For every married couple, one of the important aspirations is to beget a child through their relationship. This has been one of the reasons why marriage has been given an important social status from time immoral. The very purpose of marriage is to bring the two souls together and this is possible through rising one’s descendants. Therefore, before marriage between to eligible partners, horoscope match making is referred through a learnt and expert astrologer. In which, one of the aspects which is analysed is to see if there is any chance for a child birth in their relationship.
In fact, in many Indian communities, even today, if there is reasonable assurance for a happy married life, along with the promise of a child birth, after match making of the two birth charts of a prospective bride and groom, their marriage is solemnized. Further once the auspicious time nears for the couple to plan and raise their family, the learn and expert astrologer would advise them to consider the same.
When so much importance is given to astrology, then why not attach the same importance to know the child’s future with astrology? Some expert astrology call this as Child astrology, where they provide services right from match making of a prospective bride and groom, suggest timing for progeny, providing astrological guidance for the auspicious delivery of the new born and then preparing the child’s birth chat in the future date. Many a times these services are provided through online horoscope services by the learnt and expert astrologers.
How will this help in planning the future of one’s child?
As one would know would, In Hindu religion, the purpose of a native’s life has been enshrined in four pillars. These four pillars are Dharma, which means Duty, Artha which means Career, money and wealth, Kaama which is fulfilment of Desire, and Moksha which means liberation. Therefore, the path to the fourth pillar of one’s life cycle which is liberation, is to endure through the first three pillars.
Now, in the above example, the Dharma or the duty, is a responsibility which one and all are supposed to shoulder since their birth. With the help of knowing, one’s duty, the selection of academic excellence can be easily planned. For example: If a native is destined to become a doctor, he should be encouraged, to pursue learning of Medicine. This will give a purpose and meaning to the native’s life. After completion of the course, one can pursue a career accordingly.
Here again, with the advent of Liberation and modernization, one can earn through various means. If we consider the above example itself, one can practice independently or one can join a health care centre. Sometime, one can even get a reputed service in the Indian Medical counsel or every travel abroad for higher studies and finally settling there. This forms the purpose of Artha for that individual. Accordingly, the native can be advised to undertake their career choice.
Once the native is able to select the area of work that they are best suited for, this leads to a fulfilment of desire which is Kaama. Like, if the above native wants to undertake further studies and should plan to visit abroad for pursuing education, he would act and achieve accordingly.
All these secretes are embeded in the horoscope chart of that native. With this, the native completes the first three levels of their life.
So, does astrology decide the destiny alone?
In fact, many pose this question to an astrologer that, astrology alone decides everything? Is astrology that important to decide the destiny alone? For which the native should understand the following analogy.
One would agree, the first step to achieve a goal is planning. With proper planning, one is assured of success, by 50%. Now how about the remaining 50% of success? For this, the karma or the deeds of the individual is solely responsible. No doubt the remaining 50% is possible with dedication and proper execution of the planning. In fact, in this analogy, the first 50% which is planning is assisted by astrology. As the ancient science of astrology would work as the compass to reach the destination. Any deviation in this can lead to incomplete meaning to their life.
Again, in the age of uncertainty and high degree of competition, one is left with no other option but to take refuge under such divine science alone!
Is there any other way to know the child’s future?
Certainly, with the advancement of Science, one has the option to choose alternative methods to know the future of one’s child. However, none of the alternative method is as exhaustive and clear like astrology. Some of the alternative method is more like a social science and has many shades of grey. Unlike astrology which provides a clear answer to the native’s query. Hence, even today, many Indian family would like to know their child’s future through astrology.
To know more and to plan the future of an individual, readers can reach out to our learnt and expert astrologer at indian astrology. We at indian astrology believe to help the querent with maximum information and details about their child’s future. It has been our endeavour for over three decades to serve with utmost sincerity. Readers can reach out to our website at www.indianastrology.com or write to us at mail@futurepointindia.com for a one to one consultation with our team of expert astrologers.