This couple created a machine to measure the strength of long-distance love. Typically, we think of a “love machine” as a man who gets around or is an especially good lay. But Ashley Clark and Matej Vakula had a very different vision in mind: an actual machine that can measure love — and they say they’ve succeeded in creating it. Before you go alerting the scientific presses, know that Clark and Vakula, who collaborate under the moniker Clakula, are artists.
Like artiiiiiiste artists who make conceptual, metaphoric, minimalist films with a family-heirloom Super 8 camera. The wonderfully surprising thing about them is that their “love machine” is actually, dare I say, brilliant — more on that later — and the story behind its creation is pretty fantastic. Vakula is from Slovakia and Clark is American. And, ultimately, they created the aforementioned steampunk-esque machine. I spoke with Vakula from his new home in Brooklyn about long-distance relationships, immigration and what it means to measure love. What is the basic idea behind the project? It was hard. 10 Crazy Tinder Stories (tinder, app, online dating) The Tinder experiment that exposed shallow daters Is it really a stretch to conclude that many on Tinder look for companionship based on looks? That is how the app is set up – you swipe through pics of potential dates and decide whether or not you'd be interested in dating the person in question solely on the basis of a photo.
Enter dating website Simple Pickup. Simple Pickup conducted a social experiment with the popular online dating app. They created profiles of a thin man and thin woman and "fattened them up" using prosthetics and padding to make them look significantly bigger than they did in photos. The results? The women, on the other hand, were..nicer. Frankly, we were shocked that no one in the experiment knew their potential dates were wearing fat suits to begin with! The Tinder dater who just wanted to cut to the chase An FSU student named Jules decided to delete her Tinder account after receiving this missive from a potential suitor named Derek. Derek sent Jules two options. Scent | PostSecret. 5 Simple Ways to Quickly Resolve Conflict with Your Partner. “Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.” ~Unknown You have a small disagreement with your partner and before you know it, it escalates into a big fight. Sound familiar? You then get dreadfully grumpy.
You’re in “war” mode now and you want to win the battle. You barely listen to a word your partner says and all you want is for him or her to say, “I’m so sorry, you’re right.” Perhaps this is something that you can relate to. This was me on a lot of occasions when confronted by a small disagreement with my partner, and something that I still struggle with today. It became a bit of a habit. Why? Well, here goes…because I was proud. I have come to realize that not only was my response incredibly damaging for my relationship, it was not very loving or caring. It the heat of an argument, it’s easy to forget that and we let our pride get the best of us. Every time you give into your pride and start a war, you make a little crack in your relationship. So, is it really worth it? Date’s Flaws Coming At Woman Faster Than She Can Rationalize Them. WILMINGTON, DE—Over the course of their dinner Tuesday evening at a local bar and grill, area woman Melissa Kowalski, 27, reportedly faced a constant stream of her date’s personal flaws so swift and intense that she could not possibly rationalize them all.
Kowalski told reporters that throughout her 90-minute first date with 28-year-old digital media producer Colin Layner, she was unable to formulate the excuses and justifications necessary to keep pace with his rapidly emerging negative qualities, admitting that at numerous points she became completely overwhelmed by the unrelenting barrage of deficiencies in Layner’s behavior, background, career, general personality, and physical appearance.
“Honestly, I started losing track of all of his faults before our drinks even arrived,” Kowalski continued. “I was barely done convincing myself that his wheezing laugh is somewhat endearing when he got a little curt with our waiter, and I had to chalk that up to him having a rough day at work. Staff Major Really Looking Forward To Proofing Your Slides. FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Maj. Tom Norton, Assistant S3 at Division, simply cannot wait to see and proofread your PowerPoint slides, even though it is a Friday afternoon, his eleventh wedding anniversary, and his wife is waiting at home wearing nothing but a bottle of Oban and a pair of Jimmy Choos, sources confirmed moments ago. “I’m in no hurry,” said Norton, 33, a decorated combat veteran of both OIF and OEF who you often publicly deride as a “staff weenie,” and who commanded an Infantry company in Afghanistan for fourteen months.
“It’s not like I have anything better to do. This is the most important job I’ve ever had.” Norton is happy to cool his heels in his cubicle diddling around on Facebook while he waits, sources confirmed. The slides in question are over 36 hours overdue, and are critical to Norton’s task of populating yet another slideshow for a brief to higher headquarters next month. 17 Breakup Excuses That Will Make You Weep For Humanity. There's no need to reinvent the wheel when breaking up with someone: Explain to your soon-to-be ex what went wrong, be as transparent as possible, and try your damnedest to let them down gently. Apparently, that's a lot harder than it sounds. On Saturday, Redditors offered up the most ridiculous breakup excuses that were ever used on them.
If you're responsible for uttering any of these lines, please go hide your head in shame. 1. "I love you and I won't be able to bear it if I lose you. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. And finally, this gem from a frugal middle schooler: 17. INFP, INTP, & ISP Relationship Difficulties. INFPs and INTPs excel when it comes to preserving external peace. They are masters of outer adaptation and can readily blend and mesh with others. Despite their knack for maintaining external harmony, many INFPs and INTPs unwittingly fail to develop intimate and effective communication in their relationships. To understand why INFPs and INTPs struggle with communication in their relationships, it helps to understand the structure of their functional stack.
For all IP types, their extraverted Judging function (Fe or Te) is in the inferior position. Extraverted Feeling (Fe) and Extraverted Thinking (Te) are the functions that allow us to verbally express our convictions or judgments. INFPs and INTPs also prefer to avoid direct conflict if at all possible. When INFPs and INTPs feel compelled to express themselves, they often do so through action rather than words. A less healthy form of action that is common to all IP types is passive-aggressive behavior. The Great Perils of Social Interaction. If an alien ever immigrated to Earth, he’d be a social disaster. He’d try his hardest to learn by observing how humans behave, but it wouldn’t be easy—he’d see someone ask a stranger for a cigarette and he’d go ask for a sip of someone’s latte.
He’d see a couple kissing on the street and he’d go try to kiss the policeman on the corner. He’d stare. He’d get food all over his alien face. Our alien immigrant wouldn’t last a day before being arrested. That’s the way things are—there is an intricate set of thousands of social rules, and we’re all sharply attuned to them. But the hardest part of trying to abide by the Social Rulebook is that it’s far from a perfect book. It takes you to a certain point but then leaves much up to interpretationThere are parts that are outdated or badly thought-out and terribly in need of an AmendmentAnd to further complicate things, every nation, ethnicity, culture, and subculture has its own unique version of the Rulebook It’s the wild fucking west out there.
9 Months. 98 Men. Here's What I've Learned | Susan Winter. I hate dating. There. I've said it. Let's be clear about the mechanics of this concept. Dating is only a flirtatious first sniff of what may later be mounted. No more, no less. Dating is the required presentational stage for a possible future interlude. There's a great myth that's been hoisted upon all women that "dating" is fun, and as women we should like it. The dating experience is tedious on every level. I have a colleague who's a dating expert.
I'd long been criticized for never having "officially dated. " Firstly, let me define my usage of the word "dating. " I ate my way through every restaurant in Manhattan and spent far more time in Starbucks than any human who has their own WiFi. At the end of my social experiment, here's what I learned. In the midst of their parade of toys, men yearn to see our eyes dilate with interest. Is it possible to create a meaningful connection without the dog and pony show? Yes. Dating in today's world is more akin to an extreme sport. Woman Who Changed Self To Please Boyfriend Enjoying Happy Long-Term Relationship. SPOKANE, WA—Ten months after altering her interests, appearance, behavior, and opinions to please her boyfriend, Michael Gartner, local woman Gabrielle McMullen is now enjoying a happy, lasting relationship with her long-term partner, the cheerful 27-year-old told reporters Friday. “When I first started dating Michael, things were a little tense and uncomfortable because there were aspects of my personality that didn’t appeal to him, but once I suppressed my thoughts and feelings and completely changed who I am, everything got better,” McMullen said of her formerly flagging romance, which was blissfully revived the instant the quiet and introverted woman began forcing herself to attend loud parties, switched her typically understated dress in favor of more feminine and revealing clothing, and resolved to abandon her passion for activities and issues that held no interest for her boyfriend.
Get married at a sewage plant. Brightwater sewage plant in King County, WA is advertising its availability for weddings. Which sounds a bit weird until you see that it's actually a nice location (well, nice enough; I suppose it depends on how picky one is), and comes at less than half the cost of comparable facilities. So I'd definitely consider it if I were planning a wedding. Why not? However, some people, such as the wedding planner in the video, seem outraged at the mere thought of it. CommentsListed in chronological order. Is your marriage going down the toilet? Posted by Tyrusguy on 04/12/14 at 11:00 AM I'm envisioning a lot of brown colored dresses in the maid of honor and the others dresses. Instead of a blushing bride she would be a flushing bride.
Gotta stop on the puns at just one .. butt it's not easy. Posted by BrokeDad in Midwest US on 04/12/14 at 02:43 PM Of course the wedding planner is against it! I'd be willing to bet it has less sewage exposure than most places! Academics dream of electric sex workers. By Carmel DeAmicis On May 30, 2014 Sex robots are not as far away from reality as you might think. From butt clenching muscles to dancing humanoids, there’s enough developments in robotics, artificial intelligence, and human skin rendering that if put together, could make a fairly humanoid sexbot. None such bots exist yet, aside from clunky primitive ones like TrueCompanion’s Roxxxy, but that hasn’t stopped a group of British academics from furiously debating the future implications of the sex robot industry.
Yes, a group of stodgy, mostly British scholars is contemplating the future of sex, specifically how technology might transform it. Damn does that sound more exciting than “Theorizing Modern Capitalism: Controversies and Interpretations” which is the kind of crap I studied in college. Computer scientist David Levy in 2007 pioneered the discussion, with a book titled Love and Sex with Robots: The Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships. PD: What got you interested in sex robots? Man Sues Stripper 'Girlfriend' For Return Of Harry Potter DVDs. Long-Lost Honeymoon Photos From 1939 Will Take Your Breath Away. The bride did not wear white, there was no online registry, and guests certainly didn't use a wedding hashtag.
It was 1939; England was on the brink of World War II and Margaret and Denys Gardiner were simply in love. After their wedding, the giddy newlyweds drove around the English countryside for a few weeks before the world was catapulted into chaos. Their honeymoon photos, thought to be lost for the last 75 years, were recently found by the couple's grandson, Barney Britton, while cleaning out his grandmother's attic. They were shot in color -- a novelty at the time -- using 35mm Agfacolor film. The photos below tell the story of their honeymoon. Margaret and Denys were married at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Hampstead, London in April 1939. Credit: Barney Britton In August 1939, Margaret and Denys embarked on a road trip around England in their Morris Eight Convertible, along with their cat Edgar. Credit: Barney Britton Here the happy couple stops in the town of Shernbourne. Success.jpg (392×579) Chinese lesbian women in facade marriages. The lesbian women who have been interviewed by Elisabeth Engebretsen would like to be as normal as possible.
Marrying a gay man is one possible way of both satisfying the family and being able to live the life one wants to live. The picture is an illustration. (Photo: Colourbox) It’s a hot summer evening in 2005 and Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen is at the West Wing – a women’s bar – in Beijing. Engebretsen is an anthropologist. The women at West Wing sing karaoke, there is thick smog in the bar. Shuchun and her boyfriend plan to get married, since that is what is expected by them in order to satisfy parents and society. Another woman joins the conversation. More women join the conversation and they come to the conclusion that there are two factors which make it difficult to be openly gay in China: the political situation and the traditional Chinese view of women which forms the basis of the entire society: Women should get married and have children.
Women lose more Maintaining the façade. Explicit video of taxicab encounter made public as legal problems mount for drunken passenger. A video released this week of a taxicab encounter shows a flirty woman lift her skirt and make sexual advances on a driver, who for his part, politely rebuffs her. The restrained tenor between the two, at the end of a ride from the French Quarter to Lakeview, offers little hint of the legal troubles to come. In the three-minute video, both acknowledge they kissed. But the passenger, who later claimed she did not know she was being filmed, tries to keep the sexual momentum going, pulling on her underwear and lifting her dress, saying "Baby," and "Please.
" Meanwhile, the driver, who hit record on his cell phone, asks where he should drop her off and insists he is faithful to his girlfriend. After he drops her off, he curses her and indicates she made him sexually excited. The fallout from the video has been dramatic. As a result of Gaubert's claims, the cabbie, Hervey Farrell, spent 27 hours in Orleans Parish Prison. Only Gaubert and Farrell know what came before Farrell pressed record. Explicit Video Sparks Flurry Of Lawsuits, Legal Actions Between Cabbie And Lawyer (NSFW VIDEO) 'Collective Love' Website Is Here So You Never Have To Write A Hookup Ad Again. Every Date Should Include Commentary From Ian Darke. 8 Facts About the U.S. Sex Economy - Derek Thompson.
'Selfies' Are Spreading Lice, According to CNN. Andi Dorfman Just Exposed The True Reality Of 'The Bachelor' | Emma Gray. Too Many Women Don’t Have Fun In Bed. Maybe It’s Because Their Partners Never Took This Class? How romantic love can last a lifetime – Aaron Ben-Zeev. Smart bra only unlocks for true love. 10 Lies That Could Save Your Marriage.
How a Math Genius Hacked OkCupid to Find True Love - Wired Science. Doll-house Narratives. These Kids Finally Say What They Really Think About Mom. And Her Reaction? Priceless. “Her”: Romance with machines is closer than we think. Fulfill My Waffle House Fantasy. 9 Crazy Stories about People Being Unfriended on Facebook. (1) Answer to What does it mean when a girl smiles at you every time she sees you. Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare Is Losing A Child To Gorchul, The Dark Sorcerer Of Time. Chinese man fed up with his girlfriend's shopping jumps to his death. Annoying Airplane Passenger Thinks She's The Only One Who Celebrates Thanksgiving (PHOTOS, TWEETS) Snooping wife, emails sink Navy captain. Female Officer Acquitted For Sexual Relationship With Enlisted Female Because Honestly, It's Kind Of Hot. Cute Kid Note Of The Day: You Can Be My NEXT Boyfriend.
Etiquette Tip of the Month. Officials in Zurich call ‘sex box’ drive-in a success. Carrot Dating: Bribe your way to a date! The Scientifically Proven Way To Flirt. Man Didn't Expect Sex With Prostitute Would Be So Emotionally Fulfilling | Video. Michelle Obama Opens Up In ‘Marie Claire’: ‘Our Sex Life Has Never Been More Open, More Experimental, More Generous’ A Case Against the Defense of the Fade Out. 28k.jpg (540×720) 9 Things Introverts Do All The Time. Grandma Pretty Much Unmoved By Threat Of Not Seeing Grandchildren. We Love Charts: The Best Dating-Related Charts on The Internet | HowAboutWe - Date Report. A Child's Happiness. Chinese Newlyweds Wondering What They’re Going To Do With All This Medicinal Bear Bile. BREAKING: Lovers Lost In Fog. I love (and hate) dating Russian men.
The Strange World Of Sociopolitical Sex Fetishes. MeMarketing and The Worst "It Was Nice Meeting You" E-mail You Will Ever Read by Marc Ensign. Zoo Visitors Watch Mating Rituals Of Ice Cream Shop Staff. Kids Tired Of Hearing Boring Stories About How Father A Skilled, Generous Lover. What men look for in a woman's face. Eminem Terrified As Daughter Begins Dating Man Raised On His Music. Newly Commissioned Officer Gets First Salute From Stranger, Admits ‘Pretty Disappointing’ Illusion.jpg (720×494) Depression.jpg (433×587) Study: 80% Of Waking Hours Spent Plotting Revenge. LATEX LOVE: A NSFW JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF SEX DOLLS — SLIDEWAVE. Sinthetics — LATEX LOVE: A NSFW JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF SEX DOLLS. German soldiers react to concentration camp footage [PHOTO]. 12 Hilarious Breakups via Letter and Text. Dear Prudence: I’m too pretty for my fiance.
A Parade Of Goobers: 17 Actual People Presented To 'The Bachelorette' : Monkey See. Life’s Too Short To Get Hung Up On The Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Your Wife’s Death. How to Communicate Your Needs in a Relationship. Woman Sets Google Alert For Kevin Costner. Men Are The Best. Going Diaperless - The Colbert Report - 2013-08-05. When she wants sex more. Decorated War Hero, Airborne Ranger Emasculated By Wife At Local Mall. For Chinese Women, Marriage Depends On Right 'Bride Price' How One Hot New Device Helps Couples Drag Out Their Doomed Relationship That Extra Month Or Two | Video. Waters Tested As 12-Year-Old Says ‘Shit’ In Front Of Mom For First Time. Men may have natural aversion to adultery with friends' wives. The greatest risk to marriage is a woman who drinks too much.
Mom Calmly Emptying Dishwasher As If Shrieking Argument Didn’t Happen 10 Minutes Ago. God Worried He Fucked Up His Children. Spouses in arranged marriages are more generous. Internet Marriages on Rise in Some Immigrant Communities. Boyfriend Forced To Express Secondhand Outrage. Ben’s right: Marriage is work. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Fake Internet Girlfriend Site Connects You To The Imaginary Girl Of Your Dreams. UPDATE: Taylor Swift Back Together With Ex-Boyfriend Christopher Dorner. Girlfriend Just Wants To Have Low-Key, Laid-Back Valentine's Day Fight This Year. The Mating Game SCTV skit. New Science: You Can Have Limitless Love, If You Know Where to Look. The 10 Things We Learned About Love from Liz Lemon. Even Cupid Wants to Know Your Credit Score.