New Theory of Intelligence May Disrupt AI and Neuroscience. Source: istockphoto Recent advancement in artificial intelligence, namely in deep learning, has borrowed concepts from the human brain. The architecture of most deep learning models is based on layers of processing– an artificial neural network that is inspired by the neurons of the biological brain.
Yet neuroscientists do not agree on exactly what intelligence is, and how it is formed in the human brain — it’s a phenomena that remains unexplained. Technologist, scientist, and co-founder of Numenta, Jeff Hawkins, presented an innovative framework for understanding how the human neocortex operates, called “The Thousand Brains Theory of Intelligence,” at the Human Brain Project Summit in Maaastricht, the Netherlands, in October 2018. article continues after advertisement The neocortex is the part of the human brain that is involved in higher-order functions such as conscious thought, spatial reasoning, language, generation of motor commands, and sensory perception. Elon Musk's Neuralink Venture Seen As Targeting Human-Computer Link. Elon Musk has started a new company called Neuralink, in what's widely seen as a bid to add a symbiotic computer layer to the human brain.
Susana Gonzalez/Bloomberg via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Susana Gonzalez/Bloomberg via Getty Images Elon Musk has started a new company called Neuralink, in what's widely seen as a bid to add a symbiotic computer layer to the human brain. In the past, entrepreneur Elon Musk has described a "neural lace" that could add a symbiotic digital layer to the human brain. In the future, it seems, he'll try to build that device through a new company, Neuralink. Musk, whose name is also tied to ambitious projects in space and electric cars, confirmed the new venture early Tuesday, after it was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. "He hasn't made an announcement, but Neuralink registered in California as a 'medical research' company last July," the Journal said.
Hours later, Musk confirmed the company's name — but little else — in a tweet. Mitochondrial replacement techniques and Mexico | OUPblog. The birth of the the first child after a mitochondrial replacement technique has raised questions about the legality of such procedure. In this post we explore some of the legal issues surrounding this case.
Mitochondria are cellular organelles that generate the energy cells need to work properly. Two interesting features of mitochondria are that they are solely inherited via the maternal line and that they possess their own DNA. This means that in human cells there is the nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA. Scientists have recently devised two techniques that would allow women affected by mitochondrial DNA diseases to have genetically related children free from disease. Now, the birth of the first child after an MRT, MST in this case, took the world by surprise. This remarkable accomplishment was met with both awe and criticism. In order to address some of the issues we decided to explore the legality of MRTs in Mexico.
Featured image credit: IVF by DrKontogianniIVF. Bionic Lens Will Give You Superhuman Vision (3 x 20/20) Theconversation. Just listen: what is the sound that you can identify as being physically furthest away from where you are? Is it traffic, a jet engine, a computer fan, air conditioning, birds, animals, the weather, the TV? What is the sound closest to you that you can identify? Can you hear your heart beat, your blood flow? And what is that high-pitched sound that seems to be ever present? The intensity and the consistent presence of sonic textures such as machine noise, distorted high-frequency sounds, mid-range drones, sub-sonic hums and the like have significantly shaped the contexts of our hearing. Radio has had a huge impact on the ways we hear and listen to the human voice, exploiting the use of vocal qualities and manipulating the sound through the use of effects such as reverberation, echo and compression. Throughout the 20th century, developments in media technologies and the “Worldwide Hum” continued to affect the way we hear and register what it is that we hear.
Click to enlarge. LET美人 2 9회 출산 후 변한 가슴으로 고통 받는 절벽 가슴 엄마 VS 가슴 4개 달린 엄마. Cyberith's Virtualizer brings running, jumping ... and sitting to virtual reality. In recent years, we've seen a number of virtual reality (VR) devices targeted at bringing more immersive gaming to the home while also adding locomotion to the mix.
Joining the charge is the Virtualizer from Austrian-based company Cyberith. The rig features an omni-directional treadmill, which is nothing new, but in addition to letting gamers walk and run on the spot, it also lets them rotate, jump, crouch, kneel and even sit down, with these motions matched in game by their virtual selves. View all Cyberith's Virtualizer has been designed to be compatible with various head-mounted displays, such as Oculus Rift goggles, along with various gaming guns and controllers, like Nintendo’s Wii remote. Central to the device is the base plate, which looks a lot like the WizDish platform we looked at back in 2012, and can support weights of 120 kg (265 lb).
The other major component of the Virtualizer is the movable ring contraption into which the user is strapped. Source: Cyberith Share. The Not-So-Distant Future When We Can All Upgrade Our Brains - Alexis C. Madrigal. The analysts at the Institute for the Future present new research about our weird times. Reuters In a decade, cognitive enhancement may have gone mainstream. Pills can already help you stay up longer, bring more focus to your work, and who knows what else. But what might sound good on an individual level could create societal disruptions, or so Palo Alto think-tank the Institute for the Future proposes in its latest Ten-Year Forecasts.
As a result, the Institute has proposed that the world's citizens need a "Magna Cortica. " "Magna Cortica is the argument that we need to have a guidebook for both the design spec and ethical rules around the increasing power and diversity of cognitive augmentation," said IFTF distinguished fellow, Jamais Cascio. Back in 2008, 20 percent of scientists reported using brain-enhancing drugs.
Both are one more step to integrating digital information directly into how we think as prosthetic knowledge. So, he floated five simple principles: 1. The Future of Brain Implants. Why Are We Making Robots When We Could Be Breeding Super People? The thing about magick that’s difficult to explain to the uninitiated is that you absolutely have to do it to understand it entirely. You can’t just read about it in books. Supposedly “coincidental” events start piling on top of each other in such a way that you can’t deny the interconnected nature of consciousness anymore. The ideas of dead matter and cold randomness start to appear increasingly primitive.
You try to buy into them because that’s what you’ve been taught since birth but the hive mind keeps throwing wrenches into that whole design from the inside. Huh, yeah, they did in fact selectively breed slaves for specific abilities like strength to create super slaves didn’t they and that is part of the reason I now watch the NBA like a crack head isn’t it?
Hey, I learned something new about black history during black history month and now I’m moving on because I’m white and I probably shouldn’t be talking about this. And that’s where it gets even deeper. @Thad_McKraken. Powerful artificial muscles made from ... fishing line? Artificial muscles could find use in a wide range of applications, including prosthetic limbs, robotics, exoskeletons, or pretty much any situation in which hydraulics or electric motors just aren't a practical means of moving objects. Scientists have been working on such muscles for a number of years, using materials like vanadium dioxide, graphene, carbon nanotubes and dielectric elastomers. Now, however, some of those same scientists have discovered that very powerful artificial muscles can be made from much more down-to-earth materials – regular polymer fishing line, and metal-coated nylon sewing thread.
The research was led by The University of Texas at Dallas, but involved the input of partnering universities in Australia, South Korea, Canada, Turkey and China. To make the muscles, the team started by attaching one end of a piece of fishing line to the tip of a power drill, with the other end hanging below it, held in place by an attached heavy weight. This Guy Wants to Help You Download Your Brain. Image via Ever wanted to download a copy of your own brain? Say you went through a serious car crash, for example—wouldn't it be nice to take out your damaged brain and replace it with a replica you'd downloaded and stashed away prior to the accident? Or perhaps over time you could even build a collection of brains, each storing different memories, thoughts, and dreams that would equate, in a sense, to different versions of you? Something like that might come in handy when you're trying to throw off various neuroses, like a fear of asking out hot people or an anxiety about bungee ropes, or a reluctance to believe that scientists could one day pull something like this off.
There are people trying to make this a reality. Theoretically, a complete connectome of an individual's brain would constitute a copy of the pathways between every memory, thought, and experience that person had ever had. One I did find is Brain Backups. Russell Hanson. OK, and how are you going to research this? Virtual afterlives will transform humanity – Michael Graziano. In the late 1700s, machinists started making music boxes: intricate little mechanisms that could play harmonies and melodies by themselves. Some incorporated bells, drums, organs, even violins, all coordinated by a rotating cylinder. The more ambitious examples were Lilliputian orchestras, such as the Panharmonicon, invented in Vienna in 1805, or the mass-produced Orchestrion that came along in Dresden in 1851. But the technology had limitations. To make a convincing violin sound, one had to create a little simulacrum of a violin — quite an engineering feat.
How to replicate a trombone? Then, in 1877, the American inventor Thomas Edison introduced the first phonograph, and the history of recorded music changed. Imagine a future in which your mind never dies. That second version of you could live in a simulated world and hardly know the difference. It is tempting to ignore these ideas as just another science-fiction trope, a nerd fantasy. Could we ever map a complete human connectome? Human Cells Make Mice Smarter. In spring a band of brainy rodents made headlines for zipping through mazes and mastering memory tricks. Scientists credited the impressive intellectual feats to human cells transplanted into their brains shortly after birth.
But the increased mental muster did not come from neurons, the lanky nerve cells that swap electrical signals and stimulate muscles. The mice benefited from human stem cells called glial progenitors, immature cells poised to become astrocytes and other glia cells, the supposed support cells of the brain. Astrocytes are known for mopping up excess neuro-transmitters and maintaining balance in brain systems. During the past couple of decades, however, researchers started suspecting astrocytes of making more complex cognitive contributions. In the 1990s the cells got caught using calcium to accomplish a form of nonelectrical signaling. The new study, published in March in Cell Stem Cell, tested this hypothesis.
SEE: Visionary pair imagines how humans will look in 100,000 years. Nickolay Lamm/MyVoucherCodes.co.uk Large green eyes suggest that human vision might be more cat-like. Forget cyborgs — humans of the future might look more like Pokémon characters. In 100,000 years, people might have larger heads, Google Glass type contact lenses and sideways-blinking oversized Disney eyes that glow green with cat-like night vision. At least, that is what two researchers say could happen in "one possible timeline. " "This is speculation based on reason," artist Nickolay Lamm told the Daily News. "When I designed it I wasn't thinking of anime, but I can see the resemblance. It's kind of a coincidence that that happened. " Lamm teamed up with computational geneticist Alan Kwan to envision a future where zygotic genome engineering technology develops to the point where humans will be able to control their own evolution the way we control electrons today.
Nickolay Lamm/MyVoucherCodes.co.uk Larger heads, the teams suggest, would accommodate larger brains. mwalsh@nydailynews.com. Superman 2.0: How human-enhancement technologies are giving us all superpowers. Photo by Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images In the summer of 1935, a pair of Bavarian climbers arrived in the Bernese Alps, hoping to become the first people ever to scale the monstrous north face of the mountain known as the Eiger. On their first day, they made good progress. On the second day, less so, and on the third, even less. Then a storm swept over the mountain and they froze to death. The next year, four more mountaineers attempted the face, and all four died. Twelve years and many more fatalities later, a pair of climbers managed to surmount the Eiger in 18 hours. The Eiger hasn’t gotten any shorter or less steep, nor the conditions any gentler.
Granted, the ability to climb an Alp in less than three hours isn’t a particularly dramatic superpower by comic-book standards. In the meantime, a new crop of enhancement technologies has captured the attention of the media, the dollars of investors, and the scrutiny of ethicists. Superhero or Supervillain? Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity: Interview With Tony Wright. “I believe that the lost secret of human emergence..the undefined catalyst that took a very bright monkey and turned that species into a self-reflecting dreamer..that catalyst has to be sought in these alkaloids in the food chain that were catalyzing higher states of intellectual activity.” — Terence McKenna Tony Wright and Graham Gynn are authors of Left In The Dark- the book that presents Tony’s research outlining a radical re-interpretation of the current data regarding human evolution and, they contend, our recent degenerated state we call “civilization”.
You can read the book for free here. Despite such a young and extreme proposal positive reactions are growing and include such minds as Dennis McKenna, Stanislav Grof, Colin Groves, Michael Winkelman and many others. There are many mysterious anomalies about human evolution yet to be adequately explained. The following is a discussion with Tony Wright on these anomalies and more, followed by some further information on his theory.