Trump lashes out after Morning Joe guest mocks him for upgrading ‘from diapers to big boy pants’ Trump’s Terrorism Speech. In a speech in Ohio on terrorism, Donald Trump repeated several fact-twisting and bogus claims he has made before: He again said that he opposed the Iraq War “from the beginning,” and this time pointed to two interviews as support.
But he didn’t express an opinion in one interview on whether the U.S. should invade Iraq. And the other came more than a year after the war had started.Trump blamed President Obama for saying, “here’s our time, here’s our date” for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, but that date had been set by an agreement signed by President George W. Bush.Trump wrongly said that one of the San Bernardino shooters “very openly” supported jihad online.
The FBI said the messages on jihad that it found were private messages — not public postings.Trump again claimed with no evidence that a neighbor of the San Bernardino shooters “saw … bombs on the floor” of their home but didn’t report it because of racial profiling concerns. Still No Evidence for Iraq War Claim. An Open Letter From Mr. Trump. Photo To Whom It May Concern: Trump is sorry.
What would a Donald Trump Presidency look like? Presidential candidate Donald Trump declares 'You're fired!
' at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. Photo from REUTERS Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump declares 'You're fired! ' at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. Photo from REUTERS. Trump’s Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties. As president, Mr.
Trump would have substantial sway over monetary and tax policy, as well as the power to make appointments that would directly affect his own financial empire. He would also wield influence over legislative issues that could have a significant impact on his net worth, and would have official dealings with countries in which he has business interests. Yet The Times’s examination underscored how much of Mr. New book reveals ‘con man’ Donald Trump is even sleazier and more underhanded than you think. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump points at the gathered media during his walk through at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, U.S., July 21, 2016.
REUTERS/Rick Wilking David Cay Johnston has been one of the nation’s premier investigative reporters for decades, specializing in the ways government works for the wealthy at the expense of everyday Americans. He first met and covered Donald Trump in the 1980s. In his latest book, The Making of Donald Trump, he profiles the many ways the Republican presidential nominee has gotten wealthy by bilking others, colluding with criminals, evading prosecution, and romancing the press. I spoke with Johnston recently about his new book. Inside the fall of Paul Manafort. Earlier this month, Paul Manafort met with Donald Trump and suggested that they put in place a succession plan for the upper ranks of the Republican nominee’s flailing presidential campaign, according to three campaign sources with direct knowledge of the events that led to Manafort’s resignation on Friday morning as campaign chairman.
Trump was in the midst of a string of self-inflicted controversies that were starting to resonate in polls showing him slipping further behind Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, and Manafort warned his boss that things were about to get worse. Story Continued Below The stories, Manafort argued to Trump, were being coordinated by Clinton’s allies, and they were going to continue for the remainder of the election cycle as long as Manafort remained at the helm. “This is going to be a distraction, and I don’t want to be a distraction for the campaign,” Manafort told Trump, according to a campaign official briefed on the meeting. Trump advisor: Maybe a ‘backdrop of a burning car’ would reach black voters better. Ukraine Releases More Details on Payments for Trump Aide. Photo MOSCOW — The Ukrainian authorities, under pressure to bolster their assertion that once-secret accounting documents show cash payments from a pro-Russian political party earmarked for ’s campaign chairman, on Thursday released line-item entries, some for millions of dollars.
The revelations also point to an outsize role for a former senior member of the pro-Russian political party, the Party of Regions, in directing money to both Republican and Democratic advisers and lobbyists from the United States as the party tried to burnish its image in Washington. The former party member, Vitaly A. Kalyuzhny, for a time chairman of the Ukraine Parliament’s International Relations Committee, had signed nine times for receipt of payments designated for the Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, according to Serhiy A. Leshchenko, a member of Parliament who has studied the documents. Close Your Eyes: Shocking Statues of Trump Appearing in New York and Other Cities (Photos) Art can be beautiful.
It can also be horrifying and hilarious. That’s the case with a statue of a naked Donald Trump that mysteriously appeared in New York City’s Union Square today. The life-size sculpture, vomitous in its cartoonish accuracy, has been attracting attention all day. DNA Info writes, “while the sculpture shocked some passersby, dozens stopped to make jokes, take selfies and flip their middle fingers at The Donald's image.” Sadly, the statue was removed an hour or so ago, but pictures remain. Turns out the group behind the stunt, according to the Washington Post, is anarchist collective INDECLINE, which put up identical sculptures today in Cleveland, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Pictures are below. Trump Apologizes for ‘Saying the Wrong Thing’ Donald Trump offered a vague apology Thursday night for not choosing “the right words” throughout his campaign, telling a crowd in North Carolina, “I will never lie to you.”
“Sometimes, in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and believe it or not I regret it,” Trump told supporters at the rally in Charlotte. “I do regret it particularly where it may have caused personal pain,” he said. He didn’t offer specifics on what statements he was apologizing for, but he has been criticized for everything from implying Mexicans are rapists to hinting that opponent Hillary Clinton might be assassinated. He has also been accused of using misogynistic and racist rhetoric, and encouraging violence against protesters at his rallies. What Trump's hand gestures say about him. Trump Casinos’ Tax Debt Was $30 Million. Then Chris Christie Took Office. Trump Dresses Like a Spoiled Rich Kid. The clothes the GOP candidate wears tells us all we need to know about a man whose idea of dressing well extends no further than how expensive his clothes are.
Throughout our current election cycle, the ideas and opinions of Donald Trump have been examined, analyzed, and argued about constantly. However, what hasn’t been talked about so often is his style. I believe that the way a man dresses says a lot about how he feels about himself and the image he is trying to project to the world. Therefore, by examining his clothing choices, we can perhaps gain better insight into how Trump feels about himself. If I had to sum up his style in a single phrase, I’d probably call it “Spoiled Rich Kid.” In fact, his entire look seems to be calculated to impress and dominate. What really bothers me, though, are those bright red ties. Why Won’t Donald Trump Say If His Employees Get Paid Maternity Leave? Ivanka claims the Trump Organization is supportive of new mothers. But it’s unclear if anyone at the company receives paid time off after the birth of a child.
The question of whether Donald Trump provides paid maternity leave for any of his 22,000 employees should be easy enough to answer. But if women at the Trump Organization do receive paid time off after the birth of a child, no one, least of all the Trump Organization, is saying. The Republican presidential nominee has said little about paid family leave during his campaign and does not have an official position, according to his website. When asked about paid family leave by Fox Business News’ Stuart Varney in October, Trump offered, “Well, it’s something that’s being discussed, I think we have to keep our country very competitive, so you have to be careful of it, but certainly there are a lot of people discussing it.” Watch John Oliver Call Donald Trump's Apology 'Bulls. On Sunday's Last Week Tonight, John Oliver called out Donald Trump for his "douchebag's apology" to President Obama for calling him the "founder of ISIS. " The Republican presidential nominee stated in a campaign speech that Obama was responsible for the terrorist organization.
Then in a subsequent rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump said that his comments were meant sarcastically. "So I said 'the founder of ISIS.' Trump’s money mystery: Trump is definitely hiding something, but the question is what. First things first, Donald Trump: Release. Your. Tax. Returns. No excuses.
Second, if we have to have a cartoon character running for president, I would prefer Bart Simpson. Like Donald Trump, Bart clings to a life’s philosophy best summed up as, “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it, unless it’s something good, in which case I did do it, even if I didn’t do it.” From Trump’s controversial words, a pattern: Outrage, headlines and then denial. Trump Deposition Trump University. In 2007, Trump was forced to face his own falsehoods. And he did, 30 times. - Washington Post.
Wilmore slams Trump ‘spokesgobblin’ Katrina Pierson: ‘F*ck you! Stop trying to explain him away’ Larry Wilmore didn’t mince words in his Wednesday episode of “The Nightly Show.” The comedian showed the clip of Donald Trump’s latest controversy, claiming that a few weeks ago “we thought it couldn’t get worse” than Trump’s attack on the Gold Star family. Then Trump made comments encouraging Second Amendment supporters to do something if Hillary Clinton gets elected. “At this point, if you vote for Trump, you’re just a d*ck,” Wilmore said, to thunderous applause from his audience.
Donald Trump Says He Gives His Workers Childcare. His Workers Say That’s Baloney. The Donald claims it’s easy for employers to help take care of kids, and that he provides childcare all over. But there’s little to support this claim. Donald Trump has boasted that he provides childcare to his employees. “I do it all over, and I get great people because of it,” he said in November. But an extensive review from The Daily Beast could find no evidence that this was true.
Trump Campaign Floats Every Defense In the Book For Second Amendment Fiasco. Literally Just 14 Lucille Bluth Quotes On Pictures Of Donald Trump. BUSTED: Trump told 30 lies in two days during 2007 deposition about his ‘billionaire’ claims. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pictured on day three of the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio on July 20, 2016 (AFP Photo/Jim Watson)
Why Trump's Assassination Remarks Shouldn't Surprise Us - Rolling Stone. Riffing from behind a podium at a rally in North Carolina Tuesday, Donald Trump offered the following remark: "Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish — the Second Amendment. And, by the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. " He then paused for a beat, tossed his head to one side and added, "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Donald Trump Directly Contradicting Himself Supercut. Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment Line Will End His Campaign.
OK, is hinting that maybe your political opponent should get shot The Line? If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. The paradoxical campaign of Donald Trump: Why his many contradictions and flip-flops don’t matter. The myriad contradictions of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign have become so clear and apparent in recent weeks that even his most partisan sycophants have to be wondering to themselves (not out loud, of course) whether their leader actually has any genuinely held beliefs.
While it’s no secret that Trump has a long history of flip-flopping — from his shift on controversial issues like abortion and gun control to his ever-changing opinion of Hillary Clinton (whom he lavished with praise for many years before his presidential run) — the contradictions have become so pervasive lately that even Karl Marx would have been confounded. Questions raised about Melania's marriage history. Donald Trump Eats KFC With A Fork And Knife Like A True Maniac. Donald Trump warns Bill O'Reilly that Hillary Clinton is gearing up to "rig" the U.S. elections [Video] - The Duran.
Donald Trump was on The O’Reilly Factor yesterday to talk about Voter ID laws and voter fraud in light of the recent email revelations that prove Hillary and her Democratic party rigged the entire primary vote in her favor. Trump’s natural concern, and warning to the Republican party is that the Democrats will try to “rig” the US presidential elections as well. Trump explains how voter ID laws are now in place to help the Clinton machine steal yet another election. Well, I’m looking at all of these decisions coming down from the standpoint of identification/voter ID. There's a Mutiny Brewing in Donald Trump's Campaign. (Optional Musical Accompaniment To This Post) Wednesday's edition of Where In The Hell Have The Rails Gone?
George Will: Trump Won't Release Tax Returns 'Deeply Involved With Russian Oligarchs' <a class="icopyright-article-tools-noscript" href=" target="_blank" title="Main menu of all reuse options"><img height="25" width="27" border="0" align="bottom" alt="[Reuse options]" src=" Click here for reuse options!
</a> Donald Trump Avoided Draft With a Heel Problem, but the Details Are Murky. But his Selective Service records, obtained from the National Archives, suggest otherwise. Mr. 10 Political and Psychological Observers Who Think Trump May Have Gone Off the Deep End. Doctor: Trump Would Be 'Healthiest Individual Ever Elected' President. Hey Donald, you can find the Gold Star mother of the slain Muslim-American soldier speaking on YouTube - Recode. Trump Lashes Out at Parents of Fallen Muslim-American Veteran: ‘I Think I’ve Made a Lot of Sacrifices’
The real reason Trump just asked Russia to get Clinton’s emails. The Most Terrific Reporting on Donald Trump. Theconversation. Trump Accused Of A Federal Crime On Same Day He Accepts The Republican Nomination. Donald Trump Freaks Out Over Hillary Clinton Picking Tim Kaine. Donald Trump Falls Apart When Called Out On His Racism Towards African-Americans.
Ivanka Trump Excuses Her Father's Racism by Saying He is "Very Blunt" Donald Trump Jr Flips Out On CNN After His Dad's Kremlin Aided Campaign Is Exposed. 12 Most WTF Moments From a Very WTF Republican Convention - Rolling Stone. Donald Trump's Republican National Convention Speech - Fact Checking Trump's RNC Claims. Donald Trump Flunks Actual Sanity Test Given By Keith Olbermann. Melania Trump Speechwriter Takes Blame For Plagiarizing Michelle Obama's Speech. Is This Why Trump Won’t Release His Tax Returns? Trump could be a good president. Trump’s Greatest Hits. Trump’s Co-Author Speaks: Donald Is a Sociopath. 6 Bizarro Moments from Trump's '60 Minutes' Interview. Bill Maher Reveals '25 Things You Don't Know' About Donald Trump.
Donald Trump Says Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Mind Is Shot,' Demands She Resign From Supreme Court. “A Trump speech is just a story starring Trump”: Science proves The Donald is a textbook narcissist. Donald Trump's 'Star of David' tweet controversy, explained. Trump’s Fanciful Iran Negotiation. 'Big Bully' Donald Trump Gets A Swirly In This 1989 Comic (NSFW) Trump Wants Consequences for GOP Rivals. Investigation Finds Only $10k in Charity Donations by Trump Over Last Seven Years, Despite Bragging About Millions. Trump is giving a speech in front of a massive garbage pile and the internet can’t stop laughing. Trump lashes out at Elizabeth Warren after she joins forces with Hillary Clinton: “I think she is a racist” Could Trump switch gears? The line of attack against Hillary that could hurt her path to the White House.
Anonymous just shared Donald Trump's Personal Data. Make civic engagement sexy again: Tramps Against Trump will send you nudes if you vote against The Donald. Donald Trump Accused of Rape in Federal Court Lawsuit. WATCH: Trump panders to evangelical leaders by promising to force store clerks to say ‘Merry Christmas’ It might be time for Republicans to start panicking about Donald Trump. Donald Trump's Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May. A Year Of Donald Trump. 60 Policies from One Year of Donald Trump. Donald Trump on being banned from Seth Meyers’ “Late Night”: “I only like doing shows with good ratings”
The 10 biggest falsehoods from the year of Trump. Apprentice crew members on their old boss, Donald Trump. What in the hell? Donald Trump Blacklists The Washington Post In Latest Assault On The Press. Alberto Gonzales: Donald Trump deserves a fair judge like any ‘child molester’ or ‘rapist’ New Video Game Lets You Do Very Bad Surgery on Donald Trump. If The Media Treated Trump Like Other Candidates, Yesterday Would Have Ended His Campaign. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Says Trump University Was 'Straight Up Fraud' Donald Trump Has Pushed the Country into Madness - Media Asks Him About Harambe the Gorilla. Donald Trump’s dodgy history: Where was the real estate heir during the Vietnam War? Ana Kasparian slams fans’ ‘politically incorrect’ defense for Trump: ‘Get the f*ck out of here’ The Humble Mr. Trump in His Own Words. ‘You’re a sleaze’: Trump hurls insults at reporters questioning his sketchy veterans charity.
Donald Trump's Hiding Something in Those Unreleased Tax Returns. Key ally Chris Collins tempers Trump’s controversial campaign promises - Politics Now. Even in victory, Donald Trump can’t stop airing his grievances. Hillary Clinton is an Astrological Plague (Gonzo & Conjure '16) Martin Shkreli Endorses Donald Trump For President. Donald Trump Eats McDonald's Meal On His Jet, Sparks Photoshop Battle. Trump goes full Trump on energy. Trump Googles (@trump_googles) Trump camp quietly courts Muslims. SNL: Russian Woman Talks Trump. Three Popular Myths behind Trump’s Success.