no idea what to paint, then one of my close friends and favorite painters, Xavi, came up to say hello.

Android Jones. Boom 2014: Museum Of Visionary Art « Scratchbook. Begeben wir uns in das Museum Of Visionary Art; die Kunstausstellung psychedelischer Bilder. Das Museum ist ein begehbarer Drache… Noch während des Festivals sind Künstler am Malen.