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Future of mobility

How seven cities are inventing the future of transportation - Washington Post. 73 Mind-Blowing Implications of a Driverless Future. I originally wrote and published a version of this article in September 2016.

73 Mind-Blowing Implications of a Driverless Future

Since then, quite a bit has happened, further cementing my view that these changes are coming and that the implications will be even more substantial. I decided it was time to update this article with some additional ideas and a few changes. As I write this, Uber just announced that it just ordered 24,000 self-driving Volvos. Tesla just released an electric, long-haul tractor trailer with extraordinary technical specs (range, performance) and self-driving capabilities (UPS just preordered 125!). And, Tesla just announced what will probably be the quickest production car ever made — perhaps the fastest. 14 crazy design proposals for future transport.

Halo, the $330 million airship of the future. Oligarchs who have tired of their superyachts could instead spend future holidays on Halo, a proposed residential airship with a living area the size of four football pitches and an estimated cost of $330 million.

Halo, the $330 million airship of the future

The project has been conceived and tested by Andrew Winch Designs, a longstanding London-based studio that has contributed to the design and development of some of the world’s largest superyachts, private jets and homes and, though the outlandish renderings of Halo may appear fanciful, the firm claims the inaugural airship could be airborne within a decade of the first order. A 266ft-long prototype flew in 2013 and has received certification from America’s Federal Aviation Administration.

The Future of Flight – 10 ways new technology will change air travel. The Future of Flight. Guardian series on the future of transportation. Transport Futures. The Future of Transportation - CityLab. The Future of Transportation Is Not All Flying Cars What we've learned from our 9-month series on tomorrow's urban mobility.

The Future of Transportation - CityLab

What Old Transit Maps Can Teach Us About a City's Future An analysis of once-rejected, later-constructed routes in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Houston. A Complete Guide to the Future of U.S. Freight Movement The future holds more and more stuff to be transported—and infrastructure will have to change drastically to accommodate our appetites. Los Angeles Is Building an e-Highway The road would eliminate truck emissions, and is being tested in a corridor that connects the port to downtown. Its Streetcar Stalled, Kansas City Mulls the Best Way Forward Many cities face a similar challenge finding the money to expand a starter line. Seattle Wants to Change the Whole Conversation on Streetcars Unlike most new lines in U.S. cities, the Center City Connector would operate in its own exclusive lane. How San Francisco Is Designing Its Metro Train of the Future. Flying Green in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific, Climate Change, Environment, Featured, Headlines, TerraViva United Nations JAL747-400 bound for Tokyo leaves a contrail at dusk.

Flying Green in Bangladesh

Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 - New technology could be the answer to reducing negative climate impacts of aviation – one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gases. And a recent quantitative research at North South University (NSU) of Bangladesh has found that upgrading the existing navigation system will reduce fuel use, hence decreasing carbon emissions as well as costs. Combining 3 Vehicle Technologies Could Nearly Eliminate Auto Emissions. Imagine jumping into a self-driving car with two other commuters in the morning, the electric engine humming as you drive through smooth traffic and past empty parking lots, before arriving at work and paying a couple of dollars for the ride.

Combining 3 Vehicle Technologies Could Nearly Eliminate Auto Emissions

The auto industry and researchers say this utopian view of transportation is on the horizon, and it could cut nearly all of the carbon emissions from the transportation sector. Oslo, London, Amsterdam lead push for greener transport: study. Driver-less shuttle trial for Christchurch Airport. Last updated 14:13, October 4 2016 Christchurch Airport hopes to use autonomous vehicles to ferry passengers and baggage.

Driver-less shuttle trial for Christchurch Airport

Driver-less shuttles could soon be ferrying you and your luggage around Christchurch International Airport. Tests with the electric French Navya 15-person shuttle will start at the airport next year. The trial will take several years but if all goes well, the autonomous vehicles could be put to work carting people, bags and other goods around the airport. Christchurch Airport corporate affairs manager Michael Singleton said the expanse of tarmac and secure areas made the site an ideal location for the trial. "Before that could happen, we want to understand the infrastructure and operating requirements for these vehicles, to understand the human/technology interface and to build the safety case for autonomous vehicles on our campus. " Principe de fonctionnement d’Hyperloop. A bord de l’Hyperloop, un moyen de transport révolutionnaire.

700 mph in a tube: The Hyperloop experience. Un nouveau record de vitesse établi pour une capsule Hyperloop. La troisième édition de la SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition a encore été remportée par une capsule allemande, et un nouveau record a même été établi.

Un nouveau record de vitesse établi pour une capsule Hyperloop

En effet, les 400 km/h ont été dépassés pour la toute première fois ! Le développement du concept Hyperloop, présenté comme le mode de transport du futur atteignant des vitesses dépassant les 1000 km/h, se poursuit. Si les vitesses visées sont encore à l’état de projet, les raisons d’y croire se précisent. Le record de vitesse en place jusqu’à il y a peu était détenu par le système Virgin Hyperloop One avec une pointe à 387 km/h. Cependant, cette performance datant de la fin de l’année 2017 est finalement tombée ! Le 22 juillet 2018 a eu lieu la troisième édition de la SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition organisée par SpaceX. Parmi les 18 équipes en lice dans le concours, trois d’entre elles se sont retrouvées en finale.

Hyperloop : où en est l'implantation d'une piste d'essai à Limoges ? Limoges pourrait devenir un site de développement du projet Hyperloop dès l'année prochaine.

Hyperloop : où en est l'implantation d'une piste d'essai à Limoges ?

Elon Musk: Hyperloop test track planned by entrepreneur. Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Will Revolutionize Transportation, But That’s Only The Beginning Of The Change It’ll Bring. Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Will Revolutionize Transportation, But That’s Only The Beginning Of The Change It’ll Bring San Francisco to Los Angeles in 35 minutes flat—that was the dream of the Hyperloop.

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop Will Revolutionize Transportation, But That’s Only The Beginning Of The Change It’ll Bring

Back in 2013, Elon Musk introduced the world to this dream a 60 page white paper. The paper caused a stir. Elon Musk-backed Hyperloop might be free for commuters. Hyperloop Set To Fly With Their New Passive Maglev System. When it comes to transport, you are spoilt for choice these days. From being able to hop on a bus or train, to driving your own car or even calling a lift through a taxi app, the ways to get around are often decided more by habit than actual choice. One option that looks to change that is the Hyperloop, a mode of transport that will see a high-speed train fly through a tunnel at speeds which could make even flying seem slow.

Thanks to a new magnetic levitation (maglev) system, that dream is one step closer. The original design, as put forward by Elon Musk (the guy behind Tesla and SpaceX), saw the trains flying through the tunnel and being levitated by a compressed air system, the new technology would see this replaced by a series of magnets on the train. The magnets would be outlined in a Halbach array, an arrangement designed to focus the magnetic field in a single direction, avoiding and issues your phone or devices might have with a strong magnetic field. Hyperloop. Hyperloop pod competition. The Hyperloop pod competition is an incentive prize competition sponsored by SpaceX that is being held in 2015–2016 where a number of student and non-student teams are participating to design—and for some, build—a subscale prototype transport vehicle to demonstrate technical feasibility of various aspects of the Hyperloop concept. There are two judging phases in the 2016 competition: a design competition that was held in January 2016 and an on-track competition to be held later in 2016.

The competition is open to participants globally, although all judging will occur in the United States. HTT licenses safe, cheap Hyperloop levitation tech. In 2013, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk shared his idea for a blazing-fast and environment-friendly mode of transport: a train inside an airless tube, which he called Hyperloop. Several research teams and companies ran with Musk’s idea, and it looks like Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is leading the race. F**k it, we'll do it live! Our biggest ever edition of TNW Conference is fast approaching! Join 10,000 tech leaders this May in Amsterdam. Design Firm Aecom to Build Hyperloop Test Track for SpaceX. After initially unveiling his concept for a “fifth mode of transport” back in 2012 (i.e., the Hyperloop system), Elon Musk stayed relatively quiet while unaffiliated businesses and startups raced to develop the innovative tech.

That is, until now. According to a recent announcement, Musk’s aerospace manufacturer SpaceX has officially tasked the construction and design firm Aecom with building a Hyperloop test track just outside of its headquarters in Hawthorne, California. For those keeping track at home, that’s now three separate Hyperloop test tracks currently in development, with each tentatively scheduled to begin test operations in 2016. Based out of Los Angeles, California, Aecom is no stranger to the Hyperloop concept, having previously doled out funding to Hyperloop Transportation Technologies‘ own project. Artist rendition of the Hyperloop in San Francisco and Los Angeles.