Accompagner, encourager et soutenir la relève féminine dans les HES des domaines santé et social. Brochure 1 les femmes dans lens sup. Brochure 2 les femmes et le marche du travail. La conciliation entre vie familiale et vie professionnelle stagne en Suisse. Pour les Suisses, les employeurs ne sont pas devenus plus favorables à la famille en 2019, selon une enquête de Pro Familia publiée mercredi.
La conciliation entre vie familiale et vie professionnelle stagne par rapport à l'an dernier. Jongler entre boulot et bébé n'est pas devenu plus simple en 2019. Ni plus compliqué. C'est ce qui ressort de l'enquête "Family Score" de Pro Familia, la faîtière des organisations familiales de Suisse. Considéré comme suffisant pour la première fois l'an dernier, le degré de conciliation entre travail et famille connaît une stagnation. Seule la possibilité de cumuler les heures supplémentaires pour pouvoir les compenser ultérieurement est considérée comme bien meilleure, selon cette enquête représentative menée en mars auprès de 750 employés du pays. Les autres offres proposées par les entreprises ne s'améliorent pas, d'après les employés sondés.
Un chemin encore long. Allez savoir! » Il y a beaucoup moins de femmes dans les élites en Suisse qu’en Europe. How Technology Companies Alienate Women During Recruitment. Reducing Gender Inequality at Work, One Small Step at a Time. At a time when many companies are feeling pressured to report on and reduce gender inequality within the workforce, a Stanford sociologist is finding success with a step-by-step method for eliminating the bias at the root of the problem.
In a recently published paper in Gender & Society, Shelley Correll, director of the Clayman Institute for Gender Research and a professor (by courtesy) of organizational behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business, explains the method, which she and her team piloted and found successful while working with several technology companies over the last three years. The method, which Correll dubs “a small-wins model,” focuses on educating managers and workers about bias; diagnosing where gender bias could enter their company’s hiring, promotion, or other evaluation practices; and working with the company’s leaders to develop tools that help reduce bias and inequality in measurable ways. Stanford VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab. See Bias | Block Bias Tool: Diagnosing Bias Research shows that stereotypes can introduce errors in managers’ decision making about talent throughout the employee lifecycle such as in hiring, evaluations of performance, assigning high visibility projects, and giving credit for contributing in groups.
UZH News - Gender Always Plays a Role. Tokyo Medical University lowered grades of women to limit number of female doctors. Implicit bias in academia full paper. British astrophysicist overlooked by Nobels wins $3m award for pulsar work. A British astrophysicist who was passed over for the Nobel prize for her discovery of exotic cosmic objects that light up the heavens has won the most lucrative award in modern science.
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, a visiting professor at Oxford University, was chosen by a panel of leading scientists to receive the $3m (£2.3m) special Breakthrough prize in fundamental physics for her landmark work on pulsars and a lifetime of inspiring leadership in the scientific community. She will be handed the award at a glittering Silicon Valley gala in November where previous winners have mingled, at times rather awkwardly, with celebrities such as Kate Beckinsale,, Cameron Diaz and Morgan Freeman. “I have to admit I was speechless,” Bell Burnell said about hearing she had won. “This had never entered my wildest dreams. I was totally taken aback.” “It was a very, very small signal. With the fresh signals in hand, Bell Burnell phoned her PhD supervisor, Antony Hewish. She was right. Promoting gender equality in theoretical physics. Publications. 28 May 2018 | Report Universities’ Strategies and Approaches towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Examples from across Europe Thomas Ekman Jørgensen, Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik The present edited volume is a contribution to a European exchange on the role of higher education in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and the responses of universities to related issues and challenges.
Promouvoir les sciences et les techniques auprès des femmes, promouvoir les femmes dans les sciences et les techniques. CSEP SYNTHESE. - Documents audiovisuels de l'Université de Genève. Establishing online mentorship for early career researchers: Lessons from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping International Mentoring Programme - Bielczyk - - European Journal of Neuroscience. Gender and Precarious Research Careers. The literature on gender and science shows that scientific careers continue to be characterised – albeit with important differences among countries – by strong gender discriminations, especially in more prestigious positions.
Much less investigated is the issue of which stage in the career such differences begin to show up. Gender and Precarious Research Careers aims to advance the debate on the process of precarisation in higher education and its gendered effects, and springs from a three-year research project across institutions in seven European countries: Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria.
Examining gender asymmetries in academic and research organisations, this insightful volume focuses particularly on early careers. It centres both on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Science and Humanities) fields. Marché du travail: Les femmes ont largement moins accès au travail - Société. Les femmes dans le monde ont très largement moins accès au marché du travail que les hommes.
Ce décalage atteint 26 points de pourcentage, selon un rapport publié jeudi à Genève par l'OIT. Moins d’un quart des patrons suisses sont des femmes.